@@ -86,13 +86,6 @@ which allows anyone to verify that their contents were written by an authorized
Encryption can be optionally applied to sectors,
with the system handling key management.
The cryptographic mechanisms used to implement these protections are described in section 3.
-To reduce load on the sector service, and to allow the system to scale to a larger number of users,
-a peer-to-peer distribution system is implemented in the filesystem service.
-This system allows filesystem actors to download sectors from other filesystem actors
-that have the sectors in their local cache.
-The threat of malicious actors serving bad sector data is mitigated by the strong integrity
-protections applied to sectors.
-By using peer-to-peer distribution, the system can serve as a content delivery network.
One of the design goals of Blocktree is to facilitate the creation of composable distributed
@@ -113,6 +106,8 @@ communication protocol.
Blocktree is implemented in the Rust programming language.
+It currently only supports running on Linux,
+though porting it to other Unix-like operating systems should be straight-forward.
Its source code is licensed under the Affero GNU Public License Version 3.
It can be downloaded at the project homepage at \url{https://blocktree.systems}.
Anyone interested in contributing to development is welcome to submit a pull request
@@ -541,11 +536,18 @@ they will be safe to communicate over any network.
This network encapsulation system could be used in other actors as well,
allowing a lightweight and secure VPN system to built.
+Any modern computer system must include a GUI,
+it is required by users.
+For this reason Blocktree includes a web-based GUI called \texttt{btconsole} that can
+monitor the system, provision runtimes, and configure access control.
+\texttt{btconsole} is itself implemented as an actor in the runtime,
+and so has access to the same facilities as any other actor.
-The responsibility for serving data in the system is shared between the filesystem and sector
+The responsibility for serving data in Blocktree is shared between the filesystem and sector
Most actors will access the filesystem through the filesystem service,
which provides a high-level interface that takes care of the cryptographic operations necessary to
@@ -600,6 +602,21 @@ The \texttt{SectorId} type is used to identify a sector.
+The sector service persists sectors in a directory in its local filesystem,
+with each sector is stored in a different file.
+The scheme used to name these files involves security considerations,
+and is described in the next section.
+When a sector is updated,
+a new local file is created with a different name containing the new contents.
+Rather than deleting the old sector file,
+it is overwritten by the creation of a hardlink to the new file,
+and the name that used to create the new file is unlinked.
+This method ensures that the sector file is updated in one atomic operation
+and is used by other Unix programs.
+The sector service also uses the local filesystem to persist the replicated log it uses for Raft.
+This file serves as a journal of sector operations.
Communication with the sector service is done by passing it messages of type \texttt{SectorMsg}.
@@ -747,19 +764,270 @@ then reading new sectors as soon as notifications are received.
These sectors can then be written into replica files in a different directory.
This ensures that the contents of the replicas will be updated in near real-time.
+Because of the strong integrity protection afforded to sectors,
+it is possible for peer-to-peer distribution of sector data to be done securely.
+Implementing this mechanism is planned as a future enhancement to the system.
+The idea is to base the design on bit torrent,
+where the sector service responsible for a file acts as a tracker for that file,
+and the file actors accessing the file communicate with one another directly using the information
+provided by the sector service.
+This could allow the system to scale to a much larger number of concurrent reads by reducing
+the load on the sector service.
+Being able to access the filesystem from actors allows a programmer to implement new applications
+using Blocktree,
+but there is an entire world of existing applications which only know how to access the local
+To allow these applications access to Blocktree,
+a FUSE daemon is included which allows a Blocktree directory to be mounted to a directory in the
+local filesystem.
+This daemon can directly access the sector files in a local directory,
+or it can connect over the network to filesystem or sector service provider.
+This FUSE daemon could be included in a system's initrd to allow it to mount its root filesystem
+from Blocktree,
+opening up many interesting possibilities for hosting machine images in Blocktree.
+A planned future enhancement is to develop a Blocktree filesystem driver which actually runs in
+kernel space.
+This would reduce the overhead associated with context switching from user space, to kernel space,
+and back to user space, for every filesystem interaction,
+making the system more practical to use for a root filesystem.
+This section describes the cryptographic mechanisms used to integrity and confidentiality protect
+These mechanisms are based on well-established cryptographic constructions.
+File integrity is protected by a digital signature over its metadata.
+The metadata contains the integrity field which contains the root node of a Merkle tree over
+the file's contents.
+This allows any sector in the file to be verified with a number of hash function invocations that
+is logarithmic in the size of the file.
+It also allows the sectors of a file to be verified in any order,
+enabling random access.
+The hash function used in the Merkle tree can be configured when the file is created.
+Currently, SHA-256 is the default, and SHA-512 is supported.
+A file's metadata also contains a certificate chain,
+and this chain is used to authenticate the signature over the metadata.
+In Blocktree, the certificate chain is referred to as a \emph{writecap}
+because it grants the capability to write to files.
+The certificates in a valid writecap are ordered by their paths,
+the initial certificate contains the longest path,
+the path in each subsequent certificate must be a prefix of the one preceding it,
+and the final certificate must be signed by the root principal.
+These rules ensure that there is a valid delegation of write authority at every
+link in the chain,
+and that the authority is ultimately derived from the root principal specified by the absolute path
+of the file.
+By including all the information necessary to verify the integrity of a file in its metadata,
+it is possible for a requestor who only knows the path of a file to verify that the contents of the
+file are authentic.
+Confidentiality protection of files is optional but when it is enabled,
+a file's sectors are individually encrypted using a symmetric cipher.
+The key to this cipher is randomly generated when a file is created.
+A different IV is generated for each sector by hashing the index of the sector with a
+randomly generated IV for the entire file.
+A file's key and IV are encrypted using the public keys of the principals to whom read access is
+to be allowed.
+The resulting ciphertext is referred to as a \emph{readcap}, as it grants the capability to read the
+These readcaps are stored in a table in the file's metadata.
+Each entry in the table is identified by a byte string that is derived from the public key of the
+principal who owns the entry's readcap.
+The byte string is computed by calculating an HMAC of the the principal's public key.
+The HMAC is keyed with a randomly generated salt that is stored in the file's metadata.
+An identifier for the hash function that was used in the HMAC is included in the byte string so
+that the HMAC can be recomputed later.
+When the filesystem service accesses the file,
+it recomputes the HMAC using the salt, its public key, and the hash function specified in each entry
+of the table.
+It can then identify the entry which contains its readcap,
+or that such an entry does not exist.
+This mechanism was designed to prevent offline correlation attacks on file metadata,
+as metadata is stored in plaintext in local filesystems.
+The file key and IV are also encrypted using the keys of the file's parents.
+Note that there may be multiple parents of a file because it may be hard linked to several
+Each of the resulting ciphertexts is stored in another table in the file's metadata.
+The entries in this table are identified by an HMAC of the parent's generation and inode numbers,
+where the HMAC is keyed using the file's salt.
+By encrypting a file's key and IV using the key and IV of its parents,
+it is possible to traverse a directly tree using only a single public key decryption.
+The file where this traversal begins must contain a readcap owned by the accessing principal,
+but all subsequent accesses can be performed by decrypting the key and IV of a child using the
+key and IV of a parent.
+Not only does this allow traversals to use more efficient symmetric key cryptography,
+but it also means that it suffices to grant a readcap on a single directory in order to grant
+access to the entire tree rooted at that directory.
+Because it is not possible to change the key used by a file after it is created,
+a file must be copied in order to rotate the key used to encrypt it.
+Similarly, revoking a readcap is accomplished by creating a copy of the file
+and adding all the readcaps from the original's metadata except for the one being revoked.
+While it is certainly possible to remove a readcap from the metadata table,
+this is not supported because the readcap holder may have used custom software to save the file's
+key and IV while it had access to them,
+so data written to the same file after revocation could potentially be decrypted by it.
+By forcing the user to create a new file,
+they are forced to re-encrypt the data using a fresh key and IV.
+From an attacker's perspective,
+not every file in your domain is equally interesting.
+They may be particularly interested in reading your root directory,
+or they may have identified the inode of a file containing kompromat.
+To make offline identification of which files sectors in the local filesystem belong to,
+an obfuscation mechanism is used.
+This works by generating a random salt for each generation of the sector service,
+and storing it in the generation's superblock.
+It is hashed along with the inode and the sector ID to produce the file name of the sector file
+in the local filesystem.
+These files are arranged into different subdirectories according to the value of the first two
+digits in the hex encoding of the resulting hash,
+the same way git organizes object files.
+This simple method makes it more difficult for an attacker to identify the files each sector belongs
+while still allowing the sector service efficient access.
+Processes need a way to securely store their credentials.
+They accomplish this by using a credential store,
+which is a type that implementor the trait \texttt{CredStore}.
+A credential store provides methods for using a process's credentials to encrypt, decrypt,
+sign, and verify data,
+but it does not allow them to be exported.
+A credential store also provides a method for generating new root credentials.
+Because root credentials represent the root of trust for an entire domain,
+it must be possible to securely back them up from one credential store to another.
+Root credentials can also be used to perform cryptographic operations without exporting them.
+A password is set when the root credentials are generated,
+and this same password must be provided to use, export, and import them.
+When root credentials are exported from a credential store they are confidentiality protected
+using multiple layers of encryption.
+The outer most layer is encryption by a symmetric key cipher whose key is derived from the
+a public key of the receiving credential store must also be provided when root credentials are
+This public key is used to perform the inner encryption of the root credentials,
+ensuring that only the intended credential store is able to import them.
+Currently there are two \texttt{CredStore} implementors in Blocktree,
+one which is used for testing and one which is more secure.
+The first is called \texttt{FileCredStore},
+and it uses a file in the local filesystem to store credentials.
+A symmetric cipher is used to protect the root credentials, if they are stored,
+but it relies on the security of the underlying filesystem to protect the process credentials.
+For this reason it is not recommended for production use.
+The other credential store is called \texttt{TpmCredStore},
+and it uses a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0 on the local machine to store credentials.
+The TPM is used to generate the process's credentials in such a way that they can never be
+exported from the TPM (this is a feature of TPM 2.0).
+A randomly generated cookie is needed to use these credentials.
+The cookie is stored in a file in the local filesystem which its permissions set to prevent
+others from accessing it.
+Thus this type also relies on the security of the local filesystem.
+But, an attacker would need to steal the TPM and this cookie in order to steal a process's
+The term provisioning is used in Blocktree to refer to the process of acquiring credentials.
+A command line tool call \texttt{btprovision} is provided for provisioning credential stores.
+This tool can be used to generate new process or root credentials, create a certificate request
+using them, issue a new certificate, and finally to import the new certificate chain.
+When setting up a new domain,
+\texttt{btprovision} can create a new sector storage directory in the local filesystem
+and write the new process's files to it.
+It is also capable of connecting to the filesystem service if it is already running.
+While manual provisioning is necessary to bootstrap a domain,
+an automatic method is needed to make this process more ergonomic.
+When a runtime starts it checks its configured credential store to find the certificate chain to
+use for authenticating to other runtimes.
+If no such chain is stored,
+the runtime can choose to request a certificate from the filesystem service.
+This is done by dispatching a message with \texttt{call} to the filesystem service without
+specifying a scope.
+Because the message specifies no path, there is no root directory to begin discovery at.
+So, the runtime resorts to using link-local discovery to find other runtimes.
+Once one is discovered,
+the runtime connects to it anonymously
+and sends it a certificate request.
+This request includes a copy of the runtime's public key and, optional, a path where the
+runtime would like to be located.
+This path is purely advisory,
+the filesystem service is free to place the runtime in any directory it sees fit.
+The filesystem service creates a new process file containing the public key and marks it as
+The reply to the runtime contains the path of the file created for it.
+The operators of the domain can then use the web GUI or \texttt{btprovision} to view the request
+and approve it at their discretion.
+Assuming an operator approves the request,
+it uses its credentials and the public key in the new process's file to issue a certificate
+and then stores it in the file.
+Authorization attributes (e.g. UID and GID) are also assigned to the process and written into its
+Note that a process's file is normally not writeable by the process itself,
+so as to prevent it from setting its own authorization attributes.
+Once these data have been written to the process file,
+the runtime can read them to retrieve its new certificate chain.
+It stores this chain in its credential store for later use.
+The runtime can avoid polling its file for changes if it subscribes to write notifications.
+The runtime must close the anonymous connections it made
+and reconnect using the new certificate chain.
+Once new connections are established,
+it can read and write files using the authorization attributes specified in its file.
+Note that this procedure only works when the runtime is on the same LAN as another runtime.
+The procedure for creating a new domain is straight-forward,
+and all the steps can be performed using \texttt{btprovision}.
+ \item Generate the root credentials for the new domain.
+ \item Generate the credentials for the first runtime.
+ \item Create a certificate request using the runtime credentials.
+ \item Approve the request using the root credentials.
+ \item Import the new certificate into the credential store of the first runtime.
+The first runtime is configured to host the sector and filesystem services,
+so that subsequent runtimes will have access to the filesystem.
+After that, additional runtime on the same LAN can be provisioned using the automatic process.
+To illustrate how these mechanisms can be used,
+consider a situation where two companies wish to partner to the development of a product.
+To facilitate their collaboration,
+they wish to have a way to securely exchange data with each other.
+One of the companies is selected to host the data
+and accepts the cost and responsibility of serving it.
+The host company creates a directory which will be used to store all of the data created during
+The other company will connect to the filesystem service in the host company's domain to access
+data in the shared directory.
+Each of the principals in the other company which wish to connect request to be credentialed in the
+shared directory.
+The hosting company manually reviews these requests and approves them,
+assigning each of the principals authorization attributes appropriate for its domain.
+This may involve issuing UID and GID values to each of the principals, or perhaps SELinux contexts.
+The actually set of attributes supported is determined by the \texttt{Authorization} type used by
+by the filesystem service in the host company's domain.
+Once the principals have their credentials,
+they can dispatch messages to the filesystem service using the shared directory as the scope and
+setting the rootward field to true.
+This allows actors authenticating with the credentials of these principals to perform all filesystem
+operations authorized by the hosting company.
+This situation gives the hosting company a lot of control over the data.
+If the other company wishes to protect its investment in the R\&D effort,
+it should subscribe to write events on the shared directory and the files in it so that it can
+copy new sectors out of the host company's domain as soon as they are written.
+Note that although it is not possible to directly subscribe to writes on the contents of a
+directory, by monitoring a directory for changes,
+one can begin monitoring files as soon as they are created.