671 B

  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. # Builds the docs for this repo. Open "target/docs/doc/README.html" in a browser to view them.
  3. # NOTE: This script must be run from the "./doc" subdirectory of the repo.
  4. # You can have cargo rebuild the rustdocs whenever the source code changes with:
  5. # cargo watch -s 'cargo doc --no-deps'
  6. set -e
  7. RUSTDOCFLAGS="--index-page $PWD/../ -Zunstable-options --markdown-css rustdoc/rust.css --markdown-no-toc"\
  8. cargo doc --no-deps
  9. cd ..
  10. rsync -ra --delete target/doc/ website/static/rustdoc/
  11. cp doc/rust.css website/static/rustdoc/
  12. cd doc/BlocktreeDce
  13. pdflatex BlocktreeDce.tex
  14. cp BlocktreeDce.pdf ../../website/static/
  15. cd ../../website
  16. rm -rf public/
  17. hugo