@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+use btconfig::{get_setting, get_settings, ConfigBuilderExt, CredStoreCfg, CredStoreConsumer};
+use btlib::{
+ bterr,
+ crypto::{CredStore, Creds},
+ Decompose, Epoch, Principal, Principaled, RelBlockPath, Result, Writecap,
+use btserde::{read_from, write_to};
+use config::Config;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use std::{
+ fs::OpenOptions,
+ io::{BufReader, BufWriter, Cursor, Write},
+ path::PathBuf,
+ time::Duration,
+use termion::input::TermRead;
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+struct AppConfig {
+ /// The configuration for the [CredStore] to use.
+ credstore: CredStoreCfg,
+ /// The root password.
+ password: Option<String>,
+ /// The number of seconds after the UNIX epoch when the credentials expire.
+ writecapexpires: Option<u64>,
+ writecappath: Option<String>,
+ writecapissuee: Option<String>,
+ writecapsavepath: Option<PathBuf>,
+impl AppConfig {
+ fn new() -> Result<Self> {
+ const DEFAULT_VALID_FOR: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365;
+ let expires = Epoch::now() + Duration::from_secs(DEFAULT_VALID_FOR);
+ Ok(Config::builder()
+ .set_default("writecapexpires", expires.value().to_string().as_str())?
+ .btconfig()
+ .build()?
+ .try_deserialize()?)
+ }
+fn password_prompt(prompt: &str) -> Result<String> {
+ let mut stdout = std::io::stdout();
+ stdout.write_all(prompt.as_bytes())?;
+ stdout.flush()?;
+ let mut reader = BufReader::new(std::io::stdin());
+ let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::new());
+ let line = if let Some(line) = reader.read_passwd(&mut cursor)? {
+ line
+ } else {
+ return Err(bterr!("failed to read password"));
+ };
+ writeln!(stdout)?;
+ stdout.flush()?;
+ Ok(line)
+struct RootProvisionConsumer<'a> {
+ password: &'a str,
+ expires: Epoch,
+impl<'a> CredStoreConsumer for RootProvisionConsumer<'a> {
+ type Output = Result<()>;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ cred_store.provision_root(self.password, self.expires)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+fn gen_root_creds(config: AppConfig) -> Result<()> {
+ let password = if let Some(password) = config.password {
+ password
+ } else {
+ let password = password_prompt("Please enter a root password: ")?;
+ let password_confirm = password_prompt("Please confirm your entry: ")?;
+ if password != password_confirm {
+ return Err(bterr!("Error: entries do not match"));
+ }
+ password
+ };
+ let expires = get_setting!(config, writecapexpires);
+ config.credstore.consume(RootProvisionConsumer {
+ password: &password,
+ expires: Epoch::from_value(expires),
+ })?
+struct NodeProvisionConsumer;
+impl CredStoreConsumer for NodeProvisionConsumer {
+ type Output = Result<Principal>;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ let node_creds = cred_store.node_creds()?;
+ Ok(node_creds.principal())
+ }
+fn gen_node_creds(config: AppConfig) -> Result<()> {
+ let principal = config.credstore.consume(NodeProvisionConsumer)??;
+ println!("node principal: {}", principal);
+ Ok(())
+struct IssueWritecapConsumer<'a> {
+ password: &'a str,
+ issuee: Principal,
+ components: Vec<String>,
+ expires: Epoch,
+impl<'a> CredStoreConsumer for IssueWritecapConsumer<'a> {
+ type Output = Result<Writecap>;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ let root_creds = cred_store.root_creds(self.password)?;
+ root_creds.issue_writecap(self.issuee, self.components, self.expires)
+ }
+fn issue_node_writecap(config: AppConfig) -> Result<()> {
+ let password = if let Some(password) = config.password {
+ password
+ } else {
+ password_prompt("Please enter the root password: ")?
+ };
+ let (writecap_path, cred_path, issuee, expires) = get_settings!(
+ config,
+ writecapsavepath,
+ writecappath,
+ writecapissuee,
+ writecapexpires
+ );
+ let cred_components = RelBlockPath::try_from(cred_path.as_str())?;
+ let issuee = Principal::try_from(issuee.as_str())?;
+ let writecap = config.credstore.consume(IssueWritecapConsumer {
+ password: &password,
+ components: cred_components.into_inner(),
+ expires: Epoch::from_value(expires),
+ issuee,
+ })??;
+ let file = OpenOptions::new()
+ .write(true)
+ .create_new(true)
+ .open(writecap_path)?;
+ let mut writer = BufWriter::new(file);
+ write_to(&writecap, &mut writer)?;
+ Ok(())
+struct SaveNodeWritecapConsumer {
+ writecap: Writecap,
+impl CredStoreConsumer for SaveNodeWritecapConsumer {
+ type Output = Result<()>;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ let mut node_creds = cred_store.node_creds()?;
+ cred_store.assign_node_writecap(&mut node_creds, self.writecap)?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+fn save_node_writecap(config: AppConfig) -> Result<()> {
+ let writecap = {
+ let writecap_path = get_setting!(config, writecapsavepath);
+ let file = OpenOptions::new()
+ .read(true)
+ .write(false)
+ .create(false)
+ .open(writecap_path)?;
+ let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
+ read_from::<Writecap, _>(&mut reader)?
+ };
+ config
+ .credstore
+ .consume(SaveNodeWritecapConsumer { writecap })?
+fn run(command: &str, config: AppConfig) -> Result<()> {
+ match command {
+ "gen_root_creds" => gen_root_creds(config),
+ "gen_node_creds" => gen_node_creds(config),
+ "issue_node_writecap" => issue_node_writecap(config),
+ "save_node_writecap" => save_node_writecap(config),
+ _ => Err(bterr!("unrecognized command: {command}")),
+ }
+fn main() -> Result<()> {
+ let config = AppConfig::new()?;
+ let mut args = std::env::args().skip(1);
+ let command = args
+ .next()
+ .ok_or_else(|| bterr!("at least one command line argument expected"))?;
+ run(command.as_str(), config)
+mod tests {
+ use super::*;
+ use btlib::{crypto::CredsPriv, BlockError};
+ use tempdir::TempDir;
+ struct PrincipalConsumer;
+ impl CredStoreConsumer for PrincipalConsumer {
+ type Output = String;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ cred_store.node_creds().unwrap().principal().to_string()
+ }
+ }
+ struct NodeWritecapConsumer;
+ impl CredStoreConsumer for NodeWritecapConsumer {
+ type Output = Writecap;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ let node_creds = cred_store.node_creds().unwrap();
+ node_creds
+ .writecap()
+ .ok_or(BlockError::MissingWritecap)
+ .unwrap()
+ .clone()
+ }
+ }
+ struct RootWritecapConsumer<'a> {
+ password: &'a str,
+ }
+ impl<'a> CredStoreConsumer for RootWritecapConsumer<'a> {
+ type Output = Writecap;
+ fn consume<C: CredStore>(self, cred_store: C) -> Self::Output {
+ let root_creds = cred_store.root_creds(self.password).unwrap();
+ root_creds
+ .writecap()
+ .ok_or(BlockError::MissingWritecap)
+ .unwrap()
+ .clone()
+ }
+ }
+ /// Verifies that the provisioning workflow succeeds.
+ #[test]
+ fn workflow() {
+ let expires_expected = (Epoch::now() + Duration::from_secs(7200)).value();
+ let writecap_path = "home/gboole".to_string();
+ let password = "devalued".to_string();
+ let dir = TempDir::new("btprovision").unwrap();
+ let writecap_save_path = dir.path().join("writecap");
+ let root_store = CredStoreCfg::File {
+ path: dir.path().join("root_store"),
+ };
+ let node_store = CredStoreCfg::File {
+ path: dir.path().join("node_store"),
+ };
+ run(
+ "gen_root_creds",
+ AppConfig {
+ credstore: root_store.clone(),
+ password: Some(password.clone()),
+ writecapexpires: Some(expires_expected),
+ writecappath: None,
+ writecapissuee: None,
+ writecapsavepath: None,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // Verify that the root credentials in the root cred store have a valid writecap.
+ {
+ let consumer = RootWritecapConsumer {
+ password: &password,
+ };
+ let actual = root_store.clone().consume(consumer).unwrap();
+ actual.assert_valid_for(actual.path()).unwrap();
+ actual.assert_issued_to(&actual.root_principal()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expires_expected, actual.expires().value());
+ assert!(std::iter::empty::<&str>().eq(actual.path().components()));
+ }
+ run(
+ "gen_node_creds",
+ AppConfig {
+ credstore: node_store.clone(),
+ password: None,
+ writecapexpires: None,
+ writecappath: None,
+ writecapissuee: None,
+ writecapsavepath: None,
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let issued_to_expected = node_store.clone().consume(PrincipalConsumer).unwrap();
+ run(
+ "issue_node_writecap",
+ AppConfig {
+ credstore: root_store,
+ password: Some(password),
+ writecapexpires: Some(expires_expected),
+ writecappath: Some(writecap_path.clone()),
+ writecapissuee: Some(issued_to_expected.clone()),
+ writecapsavepath: Some(writecap_save_path.clone()),
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ run(
+ "save_node_writecap",
+ AppConfig {
+ credstore: node_store.clone(),
+ password: None,
+ writecapexpires: None,
+ writecappath: None,
+ writecapissuee: None,
+ writecapsavepath: Some(writecap_save_path),
+ },
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ // Verify that the node credentials in the node cred store have a valid writecap.
+ {
+ let actual = node_store.consume(NodeWritecapConsumer).unwrap();
+ actual.assert_valid_for(actual.path()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(issued_to_expected, actual.issued_to().to_string());
+ let actual_path = actual
+ .path()
+ .relative_to(&actual.root_block_path())
+ .unwrap();
+ let expected_path = RelBlockPath::try_from(writecap_path.as_str()).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(expected_path, actual_path);
+ assert_eq!(expires_expected, actual.expires().value());
+ }
+ }