use super::*; use std::{ io::{Read, Write}, os::{ raw::c_char, unix::fs::PermissionsExt, }, ffi::CStr, path::Path, fs::{File, OpenOptions}, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, mem::size_of, }; use openssl::{ bn::BigNum, hash::Hasher, nid::Nid, }; use tss_esapi_sys::{ TSS2_RC, TPMT_TK_HASHCHECK, TPM2_HANDLE, TPM2_MAX_CAP_BUFFER, TPM2_CAP }; use tss_esapi::{ Context, constants::{ session_type::SessionType, response_code::Tss2ResponseCode, tss::{TPM2_RH_NULL, TPM2_PERSISTENT_FIRST}, CapabilityType, }, tcti_ldr::{TctiNameConf, TabrmdConfig}, interface_types::{ resource_handles::Hierarchy, algorithm::HashingAlgorithm, key_bits::RsaKeyBits, dynamic_handles::Persistent, }, structures::{ Digest, HashScheme, Public, PublicRsaParameters, SymmetricDefinition, SymmetricDefinitionObject, PublicKeyRsa, RsaScheme, RsaExponent, HashcheckTicket, Ticket, SignatureScheme, RsaDecryptionScheme, Data, CapabilityData, }, attributes::{ object::ObjectAttributes, }, handles::{KeyHandle, PersistentTpmHandle}, }; impl From for Error { fn from(err: tss_esapi::Error) -> Self { match err { tss_esapi::Error::WrapperError(err) => Error::custom(err), tss_esapi::Error::Tss2Error(err) => { let rc = err.tss2_rc(); let text = tss2_rc_decode(err); let string = format!("response code: {}, response text: {}", rc, text); Error::custom(string) } } } } impl From> for Error { fn from(error: std::sync::PoisonError) -> Self { Error::custom(error.to_string()) } } trait ContextExt { fn persistent_handles(&mut self) -> Result>; /// Returns the first free persistent handle available in the TPM. fn first_free_persistent(&mut self) -> Result { let mut handles = self.persistent_handles()?; let handle = handles.pop() .map_or_else( || PersistentTpmHandle::try_from(TPM2_PERSISTENT_FIRST), |v| PersistentTpmHandle::new(TPM2_HANDLE::from(v)+ 1)) .conv_err()?; Ok(Persistent::Persistent(handle)) } } impl ContextExt for Context { fn persistent_handles(&mut self) -> Result> { let capability= CapabilityType::Handles; let property = TPM2_PERSISTENT_FIRST; let max = usize::try_from(TPM2_MAX_CAP_BUFFER).unwrap(); let count = (max - size_of::() - size_of::()) / size_of::(); let property_count = u32::try_from(count).unwrap(); let mut all_handles = Vec::new(); loop { let (handles, more) = self.get_capability(capability, property, property_count) .unwrap(); let list = match handles { CapabilityData::Handles(list) => list.into_inner(), _ => panic!("Unexpected capability type returned by TPM: {:?}", handles), }; for handle in list { all_handles.push(PersistentTpmHandle::try_from(handle).conv_err()?); } if !more { break; } } Ok(all_handles) } } const COOKIE_LEN: usize = RSA_KEY_BYTES; struct Cookie([u8; COOKIE_LEN]); impl Cookie { fn random() -> Result { Ok(Cookie(rand_array()?)) } fn empty() -> Cookie { Cookie([0; COOKIE_LEN]) } fn load_or_init>(cookie_path: P) -> Result { let cookie = match OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&cookie_path) { Ok(mut file) => { Cookie::load(&mut file)? }, Err(error) => { if std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound != error.kind() { return Err(Error::from(error)); } let cookie = Cookie::random()?; let mut file = OpenOptions::new().write(true).create_new(true).open(&cookie_path) .conv_err()?; file)?; cookie } }; Ok(cookie) } fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] { self.0.as_slice() } fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] { self.0.as_mut_slice() } fn save(&self, to: &mut File) -> Result<()> { to.write_all(self.as_slice()).conv_err()?; // Only allow read access from the current user. let metadata = to.metadata().conv_err()?; let mut permissions = metadata.permissions(); permissions.set_mode(0o400); to.set_permissions(permissions).conv_err()?; Ok(()) } fn load(from: &mut File) -> Result { let mut cookie = Cookie::empty(); from.read_exact(cookie.as_mut_slice()).conv_err()?; Ok(cookie) } } pub(crate) struct TpmCredStore { context: Arc>, cookie: Cookie, } impl TpmCredStore { /// The public exponent to use for generated RSA keys. const RSA_EXPONENT: u32 = 65537; // 2**16 + 1 const RSA_KEY_BITS: RsaKeyBits = RsaKeyBits::Rsa3072; pub(crate) fn new>( mut context: Context, cookie_path: P ) -> Result { let cookie = Cookie::load_or_init(cookie_path)?; let session = context.start_auth_session( None, None, None, SessionType::Hmac, SymmetricDefinition::AES_256_CFB, HashingAlgorithm::Sha256, ) .conv_err()? .ok_or_else(|| Error::custom("Received invalid session handle"))?; context.set_sessions((Some(session), None, None)); let context = Arc::new(Mutex::new(context)); Ok(TpmCredStore { context, cookie }) } fn gen_node_creds(&self) -> Result { let template = { let object_attributes = ObjectAttributes::builder() .with_fixed_tpm(true) .with_fixed_parent(true) .with_sensitive_data_origin(true) .with_user_with_auth(true) .with_decrypt(true) .with_sign_encrypt(true) .with_restricted(false) .build() .conv_err()?; let name_hashing_algorithm = HashingAlgorithm::Sha256; let empty = [0u8; 0]; let auth_policy = Digest::try_from(empty.as_slice()).conv_err()?; let parameters = PublicRsaParameters::new( SymmetricDefinitionObject::Null, RsaScheme::Null, TpmCredStore::RSA_KEY_BITS, RsaExponent::try_from(TpmCredStore::RSA_EXPONENT).conv_err()?, ); let unique = PublicKeyRsa::try_from(self.cookie.as_slice()) .conv_err()?; Public::Rsa { object_attributes, name_hashing_algorithm, auth_policy, parameters, unique, } }; let result = { let mut context = self.context.lock().conv_err()?; context.create_primary( Hierarchy::Endorsement, template, None, None, None, None, ) .conv_err()? }; let public = AsymKeyPub::try_from(result.out_public)?; Ok(TpmCreds { public, handle: result.key_handle , context: self.context.clone() }) } } impl TryFrom for AsymKeyPub { type Error = Error; fn try_from(public: Public) -> Result { match public { Public::Rsa { parameters, unique, .. } => { let exponent_value = parameters.exponent().value(); let exponent = BigNum::from_u32(exponent_value).conv_err()?; let modulus = BigNum::from_slice(unique.as_slice()).conv_err()?; let rsa = Rsa::from_public_components(modulus, exponent).conv_err()?; let pkey = PKey::from_rsa(rsa).conv_err()?; Ok(AsymKeyPub { pkey, kind: AsymKeyKind::Rsa }) }, _ => Err(Error::custom("Unsupported key type returned by TPM")), } } } trait NidExt { fn sha3_256() -> Nid { Nid::from_raw(1097) } fn sha3_384() -> Nid { Nid::from_raw(1098) } fn sha3_512() -> Nid { Nid::from_raw(1099) } } impl NidExt for Nid {} trait MessageDigestExt { fn hash_algo(&self) -> Result; fn hash_scheme(&self) -> Result { Ok(HashScheme::new(self.hash_algo()?)) } } impl MessageDigestExt for MessageDigest { fn hash_algo(&self) -> Result { let nid = self.type_(); let algo = if Nid::SHA1 == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha1 } else if Nid::SHA256 == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha256 } else if Nid::SHA384 == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha384 } else if Nid::SHA512 == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha512 } else if Nid::sha3_256() == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha3_256 } else if Nid::sha3_384() == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha3_384 } else if Nid::sha3_512() == nid { HashingAlgorithm::Sha3_512 } else { return Err(Error::custom( format!("Unsupported hash algorithm with NID: {:?}", nid))); }; Ok(algo) } } trait HashcheckTicketExt { fn null() -> HashcheckTicket; } impl HashcheckTicketExt for HashcheckTicket { /// Returns the NULL Ticket of the hashcheck type, as defined in part 1 of the TPM spec, /// clause 4.47. fn null() -> HashcheckTicket { let tk = TPMT_TK_HASHCHECK { tag: HashcheckTicket::POSSIBLE_TAGS[0].into(), digest: Default::default(), hierarchy: TPM2_RH_NULL, }; HashcheckTicket::try_from(tk).unwrap() } } pub(crate) struct TpmCreds { public: AsymKeyPub, context: Arc>, handle: KeyHandle, } impl Owned for TpmCreds { fn owner_of_kind(&self, kind: HashKind) -> Principal { self.public.owner_of_kind(kind) } } impl Verifier for TpmCreds { fn verify<'a, I: Iterator>(&self, parts: I, signature: &[u8]) -> Result { self.public.verify(parts, signature) } } impl Encrypter for TpmCreds { fn encrypt(&self, slice: &[u8]) -> Result> { self.public.encrypt(slice) } } impl CredsPub for TpmCreds {} impl Signer for TpmCreds { fn sign<'a, I: Iterator>(&self, parts: I) -> Result { let msg_digest = self.public.digest(); let digest = { let mut hasher = Hasher::new(msg_digest).conv_err()?; for part in parts { hasher.update(part).conv_err()?; } let bytes = hasher.finish().conv_err()?; let slice: &[u8] = &bytes; Digest::try_from(slice).conv_err()? }; let validation = HashcheckTicket::null(); let scheme = SignatureScheme::RsaSsa { hash_scheme: msg_digest.hash_scheme()? }; let sig = { let mut context = self.context.lock().conv_err()?; context.sign(self.handle, digest, scheme, validation) .conv_err()? }; let buf = match sig { tss_esapi::structures::Signature::RsaSsa(inner) => { let mut buf = [0u8; RSA_KEY_BYTES]; let slice: &[u8] = inner.signature(); buf.as_mut_slice().write_all(slice).conv_err()?; buf }, _ => return Err(Error::custom(format!("Unexpected signature type: {:?}", sig))), }; Ok(Signature::Rsa(buf)) } } impl Decrypter for TpmCreds { fn decrypt(&self, slice: &[u8]) -> Result> { let cipher_text = PublicKeyRsa::try_from(slice).conv_err()?; let in_scheme = RsaDecryptionScheme::RsaEs; let empty = [0u8; 0]; let label = Data::try_from(empty.as_slice()).conv_err()?; let plain_text = { let mut lock = self.context.lock().conv_err()?; lock.rsa_decrypt(self.handle, cipher_text, in_scheme, label)? }; Ok(Vec::from(plain_text.value())) } } impl CredsPriv for TpmCreds {} impl Creds for TpmCreds { fn public(&self) -> &AsymKeyPub { &self.public } } trait TctiNameConfExt { fn default() -> TctiNameConf; } impl TctiNameConfExt for TctiNameConf { /// Returns a configuration which specifies that Tabrmd should be connected to using the system /// DBus. fn default() -> TctiNameConf { TctiNameConf::Tabrmd(TabrmdConfig::default()) } } #[link(name = "tss2-rc")] extern { fn Tss2_RC_Decode(rc: TSS2_RC) -> *const c_char; } /// Interface for types which can be converted to TSS2 response codes. trait HasResponseCode { /// Returns the TSS2 response code associated with this instance. fn tss2_rc(&self) -> TSS2_RC; } /// Returns the error message associated with the given TSS2 response code. fn tss2_rc_decode(err: E) -> &'static str { let c_str = unsafe { let ptr = Tss2_RC_Decode(err.tss2_rc()); CStr::from_ptr(ptr) }; // We're relying on Tss2_RC_Decode to return valid C strings. c_str.to_str().unwrap() } impl HasResponseCode for Tss2ResponseCode { fn tss2_rc(&self) -> TSS2_RC { match self { Tss2ResponseCode::Success => 0, Tss2ResponseCode::FormatZero(code) => code.0, Tss2ResponseCode::FormatOne(code) => code.0, } } } impl HasResponseCode for TSS2_RC { fn tss2_rc(&self) -> TSS2_RC { *self } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use tempdir::TempDir; use std::{ fs::File, }; use tss_esapi::{ interface_types::{ ecc::EccCurve, }, structures::{ EccPoint, EccScheme, KeyDerivationFunctionScheme, PublicEccParameters, } }; use ctor::ctor; trait TestContextExt { fn for_test() -> Result; } impl TestContextExt for Context { fn for_test() -> Result { let config = TabrmdConfig::from_str("bus_type=session").conv_err()?; Context::new(TctiNameConf::Tabrmd(config)).conv_err() } } #[ctor] fn ctor() { env_logger::init(); } /// Displays the message associated with a TSS2 return code. //#[test] fn print_error_message() { const RC: TSS2_RC = 0x00000101; let msg = tss2_rc_decode(RC); println!("{}", msg); } #[test] fn create_context() { let mut context = Context::for_test().unwrap(); context.self_test(true).unwrap(); } #[test] fn create_primary_key() { let mut context = Context::for_test().unwrap(); let public = { let object_attributes = ObjectAttributes::builder() .with_fixed_tpm(true) .with_fixed_parent(true) .with_sensitive_data_origin(true) .with_user_with_auth(true) .with_decrypt(false) .with_sign_encrypt(true) .with_restricted(false) .build() .expect("ObjectAttributesBuilder failed"); let name_hashing_algorithm = HashingAlgorithm::Sha256; let empty = [0u8; 0]; let auth_policy = Digest::try_from(empty.as_slice()).unwrap(); let parameters = PublicEccParameters::new( SymmetricDefinitionObject::Null, EccScheme::EcDsa(HashScheme::new(HashingAlgorithm::Sha256)), EccCurve::NistP256, KeyDerivationFunctionScheme::Null ); Public::Ecc { object_attributes, name_hashing_algorithm, auth_policy, parameters, unique: EccPoint::default(), } }; let session = context.start_auth_session( None, None, None, SessionType::Hmac, SymmetricDefinition::AES_256_CFB, HashingAlgorithm::Sha256, ) .conv_err() .expect("Failed to create session") .expect("Received invalid handle"); context.execute_with_session(Some(session), |ctx| { let primary = ctx.create_primary( Hierarchy::Null, public, None, None, None, None, ) .conv_err() .expect("create_primary failed") .key_handle; ctx.flush_context(primary.into()).expect("flush_context failed"); }); } /// Tests that a TPM Credential Store can be created when a cookie does not already exist. #[test] fn tpm_cred_store_new() -> Result<()> { let dir = TempDir::new("btnode").conv_err()?; let cookie_path = dir.path().join("cookie.bin"); let store = TpmCredStore::new(Context::for_test()?, &cookie_path)?; let cookie = File::open(&cookie_path).conv_err()?; let metadata = cookie.metadata().conv_err()?; let actual = metadata.permissions().mode(); // Assert that the cookie can only be read by its owner. assert_eq!(0o400, 0o777 & actual); drop(store); dir.close()?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn gen_creds() -> Result<()> { let dir = TempDir::new("btnode").conv_err()?; let cookie_path = dir.path().join("cookie.bin"); let store = TpmCredStore::new(Context::for_test()?, &cookie_path)?; store.gen_node_creds()?; Ok(()) } /// Displays the numeric identifiers used by the supported hash algorithms. fn show_nids() { fn show_nid(digest: MessageDigest) { let nid = digest.type_(); println!("{}: {:?}", nid.long_name().unwrap(), nid); } show_nid(MessageDigest::sha1()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha256()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha384()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha512()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha3_256()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha3_384()); show_nid(MessageDigest::sha3_512()); } /// Verifies that the NIDs returned by the supported hash algorithms are as expected. #[test] fn verify_expected_nids() { fn assert_eq(digest: MessageDigest, nid: Nid) { assert_eq!(digest.type_(), nid); } assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha1(), Nid::SHA1); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha256(), Nid::SHA256); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha384(), Nid::SHA384); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha512(), Nid::SHA512); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha3_256(), Nid::sha3_256()); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha3_384(), Nid::sha3_384()); assert_eq(MessageDigest::sha3_512(), Nid::sha3_512()); } fn test_store() -> Result { let dir = TempDir::new("btnode").conv_err()?; let cookie_path = dir.path().join("cookie.bin"); let store = TpmCredStore::new(Context::for_test()?, &cookie_path)?; dir.close()?; Ok(store) } #[test] fn tpm_sign_verify() -> Result<()> { let store = test_store()?; let handle = store.gen_node_creds()?; let data: [u8; 1024] = rand_array()?; let parts = [data.as_slice()]; let sig = handle.sign(parts.into_iter())?; assert!(handle.verify(parts.into_iter(), sig.as_slice())?); Ok(()) } #[test] fn tpm_encrypt_decrypt() -> Result<()> { let store = test_store()?; let handle = store.gen_node_creds()?; let expected: [u8; RSA_KEY_BYTES / 2] = rand_array()?; let ct = handle.encrypt(expected.as_slice())?; let actual = handle.decrypt(&ct)?; assert_eq!(expected.as_slice(), actual); Ok(()) } /// Tests that `HashcheckTicket::null` doesn't panic. #[test] fn hashcheck_null() { HashcheckTicket::null(); } /// Checks that the value of `TpmCredStore::RSA_KEY_BITS` matches the value of `RSA_KEY_BYTES`. #[test] fn rsa_key_bits_and_key_bytes_compatible() { let bytes = match TpmCredStore::RSA_KEY_BITS { RsaKeyBits::Rsa1024 => 128, RsaKeyBits::Rsa2048 => 256, RsaKeyBits::Rsa3072 => 384, RsaKeyBits::Rsa4096 => 512, }; assert_eq!(RSA_KEY_BYTES, bytes) } fn list_persistent_handles() { let mut context = Context::for_test().unwrap(); let all_handles = context.persistent_handles().unwrap(); for handle in all_handles.iter() { println!("{:?}", handle); } } }