123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- extern crate proc_macro;
- use proc_macro::TokenStream;
- use quote::ToTokens;
- use syn::parse_macro_input;
- mod case_convert;
- mod error;
- mod generation;
- mod model;
- mod parsing;
- mod validation;
- use crate::{model::ProtocolModel, parsing::Protocol};
- macro_rules! unwrap_or_compile_err {
- ($result:expr) => {
- match $result {
- Ok(value) => value,
- Err(err) => return err.into_compile_error().into(),
- }
- };
- }
- /// Generates types for the actors participating in a messaging protocol.
- ///
- /// ## Usage Restrictions
- /// You must also ensure all message types referenced by the protocol are in scope.
- ///
- /// ## Grammar
- /// The grammar recognized by this macro is given below in the dialect of Extended Backus-Naur Form
- /// recognized by the `llgen` tool. The terminal symbols `Ident` and `LitInt` have the same meaning
- /// as they do in the [syn] crate.
- ///
- /// ```ebnf
- /// protocol : name_def ';' ( version_def ';')? ( actor_def ';' )+ ( transition ';' )+ ;
- /// name_def : "named" Ident ;
- /// version_def: "version" LitInt;
- /// actor_def : "let" Ident '=' ident_array ;
- /// ident_array : '[' Ident ( ',' Ident )* ','? ']' ;
- /// transition : state ( '?' message )? "->" states_list ( '>' dest_list )? ;
- /// state : Ident ident_array? ;
- /// states_list : state ( ',' state )* ','? ;
- /// dest_list : dest ( ',' dest )* ;
- /// dest : dest_state '!' message
- /// dest_state : ( "service" '(' Ident ')' ) | state ;
- /// message : Ident ( "::" "Reply" )? ident_array? ;
- /// ```
- #[proc_macro]
- pub fn protocol(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
- let input = parse_macro_input!(input as Protocol);
- let model = unwrap_or_compile_err!(ProtocolModel::new(input));
- unwrap_or_compile_err!(model.validate());
- model.to_token_stream().into()
- }