// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use btfproto::{msg::*, server::FsProvider}; use btlib::{ bterr, collections::Bijection, error::DisplayErr, AuthzAttrs, BlockId, BlockMetaSecrets, BlockPath, Epoch, Result, }; use btserde::read_from; use core::{ffi::CStr, future::Future, time::Duration}; use fuse_backend_rs::{ abi::fuse_abi::{stat64, Attr, CreateIn}, api::filesystem::{ Context, DirEntry, Entry, FileSystem, FsOptions, OpenOptions, SetattrValid, ZeroCopyReader, ZeroCopyWriter, }, }; use log::{debug, error}; use std::{ io::{self, Result as IoResult}, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, }; use tokio::runtime::Handle; pub use private::FuseFs; mod private { use super::*; trait BlockMetaSecretsExt { fn attr(&self) -> Result; fn stat(&self) -> Result { self.attr().map(|e| e.into()) } } impl BlockMetaSecretsExt for BlockMetaSecrets { fn attr(&self) -> Result { Ok(Attr { ino: self.block_id.inode, size: self.size, atime: self.atime.value(), mtime: self.mtime.value(), ctime: self.ctime.value(), atimensec: 0, mtimensec: 0, ctimensec: 0, mode: self.mode, nlink: self.nlink, uid: self.uid, gid: self.gid, rdev: 0, blksize: self.sect_sz.try_into().map_err(|_| { bterr!("BlockMetaSecrets::sect_sz could not be converted to a u32") })?, blocks: self.sectors(), flags: 0, }) } } fn block_on(future: F) -> F::Output { Handle::current().block_on(future) } pub struct FuseFs

{ provider: P, path_by_luid: Bijection>, ruid_by_path: RwLock, u32>>, } impl


{ pub fn new(provider: P, fallback_path: Arc) -> Self { let proc_uid = unsafe { libc::geteuid() }; Self { provider, /// luid: Local UID path_by_luid: Bijection::new(proc_uid, fallback_path.clone()), // ruid: Remote UID ruid_by_path: RwLock::new(Bijection::new(fallback_path, 0)), } } fn path_from_luid(&self, luid: u32) -> &Arc { self.path_by_luid.value(&luid) } fn luid_from_ruid(&self, ruid: u32) -> Result { let guard = self.ruid_by_path.read().display_err()?; let path = guard.key(&ruid); Ok(*self.path_by_luid.key(path)) } fn convert_ruid(&self, mut attrs: BlockMetaSecrets) -> Result { attrs.uid = self.luid_from_ruid(attrs.uid)?; Ok(attrs) } fn fuse_entry(&self, attrs: btfproto::msg::Entry) -> Result { let btfproto::msg::Entry { attr, attr_timeout, entry_timeout, } = attrs; let attr = self.convert_ruid(attr)?; let BlockId { inode, generation } = attr.block_id; let attr = attr.stat()?; Ok(Entry { inode, generation, attr, attr_flags: 0, attr_timeout, entry_timeout, }) } } impl FuseFs

{ async fn load_authz_attrs( provider: &P, from: &Arc, path: &BlockPath, ) -> Result { let mut parent = SpecInodes::RootDir.into(); for component in path.components() { let msg = Lookup { parent, name: component, }; let LookupReply { inode, .. } = provider.lookup(from, msg).await?; parent = inode; } let msg = Open { inode: parent, flags: FlagValue::ReadOnly.into(), }; let OpenReply { handle, .. } = provider.open(from, msg).await?; let msg = Read { inode: parent, handle, offset: 0, size: u64::MAX, }; let guard = provider.read(from, msg).await?; let mut slice: &[u8] = &guard; read_from(&mut slice).map_err(|err| err.into()) } } unsafe impl Sync for FuseFs

{} impl FileSystem for FuseFs

{ type Inode = btfproto::Inode; type Handle = btfproto::Handle; fn init(&self, _capable: FsOptions) -> io::Result { log::debug!("init called"); let provider_ref = &self.provider; let default_path = self.path_by_luid.k2v().default(); let default_path_clone = default_path.clone(); let attrs = block_on(async move { Self::load_authz_attrs( provider_ref, &default_path_clone, default_path_clone.as_ref(), ) .await })?; let mut guard = self.ruid_by_path.write().display_err()?; guard.insert(default_path.clone(), attrs.uid); Ok(FsOptions::empty()) } fn lookup(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> IoResult { log::debug!("lookup called"); block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let name = name.to_str().display_err()?; let msg = Lookup { parent, name }; let entry = match self.provider.lookup(path, msg).await { Ok(LookupReply { entry, .. }) => entry, Err(err) => { return match err.downcast::() { Ok(err) => { debug!("lookup returned io::Error: {err}"); Err(err) } Err(err) => { debug!("lookup returned an unknown error: {err}"); Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err.to_string())) } } } }; let entry = self.fuse_entry(entry)?; Ok(entry) }) } fn forget(&self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, count: u64) { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Forget { inode, count }; if let Err(err) = self.provider.forget(path, msg).await { error!("error when sending the Forget message: {err}"); } }) } fn create( &self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr, args: CreateIn, ) -> IoResult<(Entry, Option, OpenOptions)> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let name = name.to_str().display_err()?; let msg = Create { parent, name, flags: Flags::new(args.flags as i32), mode: args.mode, umask: args.umask, }; let CreateReply { entry, handle, .. } = self.provider.create(path, msg).await?; let entry = self.fuse_entry(entry)?; Ok((entry, Some(handle), OpenOptions::empty())) }) } fn mkdir( &self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr, mode: u32, umask: u32, ) -> io::Result { let args = CreateIn { flags: FlagValue::Directory.value() as u32, mode, umask, fuse_flags: 0, }; let (entry, ..) = self.create(ctx, parent, name, args)?; Ok(entry) } fn open( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, flags: u32, _fuse_flags: u32, ) -> IoResult<(Option, OpenOptions)> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Open { inode, flags: Flags::new(flags as i32), }; let handle = match self.provider.open(path, msg).await { Ok(OpenReply { handle, .. }) => handle, Err(err) => { error!("FsProvider::open returned an error: {err}"); return Err(err.into()); } }; Ok((Some(handle), OpenOptions::empty())) }) } fn release( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, flags: u32, handle: Self::Handle, _flush: bool, _flock_release: bool, _lock_owner: Option, ) -> io::Result<()> { self.releasedir(ctx, inode, flags, handle) } fn opendir( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, flags: u32, ) -> IoResult<(Option, OpenOptions)> { let flags = flags | libc::O_DIRECTORY as u32; self.open(ctx, inode, flags, 0) } fn releasedir( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, _flags: u32, handle: Self::Handle, ) -> io::Result<()> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Close { inode, handle }; self.provider.close(path, msg).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn read( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Self::Handle, w: &mut dyn ZeroCopyWriter, size: u32, mut offset: u64, _lock_owner: Option, _flags: u32, ) -> IoResult { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let total_size: usize = size.try_into().display_err()?; let mut total_written = 0; while total_written < total_size { let msg = Read { inode, handle, offset, size: size as u64, }; let guard = self.provider.read(path, msg).await?; let slice: &[u8] = &guard; if slice.is_empty() { break; } w.write_all(&guard)?; total_written += slice.len(); let len: u64 = slice.len().try_into().display_err()?; offset += len; } Ok(total_written) }) } fn write( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Self::Handle, r: &mut dyn ZeroCopyReader, size: u32, offset: u64, _lock_owner: Option, _delayed_write: bool, _flags: u32, _fuse_flags: u32, ) -> IoResult { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let size: usize = size.try_into().display_err()?; // TODO: Eliminate this copying, or at least use a pool of buffers to avoid // allocating on every write. We could pass `r` to the provider if it were Send. let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(size); r.read_to_end(&mut buf)?; let msg = Write { inode, handle, offset, data: buf.as_slice(), }; let WriteReply { written, .. } = self.provider.write(path, msg).await?; Ok(written.try_into().display_err()?) }) } fn flush( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Self::Handle, _lock_owner: u64, ) -> io::Result<()> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Flush { inode, handle }; self.provider.flush(path, msg).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn readdir( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Self::Handle, size: u32, offset: u64, add_entry: &mut dyn FnMut(DirEntry) -> io::Result, ) -> io::Result<()> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = ReadDir { inode, handle, limit: 0, state: offset, }; let ReadDirReply { entries, .. } = self.provider.read_dir(path, msg).await?; let mut size: usize = size.try_into().display_err()?; for (index, (name, entry)) in entries.into_iter().enumerate() { // We do not expose non-standard directory entries via FUSE. if entry.kind() == libc::DT_UNKNOWN { continue; } let inode = entry.inode(); let offset = (index as u64) + 1; let dir_entry = DirEntry { ino: inode, offset, type_: entry.kind() as u32, name: name.as_bytes(), }; size = size.saturating_sub(add_entry(dir_entry)?); if size == 0 { break; } } Ok(()) }) } fn link( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, new_parent: Self::Inode, new_name: &CStr, ) -> io::Result { debug!("link called"); block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let name = new_name.to_str().display_err()?; let msg = Link { inode, new_parent, name, }; let LinkReply { entry, .. } = self.provider.link(path, msg).await?; let entry = self.fuse_entry(entry)?; Ok(entry) }) } fn unlink(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let name = name.to_str().display_err()?; let msg = Unlink { parent, name }; self.provider.unlink(path, msg).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn rmdir(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> { self.unlink(ctx, parent, name) } fn rename( &self, ctx: &Context, olddir: Self::Inode, oldname: &CStr, newdir: Self::Inode, newname: &CStr, _flags: u32, ) -> io::Result<()> { let Entry { inode, .. } = self.lookup(ctx, olddir, oldname)?; let result = (move || { self.link(ctx, inode, newdir, newname)?; self.unlink(ctx, olddir, oldname)?; Ok(()) })(); self.forget(ctx, inode, 1); result } fn getattr( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Option, ) -> IoResult<(stat64, Duration)> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = ReadMeta { inode, handle }; let ReadMetaReply { attrs, valid_for, .. } = self.provider.read_meta(path, msg).await?; let attrs = self.convert_ruid(attrs)?; let stat = attrs.stat()?; Ok((stat, valid_for)) }) } fn setattr( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, attr: stat64, handle: Option, valid: SetattrValid, ) -> IoResult<(stat64, Duration)> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let mut msg_attrs = Attrs::default(); let mut attrs_set = AttrsSet::none(); if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::MODE) { msg_attrs.mode = attr.st_mode; attrs_set |= AttrsSet::MODE; } if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::UID) { msg_attrs.uid = attr.st_uid; attrs_set |= AttrsSet::UID; } if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::GID) { msg_attrs.gid = attr.st_gid; attrs_set |= AttrsSet::GID; } if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::ATIME) { let atime: u64 = attr.st_atime.try_into().display_err()?; msg_attrs.atime = Epoch::from(atime); attrs_set |= AttrsSet::ATIME; } if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::MTIME) { let mtime: u64 = attr.st_mtime.try_into().display_err()?; msg_attrs.mtime = Epoch::from(mtime); attrs_set |= AttrsSet::MTIME; } if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::CTIME) { let ctime: u64 = attr.st_ctime.try_into().display_err()?; msg_attrs.ctime = Epoch::from(ctime); attrs_set |= AttrsSet::CTIME; } let msg = WriteMeta { inode, handle, attrs: msg_attrs, attrs_set, }; let WriteMetaReply { attrs, valid_for, .. } = self.provider.write_meta(path, msg).await?; Ok((attrs.stat()?, valid_for)) }) } fn fsync( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, _datasync: bool, handle: Self::Handle, ) -> IoResult<()> { block_on(async move { let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Flush { inode, handle }; self.provider.flush(path, msg).await?; Ok(()) }) } fn fsyncdir( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, datasync: bool, handle: Self::Handle, ) -> IoResult<()> { self.fsync(ctx, inode, datasync, handle) } fn fallocate( &self, ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, handle: Self::Handle, mode: u32, offset: u64, length: u64, ) -> IoResult<()> { block_on(async move { if mode != 0 { error!("a non-zero mode argument was given to async_fallocate: {mode}"); return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOTSUP)); } let path = self.path_from_luid(ctx.uid); let msg = Allocate { inode, handle, offset: Some(offset), size: length, }; self.provider.allocate(path, msg).await?; Ok(()) }) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use btfproto::Inode; use btfproto_tests::local_fs_tests::{ConcreteFs, LocalFsTest}; use fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::Context; use std::ffi::CString; use tempdir::TempDir; struct FuseFsTest { _dir: TempDir, fs: FuseFs, } impl FuseFsTest { async fn new_empty() -> Self { let case = LocalFsTest::new_empty().await; let from = case.from().to_owned(); let (dir, fs, ..) = case.into_parts(); let fs = FuseFs::new(fs, from); Self { _dir: dir, fs } } fn fs(&self) -> &FuseFs { &self.fs } fn ctx(&self) -> Context { Context { uid: 0, gid: 0, pid: 0, } } } #[tokio::test] async fn lookup_file_exists() { let case = FuseFsTest::new_empty().await; tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let fuse_fs = case.fs(); let root: Inode = SpecInodes::RootDir.into(); let ctx = case.ctx(); let name = CString::new("file.txt").unwrap(); let args = CreateIn { flags: libc::O_RDWR as u32, mode: 0o644, umask: 0, fuse_flags: 0, }; let (expected, ..) = fuse_fs.create(&ctx, root, &name, args).unwrap(); let actual = fuse_fs.lookup(&ctx, root, &name).unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected.inode, actual.inode); assert_eq!(expected.generation, actual.generation); assert_eq!(expected.attr, actual.attr); assert_eq!(expected.attr_flags, actual.attr_flags); assert_eq!(expected.attr_timeout, actual.attr_timeout); assert_eq!(expected.entry_timeout, actual.entry_timeout); }) .await .unwrap(); } #[tokio::test] async fn setattr() { macro_rules! check { ( $actual:ident, $entry:ident, $getattr_return:ident, $setattr_return:ident, $field:ident ) => { assert_ne!($actual.$field, $entry.attr.$field); assert_eq!($actual.$field, $setattr_return.$field); assert_eq!($actual.$field, $getattr_return.$field); }; } let case = FuseFsTest::new_empty().await; tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let fuse_fs = case.fs(); let root: Inode = SpecInodes::RootDir.into(); let ctx = case.ctx(); let name = CString::new("file.txt").unwrap(); let args = CreateIn { flags: libc::O_RDWR as u32, mode: 0o644, umask: 0, fuse_flags: 0, }; let (entry, handle, ..) = fuse_fs.create(&ctx, root, &name, args).unwrap(); let inode = entry.inode; let actual = { let mut actual = stat64::from(Attr::default()); actual.st_mode = 0o777; actual.st_atime = 21323; actual.st_mtime = 21290; actual.st_ctime = 119200; actual }; let valid = SetattrValid::MODE | SetattrValid::UID | SetattrValid::GID | SetattrValid::ATIME | SetattrValid::MTIME | SetattrValid::CTIME; let (setattr_return, ..) = fuse_fs.setattr(&ctx, inode, actual, handle, valid).unwrap(); let (getattr_return, ..) = fuse_fs.getattr(&ctx, inode, handle).unwrap(); check!(actual, entry, getattr_return, setattr_return, st_mode); check!(actual, entry, getattr_return, setattr_return, st_atime); check!(actual, entry, getattr_return, setattr_return, st_mtime); check!(actual, entry, getattr_return, setattr_return, st_ctime); }) .await .unwrap(); } }