@@ -1,2590 +0,0 @@
-use btserde::{read_from, write_to};
-use fuse_backend_rs::{
- abi::fuse_abi::{stat64, statvfs64, CreateIn},
- api::filesystem::{
- Context, DirEntry as FuseDirEntry, Entry, FileSystem, FsOptions, OpenOptions, SetattrValid,
- },
-use log::{debug, error, warn};
-use positioned_io::Size;
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use std::{
- collections::{
- hash_map::{self, HashMap},
- BTreeMap,
- },
- ffi::CStr,
- fmt::{Display, Formatter},
- fs::File,
- io::{self, Seek, SeekFrom, Write},
- path::{Path, PathBuf},
- sync::{
- atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering},
- Mutex, RwLock, RwLockWriteGuard,
- },
- time::Duration,
-use crate::{
- accessor::Accessor,
- bterr,
- crypto::{Creds, Decrypter, Signer},
- error::{BtErr, DisplayErr, IoErr},
- BlockAccessor, BlockError, BlockMeta, BlockOpenOptions, BlockPath, BlockReader, BlockRecord,
- BoxInIoErr, DirEntry, DirEntryKind, Directory, Epoch, FileBlock, FlushMeta, MetaAccess,
- MetaReader, Positioned, Principaled, ReadDual, Result, SeekFromExt, Split, TrySeek, WriteDual,
-pub use private::{Blocktree, ModeAuthorizer, SpecInodes};
-mod private {
- use super::*;
- type Inode = u64;
- type Handle = u64;
- #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
- pub enum Error {
- NotOpen(Inode),
- InvalidHandle { handle: u64, inode: u64 },
- NoHandlesAvailable(Inode),
- InodeNotFound(Inode),
- }
- impl Display for Error {
- fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
- match self {
- Error::NotOpen(inode) => write!(f, "inode {inode} is not open"),
- Error::InvalidHandle { handle, inode } => {
- write!(f, "invalid handle {handle} for inode {inode}")
- }
- Error::NoHandlesAvailable(inode) => {
- write!(f, "no handles are available for inode {inode}")
- }
- Error::InodeNotFound(inode) => write!(f, "inode {inode} could not be found"),
- }
- }
- }
- impl std::error::Error for Error {}
- #[repr(u64)]
- pub enum SpecInodes {
- RootDir = 1,
- Sb = 2,
- FirstFree = 11,
- }
- impl From<SpecInodes> for Inode {
- fn from(special: SpecInodes) -> Self {
- special as Inode
- }
- }
- #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
- #[repr(u32)] // This type needs to match `libc::mode_t`.
- /// The type of a file (regular, directory, etc).
- enum FileType {
- /// Directory.
- Dir = libc::S_IFDIR,
- /// Regular file.
- Reg = libc::S_IFREG,
- }
- impl FileType {
- /// Returns the underlying mode bits for this file type.
- fn value(self) -> libc::mode_t {
- self as libc::mode_t
- }
- /// Attempts to convert the given mode bits into a `FileType` enum value.
- fn from_value(value: libc::mode_t) -> Result<Self> {
- if (value & libc::S_IFDIR) != 0 {
- return Ok(FileType::Dir);
- }
- if (value & libc::S_IFREG) != 0 {
- return Ok(FileType::Reg);
- }
- Err(bterr!("unknown file type: 0o{value:0o}"))
- }
- fn dir_entry_kind(self) -> DirEntryKind {
- match self {
- Self::Dir => DirEntryKind::Directory,
- Self::Reg => DirEntryKind::File,
- }
- }
- }
- impl From<FileType> for libc::mode_t {
- fn from(file_type: FileType) -> Self {
- file_type.value()
- }
- }
- impl TryFrom<libc::mode_t> for FileType {
- type Error = crate::Error;
- fn try_from(value: libc::mode_t) -> Result<Self> {
- Self::from_value(value)
- }
- }
- impl From<FileType> for DirEntryKind {
- fn from(value: FileType) -> Self {
- value.dir_entry_kind()
- }
- }
- /// This type provides context for an authorization decision as to whether a given process will
- /// be allowed to access a block.
- pub struct AuthzContext<'a> {
- /// The user ID of the process being authorized.
- pub uid: u32,
- /// The group ID of the process being authorized.
- pub gid: u32,
- /// The process ID of the process being authorized.
- pub pid: libc::pid_t,
- /// A reference to the metadata of a block, the access to which is being authorized.
- pub meta: &'a BlockMeta,
- }
- impl<'a> AuthzContext<'a> {
- pub fn new(ctx: &Context, meta: &'a BlockMeta) -> AuthzContext<'a> {
- AuthzContext {
- uid: ctx.uid,
- gid: ctx.gid,
- pid: ctx.pid,
- meta,
- }
- }
- }
- /// A trait for types which can render authorization decisions.
- pub trait Authorizer {
- /// Returns [Ok] if read authorization is granted, and [Err] otherwise.
- fn can_read(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()>;
- /// Returns [Ok] if write authorization is granted, and [Err] otherwise.
- fn can_write(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()>;
- /// Returns [Ok] if execute authorization is granted, and [Err] otherwise.
- fn can_exec(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()>;
- }
- trait AuthorizerExt: Authorizer {
- fn read_allowed(&self, ctx: &Context, meta: &BlockMeta) -> io::Result<()> {
- Authorizer::can_read(self, &AuthzContext::new(ctx, meta))
- }
- fn write_allowed(&self, ctx: &Context, meta: &BlockMeta) -> io::Result<()> {
- Authorizer::can_write(self, &AuthzContext::new(ctx, meta))
- }
- fn exec_allowed(&self, ctx: &Context, meta: &BlockMeta) -> io::Result<()> {
- Authorizer::can_exec(self, &AuthzContext::new(ctx, meta))
- }
- }
- impl<T: Authorizer> AuthorizerExt for T {}
- /// A particularly simple authorizer that just looks at the mode bits in the block metadata
- /// to make authorization decisions.
- pub struct ModeAuthorizer {}
- impl ModeAuthorizer {
- fn authorize(mode: u32, mask: u32, denied_msg: &str) -> io::Result<()> {
- if (mode & mask) != 0 {
- Ok(())
- } else {
- Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, denied_msg))
- }
- }
- fn user_is_root(ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> bool {
- ctx.uid == 0
- }
- }
- impl Authorizer for ModeAuthorizer {
- fn can_read(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
- if Self::user_is_root(ctx) {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let secrets = ctx.meta.body.secrets()?;
- let mask = (libc::S_IRUSR * (secrets.uid == ctx.uid) as u32)
- | (libc::S_IRGRP * (secrets.gid == ctx.gid) as u32)
- | libc::S_IROTH;
- Self::authorize(secrets.mode, mask, "read access denied")
- }
- fn can_write(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
- if Self::user_is_root(ctx) {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let secrets = ctx.meta.body.secrets()?;
- let mask = (libc::S_IWUSR * (secrets.uid == ctx.uid) as u32)
- | (libc::S_IWGRP * (secrets.gid == ctx.gid) as u32)
- | libc::S_IWOTH;
- Self::authorize(secrets.mode, mask, "write access denied")
- }
- fn can_exec(&self, ctx: &AuthzContext<'_>) -> io::Result<()> {
- if Self::user_is_root(ctx) {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let secrets = ctx.meta.body.secrets()?;
- let mask = (libc::S_IXUSR * (secrets.uid == ctx.uid) as u32)
- | (libc::S_IXGRP * (secrets.gid == ctx.gid) as u32)
- | libc::S_IXOTH;
- Self::authorize(secrets.mode, mask, "exec access denied")
- }
- }
- enum HandleValue {
- File {
- accessor: Mutex<Option<Accessor<&'static [u8]>>>,
- },
- Directory {
- accessor: Mutex<Option<Accessor<&'static [u8]>>>,
- dir: Directory,
- },
- }
- impl HandleValue {
- fn new<T: Size>(accessor: Accessor<T>) -> HandleValue {
- let (accessor, ..) = accessor.split();
- HandleValue::File {
- accessor: Mutex::new(Some(accessor)),
- }
- }
- fn get_mutex(&self) -> &Mutex<Option<Accessor<&'static [u8]>>> {
- match self {
- Self::File { accessor, .. } => accessor,
- Self::Directory { accessor, .. } => accessor,
- }
- }
- fn take_accessor(&self) -> Result<Accessor<&'static [u8]>> {
- let mut guard = self.get_mutex().lock().display_err()?;
- guard
- .take()
- .ok_or_else(|| bterr!("reader has already been taken"))
- }
- fn use_accessor<T, F: FnOnce(Accessor<&'static [u8]>) -> (Accessor<&'static [u8]>, T)>(
- &self,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let mut guard = self.get_mutex().lock().display_err()?;
- let accessor = guard
- .take()
- .ok_or_else(|| bterr!("accessor has already been taken"))?;
- let (accessor, output) = cb(accessor);
- *guard = Some(accessor);
- Ok(output)
- }
- fn convert_to_dir<C: Signer + Principaled + Decrypter>(
- self,
- block: &mut FileBlock<C>,
- ) -> io::Result<HandleValue> {
- let accessor = self.take_accessor()?;
- let mut accessor = Accessor::combine(accessor, block);
- let dir = accessor.read_dir()?;
- let (accessor, ..) = accessor.split();
- Ok(HandleValue::Directory {
- dir,
- accessor: Mutex::new(Some(accessor)),
- })
- }
- fn directory(&self) -> io::Result<&Directory> {
- match self {
- Self::Directory { dir, .. } => Ok(dir),
- _ => Err(io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::Other,
- "handle is not for a directory",
- )),
- }
- }
- fn access_block<B: Size, T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<B>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- block: B,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.use_accessor(|accessor| {
- let mut accessor = Accessor::combine(accessor, block);
- let result = cb(&mut accessor);
- let (accessor, ..) = accessor.split();
- (accessor, result)
- })?
- }
- }
- struct InodeTableValue<C> {
- block: Accessor<FileBlock<C>>,
- handle_values: HashMap<Handle, HandleValue>,
- next_handle: Handle,
- lookup_count: u64,
- delete: bool,
- }
- impl<C: Signer + Principaled + Decrypter> InodeTableValue<C> {
- fn new(block: Accessor<FileBlock<C>>) -> InodeTableValue<C> {
- Self {
- block,
- handle_values: HashMap::new(),
- next_handle: 1,
- lookup_count: 1,
- delete: false,
- }
- }
- fn invalid_handle_err(handle: Handle) -> io::Error {
- io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("invalid handle {handle}"))
- }
- fn value(&self, handle: Handle) -> io::Result<&HandleValue> {
- self.handle_values
- .get(&handle)
- .ok_or_else(|| Self::invalid_handle_err(handle))
- }
- fn block(&self) -> &FileBlock<C> {
- self.block.get_ref()
- }
- fn block_mut(&mut self) -> &mut FileBlock<C> {
- self.block.get_mut()
- }
- fn convert_to_dir(&mut self, handle: Handle) -> io::Result<()> {
- let value = self
- .handle_values
- .remove(&handle)
- .ok_or_else(|| Self::invalid_handle_err(handle))?;
- let block = self.block_mut();
- let value = value.convert_to_dir(block)?;
- self.handle_values.insert(handle, value);
- Ok(())
- }
- fn access_block<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<&FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- handle: Handle,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let value = self.value(handle)?;
- let block = self.block();
- value.access_block(block, cb)
- }
- fn access_block_mut<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<&mut FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &mut self,
- handle: Handle,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let value = self
- .handle_values
- .get(&handle)
- .ok_or_else(|| Self::invalid_handle_err(handle))?;
- let inner = self.block.get_mut();
- value.access_block(inner, cb)
- }
- fn borrow_block<T, F: FnOnce(&Accessor<FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- cb(&self.block)
- }
- fn borrow_block_mut<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &mut self,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- cb(&mut self.block)
- }
- fn new_handle(&mut self) -> Result<Handle> {
- if self.handle_values.len() as u64 >= u64::MAX {
- return Err(bterr!("no handles are available"));
- }
- let mut handle_value = HandleValue::new(Accessor::new(self.block())?);
- loop {
- let handle = self.next_handle;
- self.next_handle = self.next_handle.wrapping_add(1);
- match self.handle_values.insert(handle, handle_value) {
- Some(prev) => {
- // We've wrapped around and this handle is already taken. Put the previous
- // value back and try again.
- handle_value = self.handle_values.insert(handle, prev).unwrap();
- }
- // We generated an unused handle. Return it.
- None => return Ok(handle),
- }
- }
- }
- fn forget_handle(&mut self, handle: Handle) {
- self.handle_values.remove(&handle);
- }
- /// Increments `lookup_count` by 1 and returns its current value.
- fn incr_lookup_count(&mut self) -> u64 {
- self.lookup_count += 1;
- self.lookup_count
- }
- /// Decrements `lookup_count` by `count` and returns its current value.
- fn decr_lookup_count(&mut self, count: u64) -> u64 {
- self.lookup_count -= count;
- self.lookup_count
- }
- }
- type InodeTable<C> = HashMap<Inode, RwLock<InodeTableValue<C>>>;
- type InodeTableEntry<'a, C> = hash_map::Entry<'a, Inode, RwLock<InodeTableValue<C>>>;
- /// Structure for metadata about a blocktree.
- #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
- struct Superblock {
- /// The generation number of the cluster this part of the blocktree is stored on.
- generation: u64,
- /// The next free inode available to the cluster.
- next_inode: u64,
- }
- /// Structure for managing the part of a blocktree which is stored in the local filesystem.
- pub struct Blocktree<C, A> {
- /// The path to the directory in the local filesystem where this blocktree is located.
- path: PathBuf,
- /// A map from inode numbers to their reference counts.
- inodes: RwLock<InodeTable<C>>,
- /// The next inode that will be assigned to a new block.
- next_inode: AtomicU64,
- /// The generation number of this filesystem. This is the same for every other server in
- /// the same cluster.
- generation: u64,
- /// The credentials this blocktree instance will use for all cryptographic operations.
- creds: C,
- authorizer: A,
- }
- impl<C: Creds + 'static, A> Blocktree<C, A> {
- /// Creates a new empty blocktree at the given path.
- pub fn new_empty(
- btdir: PathBuf,
- generation: u64,
- creds: C,
- authorizer: A,
- ) -> Result<Blocktree<C, A>> {
- let root_block_path = creds
- .writecap()
- .ok_or(BlockError::MissingWritecap)?
- .root_block_path();
- // Initialize the superblock.
- let mut sb_block = Self::open_block(
- &btdir,
- SpecInodes::Sb.into(),
- creds.clone(),
- root_block_path.to_owned(),
- )?;
- let sb = Superblock {
- generation,
- next_inode: SpecInodes::FirstFree.into(),
- };
- write_to(&sb, &mut sb_block)?;
- sb_block.mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.block_id.generation = generation;
- secrets.block_id.inode = SpecInodes::Sb.into();
- secrets.mode = FileType::Reg.value() | 0o666;
- secrets.uid = 0;
- secrets.gid = 0;
- secrets.nlink = 1;
- Ok(())
- })?;
- sb_block.flush()?;
- // Initialize the root directory.
- let mut root_block = Self::open_block(
- &btdir,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- creds.clone(),
- root_block_path,
- )?;
- write_to(&Directory::new(), &mut root_block)?;
- root_block.mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.block_id.generation = generation;
- secrets.block_id.inode = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- secrets.mode = FileType::Dir.value() | 0o777;
- secrets.uid = 0;
- secrets.gid = 0;
- secrets.nlink = 1;
- Ok(())
- })?;
- root_block.flush()?;
- Self::new(btdir, sb, sb_block, root_block, creds, authorizer)
- }
- /// Opens an existing blocktree stored at the given path.
- pub fn new_existing(btdir: PathBuf, creds: C, authorizer: A) -> Result<Blocktree<C, A>> {
- let root_block_path = creds
- .writecap()
- .ok_or(BlockError::MissingWritecap)?
- .root_block_path();
- let mut sb_block = Self::open_block(
- &btdir,
- SpecInodes::Sb.into(),
- creds.clone(),
- root_block_path.to_owned(),
- )?;
- let sb = read_from(&mut sb_block)?;
- let root_block = Self::open_block(
- &btdir,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- creds.clone(),
- root_block_path,
- )?;
- Self::new(btdir, sb, sb_block, root_block, creds, authorizer)
- }
- fn new(
- btdir: PathBuf,
- sb: Superblock,
- sb_block: Accessor<FileBlock<C>>,
- root_block: Accessor<FileBlock<C>>,
- creds: C,
- authorizer: A,
- ) -> Result<Blocktree<C, A>> {
- let mut inodes = HashMap::with_capacity(1);
- inodes.insert(
- SpecInodes::Sb.into(),
- RwLock::new(InodeTableValue::new(sb_block)),
- );
- inodes.insert(
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- RwLock::new(InodeTableValue::new(root_block)),
- );
- Ok(Blocktree {
- path: btdir,
- inodes: RwLock::new(inodes),
- next_inode: AtomicU64::new(sb.next_inode),
- generation: sb.generation,
- creds,
- authorizer,
- })
- }
- /// Returns the path to the file storing the given inode's data.
- fn block_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(parent: P, inode: Inode) -> PathBuf {
- let group = inode / 0xFF;
- let mut path = PathBuf::new();
- path.push(parent);
- path.push(format!("{group:02x}"));
- path.push(format!("{inode:x}.blk"));
- path
- }
- fn open_block<P: AsRef<Path>>(
- btdir: P,
- inode: Inode,
- creds: C,
- block_path: BlockPath,
- ) -> Result<Accessor<FileBlock<C>>> {
- let path = Self::block_path(&btdir, inode);
- let dir = path.ancestors().nth(1).unwrap();
- if let Err(err) = std::fs::create_dir(dir) {
- match err.kind() {
- io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => (),
- _ => return Err(err.into()),
- }
- }
- let file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
- .read(true)
- .write(true)
- .create(true)
- .open(path)?;
- Self::open_block_file(file, creds, block_path)
- }
- fn open_block_file(
- file: File,
- creds: C,
- block_path: BlockPath,
- ) -> Result<Accessor<FileBlock<C>>> {
- let block = BlockOpenOptions::new()
- .with_creds(creds)
- .with_compress(false)
- .with_encrypt(true)
- .with_inner(file)
- .with_block_path(block_path)
- .open()?;
- Ok(block)
- }
- /// Returns the [Err] variant containing the [io::Error] corresponding to [libc::ENOSYS].
- fn not_supported<T>() -> io::Result<T> {
- let err = io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOSYS);
- debug!("{err}");
- Err(err)
- }
- fn access_entry<T, F: FnOnce(InodeTableEntry<C>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let mut inodes = self.inodes.write().display_err()?;
- let entry = inodes.entry(inode);
- cb(entry)
- }
- fn access_value<T, F: FnOnce(&InodeTableValue<C>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let inodes = self.inodes.read().display_err()?;
- let guard = inodes
- .get(&inode)
- .ok_or_else(|| bterr!(Error::NotOpen(inode)))?
- .read()
- .display_err()?;
- cb(&guard)
- }
- fn access_value_mut<T, F: FnOnce(&mut InodeTableValue<C>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- let inodes = self.inodes.read().display_err()?;
- let mut guard = inodes
- .get(&inode)
- .ok_or_else(|| bterr!(Error::NotOpen(inode)))?
- .write()
- .display_err()?;
- cb(&mut guard)
- }
- fn access_block<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<&FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- handle: Handle,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_value(inode, |value| value.access_block(handle, cb))
- }
- fn access_block_mut<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<&mut FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- handle: Handle,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| value.access_block_mut(handle, cb))
- }
- fn borrow_block<T, F: FnOnce(&Accessor<FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_value(inode, |value| value.borrow_block(cb))
- }
- fn borrow_block_mut<T, F: FnOnce(&mut Accessor<FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| value.borrow_block_mut(cb))
- }
- fn take_handle_if_ok<
- T,
- F: FnOnce(Handle, &mut Accessor<&mut FileBlock<C>>) -> Result<T>,
- >(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| {
- let handle = value.new_handle()?;
- let result = value.access_block_mut(handle, |block| cb(handle, block));
- if result.is_err() {
- value.forget_handle(handle);
- }
- result
- })
- }
- fn open_value<T, F: FnOnce(&mut InodeTableValue<C>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- block_path: BlockPath,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.access_entry(inode, |entry| match entry {
- InodeTableEntry::Vacant(entry) => {
- let block =
- Self::open_block(&self.path, inode, self.creds.clone(), block_path)?;
- let mut value = InodeTableValue::new(block);
- let result = cb(&mut value);
- entry.insert(RwLock::new(value));
- result
- }
- InodeTableEntry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
- let value = entry.get_mut().get_mut().display_err()?;
- cb(value)
- }
- })
- }
- fn open_then_take_handle<T, F: FnOnce(Handle, &mut InodeTableValue<C>) -> Result<T>>(
- &self,
- inode: Inode,
- block_path: BlockPath,
- cb: F,
- ) -> Result<T> {
- self.open_value(inode, block_path, |value| {
- let handle = value.new_handle()?;
- cb(handle, value)
- })
- }
- fn inode_forget(
- &self,
- inodes: &mut RwLockWriteGuard<InodeTable<C>>,
- inode: Inode,
- count: u64,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- let lookup_count = {
- let inode_lock = match inodes.get_mut(&inode) {
- Some(inode_lock) => inode_lock,
- None => {
- warn!("an attempt was made to forget non-existent inode {inode}");
- return Ok(());
- }
- };
- let mut value = inode_lock.write().display_err()?;
- value.decr_lookup_count(count)
- };
- if 0 == lookup_count {
- let delete = inodes
- .remove(&inode)
- .unwrap()
- .into_inner()
- .display_err()?
- .delete;
- if delete {
- let path = Self::block_path(&self.path, inode);
- std::fs::remove_file(path)?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- /// Returns the next available inode and updates the superblock in one atomic operation.
- /// TODO: Obviously this strategy won't work when there are multiple servers in this
- /// generation.
- fn next_inode(&self) -> Result<Inode> {
- self.borrow_block_mut(SpecInodes::Sb.into(), |mut block| {
- // We don't need strict ordering because the lock on the inode table value is already
- // serializing access.
- let inode = self.next_inode.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
- let sb = Superblock {
- generation: self.generation,
- next_inode: inode + 1,
- };
- block.rewind()?;
- write_to(&sb, &mut block)?;
- Ok(inode)
- })
- }
- fn attr_timeout(&self) -> Duration {
- Duration::from_secs(5)
- }
- fn entry_timeout(&self) -> Duration {
- Duration::from_secs(5)
- }
- fn unsupported_flag<T>(flag: &str) -> io::Result<T> {
- Err(io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
- format!("unsupported flag: {flag}"),
- ))
- }
- fn fuse_entry(&self, inode: Inode, stat: stat64) -> Entry {
- Entry {
- generation: self.generation,
- inode,
- attr: stat,
- attr_flags: 0,
- attr_timeout: self.attr_timeout(),
- entry_timeout: self.entry_timeout(),
- }
- }
- }
- unsafe impl<C: Sync, A: Sync> Sync for Blocktree<C, A> {}
- impl<C: Creds + Clone + 'static, A: Authorizer> FileSystem for Blocktree<C, A> {
- type Inode = Inode;
- type Handle = u64;
- fn init(&self, _capable: FsOptions) -> io::Result<FsOptions> {
- debug!("Blocktree::init called");
- Ok(FsOptions::empty())
- }
- fn destroy(&self) {
- debug!("Blocktree::destroy called");
- }
- fn lookup(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<Entry> {
- debug!("Blocktree::lookup, parent {parent}, {:?}", name);
- let name = name.to_str().box_err()?;
- let (dir, block_path) = match self.borrow_block_mut(parent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.exec_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let dir = block.read_dir()?;
- let path = block.meta_body().path.to_owned();
- Ok((dir, path))
- }) {
- Ok(pair) => pair,
- Err(err) => {
- error!("Blocktree::lookup failed to borrow inode {parent}: {err}");
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- };
- let entry = dir
- .entries
- .get(name)
- .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOENT))?;
- let inode = entry.inode().ok_or_else(|| {
- io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Unsupported, "can't lookup server entry")
- })?;
- let stat = match self.open_value(inode, block_path, |value| {
- let stat = value.block.meta_body().secrets()?.stat()?;
- value.incr_lookup_count();
- Ok(stat)
- }) {
- Ok(stat) => stat,
- Err(err) => {
- error!("Blocktree::lookup failed to read stats for '{name}': {err}");
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- };
- Ok(self.fuse_entry(inode, stat))
- }
- fn open(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- flags: u32,
- // This is the second field of the `fuse_open_in` struct, which is currently unused
- // by the kernel. (https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man4/fuse.4.html)
- fuse_flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<(Option<Self::Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
- debug!("Blocktree::open, inode {inode}, flags {flags}, fuse_flags {fuse_flags}");
- let flags: i32 = flags.try_into().box_err()?;
- if flags & libc::O_APPEND != 0 {
- return Self::unsupported_flag("O_APPEND");
- }
- if flags & libc::O_CLOEXEC != 0 {
- return Self::unsupported_flag("O_CLOEXEC");
- }
- if flags & libc::O_DIRECTORY != 0 {
- return Self::unsupported_flag("O_DIRECTORY");
- }
- let handle = self.take_handle_if_ok(inode, |handle, block| {
- let ctx = AuthzContext::new(ctx, block.meta());
- if flags == libc::O_RDONLY || (flags & libc::O_RDWR) != 0 {
- self.authorizer.can_read(&ctx)?;
- }
- let write_mask = libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_RDWR;
- if write_mask & flags != 0 {
- self.authorizer.can_write(&ctx)?;
- }
- Ok(handle)
- })?;
- Ok((Some(handle), OpenOptions::empty()))
- }
- fn release(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _flags: u32,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- flush: bool,
- _flock_release: bool,
- _lock_owner: Option<u64>,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::release, inode {inode}, handle {handle}, flush {flush}");
- self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| {
- if flush {
- value.access_block_mut(handle, |block| block.flush().bterr())?;
- }
- value.forget_handle(handle);
- Ok(())
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn opendir(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<(Option<Self::Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
- debug!("Blocktree::opendir, inode {inode}");
- let handle = self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| {
- self.authorizer.exec_allowed(ctx, value.block().meta())?;
- let handle = value.new_handle()?;
- value.convert_to_dir(handle)?;
- Ok(handle)
- })?;
- debug!("Blockree::opendir, returning handle {handle}");
- Ok((Some(handle), OpenOptions::empty()))
- }
- fn releasedir(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _flags: u32,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::releasedir, inode {inode}, handle {handle}");
- self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| {
- value.forget_handle(handle);
- Ok(())
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn create(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- parent: Self::Inode,
- name: &CStr,
- args: CreateIn,
- ) -> std::io::Result<(Entry, Option<Self::Handle>, OpenOptions)> {
- debug!("Blocktree::create, parent {parent}, name {:?}", name);
- let name = name.to_str().box_err()?.to_owned();
- // Reserve a free inode.
- let inode = self.next_inode()?;
- // Add a directory entry to the parent for the new inode.
- let mut block_path = self.borrow_block_mut(parent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let mut dir = block.read_dir()?;
- dir.add_file(name.clone(), inode)?;
- block.write_dir(&dir)?;
- Ok(block.meta_body().path.clone())
- })?;
- block_path.push_component(name);
- let (handle, stat) =
- self.open_then_take_handle(inode, block_path, |handle, value| {
- value.block_mut().mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.block_id.generation = self.generation;
- secrets.block_id.inode = inode;
- secrets.mode = args.mode & !args.umask;
- secrets.uid = ctx.uid;
- secrets.gid = ctx.gid;
- let now = Epoch::now();
- secrets.atime = now;
- secrets.ctime = now;
- secrets.mtime = now;
- secrets.nlink = 1;
- Ok((handle, secrets.stat()?))
- })
- })?;
- Ok((
- self.fuse_entry(inode, stat),
- Some(handle),
- OpenOptions::empty(),
- ))
- }
- fn write(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- r: &mut dyn fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::ZeroCopyReader,
- size: u32,
- offset: u64,
- _lock_owner: Option<u64>,
- _delayed_write: bool,
- // `flags` and `fuse_flags` are the arguments that were passed to `open` when this
- // handle was returned.
- flags: u32,
- _fuse_flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<usize> {
- debug!("Blocktree::write, inode {inode}, handle {handle}, offset {offset}, size {size}, flags {flags}");
- if flags as libc::c_int == libc::O_RDONLY {
- return Err(io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
- "file is readonly",
- ));
- }
- let size: usize = size.try_into().box_err()?;
- self.access_block_mut(inode, handle, |block| {
- let pos = block.pos() as u64;
- if offset != pos {
- block.seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset))?;
- }
- block.write_from(r, size).bterr()
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn flush(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- _lock_owner: u64,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::flush, inode {inode}, handle {handle}");
- self.access_block_mut(inode, handle, |block| block.flush().bterr())
- .io_err()
- }
- fn read(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- mut w: &mut dyn fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::ZeroCopyWriter,
- size: u32,
- offset: u64,
- _lock_owner: Option<u64>,
- flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<usize> {
- debug!("Blocktree::read, inode {inode}, handle {handle}, offset {offset}, size {size}, flags {flags}");
- if (flags as libc::c_int & libc::O_WRONLY) != 0 {
- return Err(io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied,
- "file is write only",
- ));
- }
- let size: usize = size.try_into().box_err()?;
- let read = self
- .access_block(inode, handle, |block| {
- let pos = block.pos() as u64;
- if offset != pos {
- if let Err(err) = block.try_seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset)) {
- // An error with `ErrorKind::Unsupported` means that the `SectoredBuf`
- // has unflushed data and it needs exclusive access to the block to
- // perform this seek because this data needs to be written.
- if let io::ErrorKind::Unsupported = err.kind() {
- return Ok(None);
- } else {
- return Err(err.into());
- }
- }
- }
- let read = block.read_into(&mut w, size).bterr()?;
- Ok(Some(read))
- })
- .io_err()?;
- let read = match read {
- Some(read) => read,
- None => {
- // The offset of this read requires us to flush data buffered from a previous
- // write before seeking to a different sector, so we have to access the block
- // mutably.
- self.access_block_mut(inode, handle, |block| {
- block.seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset))?;
- block.read_into(w, size).bterr()
- })?
- }
- };
- Ok(read)
- }
- fn readdir(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- size: u32,
- offset: u64,
- add_entry: &mut dyn FnMut(
- fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::DirEntry,
- ) -> io::Result<usize>,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!(
- "Blocktree::readdir, inode {inode}, handle {handle}, size {size}, offset {offset}"
- );
- let mut size: usize = size.try_into().box_err()?;
- self.access_value(inode, |value| {
- let dir = value
- .value(handle)
- .map_err(|_| bterr!(Error::InvalidHandle { handle, inode }))?
- .directory()?;
- let mut index: u64 = 0;
- for (name, entry) in dir.entries() {
- index += 1;
- if index <= offset {
- continue;
- }
- let inode = match entry.inode() {
- Some(inode) => inode,
- None => continue,
- };
- let dir_entry = FuseDirEntry {
- ino: inode,
- offset: index,
- type_: entry.kind() as u32,
- name: name.as_bytes(),
- };
- size = size.saturating_sub(add_entry(dir_entry)?);
- if size == 0 {
- break;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn getattr(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Option<Self::Handle>,
- ) -> io::Result<(stat64, Duration)> {
- debug!("Blocktree::getattr, inode {inode}, handle {:?}", handle);
- let stat = if let Some(handle) = handle {
- self.access_block(inode, handle, |block| block.meta_body().secrets()?.stat())?
- } else {
- self.borrow_block(inode, |block| block.meta_body().secrets()?.stat())?
- };
- Ok((stat, self.attr_timeout()))
- }
- fn forget(&self, _ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, count: u64) {
- debug!("Blocktree::forget, inode {inode}, count {count}");
- let mut inodes = match self.inodes.write() {
- Ok(inodes) => inodes,
- Err(err) => {
- error!("failed to take inode table lock: {err}");
- return;
- }
- };
- if let Err(err) = self.inode_forget(&mut inodes, inode, count) {
- error!("Blocktree::forget failed for inode {inode}: {err}");
- }
- }
- fn batch_forget(&self, _ctx: &Context, requests: Vec<(Self::Inode, u64)>) {
- debug!("Blocktree::batch_forget called");
- let mut inodes = match self.inodes.write() {
- Ok(inodes) => inodes,
- Err(err) => {
- error!("failed to take inode table lock: {err}");
- return;
- }
- };
- for (inode, count) in requests {
- if let Err(err) = self.inode_forget(&mut inodes, inode, count) {
- error!("failed to forget inode {inode}: {err}");
- }
- }
- }
- /// Seek the given handle to a new location.
- /// lseek requires exclusive access to the inode because it may need to write buffered
- /// data before it can move the handle to a new position.
- fn lseek(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- handle: Self::Handle,
- offset: u64,
- whence: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<u64> {
- debug!("Blocktree::lseek, inode {inode}, handle {handle}, offset {offset}, whence {whence}");
- let seek_from = SeekFrom::whence_offset(whence, offset)?;
- self.access_block_mut(inode, handle, |block| block.seek(seek_from).bterr())
- .io_err()
- }
- fn unlink(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::unlink, parent {parent}, name {:?}", name);
- let name = name.to_str().box_err()?;
- let (block_path, inode) = self.borrow_block_mut(parent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let mut dir = block.read_dir()?;
- let entry = match dir.entries.remove(name) {
- None => return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOENT).into()),
- Some(entry) => entry,
- };
- let inode = entry.inode().ok_or_else(|| {
- io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::Other,
- "no inode associated with the given name",
- )
- })?;
- block.write_dir(&dir)?;
- let mut block_path = block.meta_body().path.clone();
- block_path.push_component(name.to_owned());
- Ok((block_path, inode))
- })?;
- self.open_value(inode, block_path, |value| {
- // We mark the block for deletion if `nlink` drops to zero.
- let block = value.block_mut();
- let nlink = block.mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.nlink -= 1;
- Ok(secrets.nlink)
- })?;
- block.flush_meta()?;
- value.delete = 0 == nlink;
- Ok(())
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn link(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- newparent: Self::Inode,
- newname: &CStr,
- ) -> io::Result<Entry> {
- debug!(
- "Blocktree::link, inode {inode}, newparent {newparent}, newname {:?}",
- newname
- );
- let newname = newname.to_str().box_err()?;
- self.borrow_block_mut(newparent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let mut dir = block.read_dir()?;
- if dir.entries.contains_key(newname) {
- return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EEXIST).into());
- }
- let (file_type, stat) = self.access_value_mut(inode, |value| {
- let block = value.block_mut();
- let meta = block.mut_meta_body();
- let (mode, stat) = meta.access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.nlink += 1;
- Ok((secrets.mode, secrets.stat()?))
- })?;
- let file_type = FileType::from_value(mode)?;
- block.flush_meta()?;
- value.incr_lookup_count();
- Ok((file_type, stat))
- })?;
- let entry = match file_type {
- FileType::Reg => DirEntry::File(BlockRecord::new(inode)),
- FileType::Dir => DirEntry::Directory(BlockRecord::new(inode)),
- };
- dir.entries.insert(newname.to_owned(), entry);
- block.write_dir(&dir)?;
- Ok(self.fuse_entry(inode, stat))
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn setattr(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- attr: stat64,
- handle: Option<Self::Handle>,
- valid: SetattrValid,
- ) -> io::Result<(stat64, Duration)> {
- debug!("Blocktree::setattr, inode {inode}, handle {:?}", handle);
- let cb = |block: &mut FileBlock<C>| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let stat = block.mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::MODE) {
- secrets.mode = attr.st_mode;
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::UID) {
- secrets.uid = attr.st_uid;
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::GID) {
- secrets.gid = attr.st_gid;
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::SIZE) {
- warn!("modifying file size with setattr is not supported");
- return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL).into());
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::ATIME) {
- secrets.atime = (attr.st_atime as u64).into();
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::MTIME) {
- secrets.mtime = (attr.st_mtime as u64).into();
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::CTIME) {
- secrets.ctime = (attr.st_ctime as u64).into();
- }
- let atime_now = valid.intersects(SetattrValid::ATIME_NOW);
- let mtime_now = valid.intersects(SetattrValid::MTIME_NOW);
- if atime_now || mtime_now {
- let now = Epoch::now();
- if atime_now {
- secrets.atime = now;
- }
- if mtime_now {
- secrets.mtime = now;
- }
- }
- if valid.intersects(SetattrValid::KILL_SUIDGID) {
- secrets.mode &= !(libc::S_ISUID | libc::S_ISGID)
- }
- secrets.stat()
- })?;
- block.flush_meta()?;
- Ok(stat)
- };
- let stat = if let Some(handle) = handle {
- self.access_block_mut(inode, handle, |block| cb(block.get_mut()))?
- } else {
- self.borrow_block_mut(inode, |block| cb(block.get_mut()))?
- };
- Ok((stat, self.attr_timeout()))
- }
- fn mkdir(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- parent: Self::Inode,
- name: &CStr,
- mode: u32,
- umask: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<Entry> {
- debug!(
- "Blocktree::mkdir, parent {parent}, mode {mode}, umask {umask}, name {:?}",
- name
- );
- let name = name.to_str().box_err()?.to_owned();
- let (inode, mut block_path) = self.borrow_block_mut(parent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let mut dir = block.read_dir()?;
- if dir.entries.contains_key(&name) {
- return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EEXIST).into());
- }
- let inode = self.next_inode()?;
- dir.add_file(name.clone(), inode)?;
- block.write_dir(&dir)?;
- Ok((inode, block.meta_body().path.clone()))
- })?;
- block_path.push_component(name);
- let stat = self.open_value(inode, block_path, |value| {
- let stat = value.borrow_block_mut(|block| {
- let stat = block.mut_meta_body().access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.block_id.generation = self.generation;
- secrets.block_id.inode = inode;
- secrets.mode = libc::S_IFDIR | mode & !umask;
- secrets.uid = ctx.uid;
- secrets.gid = ctx.gid;
- secrets.stat()
- })?;
- block.write_dir(&Directory::new())?;
- block.flush_meta()?;
- Ok(stat)
- })?;
- value.incr_lookup_count();
- Ok(stat)
- })?;
- Ok(self.fuse_entry(inode, stat))
- }
- fn rmdir(&self, ctx: &Context, parent: Self::Inode, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::rmdir, parent {parent}, name {:?}", name);
- let name = name.to_str().box_err()?;
- self.borrow_block_mut(parent, |block| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, block.meta())?;
- let mut dir = block.read_dir()?;
- if dir.entries.remove(name).is_none() {
- return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOENT).into());
- }
- block.write_dir(&dir)?;
- Ok(())
- })
- .io_err()
- }
- fn rename(
- &self,
- ctx: &Context,
- src_dir: Self::Inode,
- src_name: &CStr,
- dst_dir: Self::Inode,
- dst_name: &CStr,
- flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::rename, src_dir {src_dir}, src_name {:?}, dst_dir {dst_dir}, dst_name {:?}, flags {flags}", src_name, dst_name);
- fn not_found_err(name: &str) -> crate::Error {
- bterr!("file named '{name}' was not found").context(io::ErrorKind::NotFound)
- }
- fn modify_entries(
- src_entries: Option<&mut BTreeMap<String, DirEntry>>,
- dst_entries: &mut BTreeMap<String, DirEntry>,
- entry: DirEntry,
- src_name: &str,
- dst_name: String,
- no_replace: bool,
- exchange: bool,
- ) -> Result<()> {
- if let Some(prev_entry) = dst_entries.insert(dst_name, entry) {
- if no_replace {
- return Err(bterr!("destination already exists")
- .context(io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists));
- }
- if exchange {
- let entries = src_entries.unwrap_or(dst_entries);
- entries.insert(src_name.to_owned(), prev_entry);
- }
- } else if exchange {
- return Err(
- bterr!("exchange was specified but destination doesn't exist")
- .context(io::ErrorKind::NotFound),
- );
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- let src_name = src_name.to_str().box_err()?;
- let dst_name = dst_name.to_str().box_err()?.to_owned();
- let no_replace = flags & libc::RENAME_NOREPLACE != 0;
- let exchange = flags & libc::RENAME_EXCHANGE != 0;
- if no_replace && exchange {
- return Err(io::Error::new(
- io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput,
- "Both RENAME_EXCHANGE and RENAME_NOREPLACE were specified, but are incompatible"
- ));
- }
- if src_dir == dst_dir {
- self.borrow_block_mut(src_dir, |src_dir| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, src_dir.meta())?;
- let mut dir = src_dir.read_dir()?;
- let entry = dir
- .entries
- .remove(src_name)
- .ok_or_else(|| not_found_err(src_name))?;
- modify_entries(
- None,
- &mut dir.entries,
- entry,
- src_name,
- dst_name,
- no_replace,
- exchange,
- )?;
- src_dir.write_dir(&dir)
- })?;
- } else {
- self.borrow_block_mut(src_dir, |src_dir| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, src_dir.meta())?;
- let mut dir_src = src_dir.read_dir()?;
- let entry = dir_src
- .entries
- .remove(src_name)
- .ok_or_else(|| not_found_err(src_name))?;
- self.borrow_block_mut(dst_dir, |dst_dir| {
- self.authorizer.write_allowed(ctx, dst_dir.meta())?;
- let mut dir_dst = dst_dir.read_dir()?;
- modify_entries(
- Some(&mut dir_src.entries),
- &mut dir_dst.entries,
- entry,
- src_name,
- dst_name,
- no_replace,
- exchange,
- )?;
- dst_dir.write_dir(&dir_dst)
- })?;
- src_dir.write_dir(&dir_src)
- })?;
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- //////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////
- fn getxattr(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _name: &CStr,
- _size: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::GetxattrReply> {
- debug!("Blocktree::getxattr called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn ioctl(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _flags: u32,
- _cmd: u32,
- _data: fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::IoctlData,
- _out_size: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::IoctlData> {
- debug!("Blocktree::ioctl called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn access(&self, _ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, _mask: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::access called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn bmap(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _block: u64,
- _blocksize: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<u64> {
- debug!("Blocktree::bmap called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn fallocate(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _mode: u32,
- _offset: u64,
- _length: u64,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::fallocate called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn fsync(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _datasync: bool,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::fsync called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn fsyncdir(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _datasync: bool,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::fsyncdir called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn getlk(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _owner: u64,
- _lock: fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::FileLock,
- _flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::FileLock> {
- debug!("Blocktree::getlk called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn listxattr(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _size: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::ListxattrReply> {
- debug!("Blocktree::listxattr called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn mknod(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _name: &CStr,
- _mode: u32,
- _rdev: u32,
- _umask: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<Entry> {
- debug!("Blocktree::mknod called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn notify_reply(&self) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::notify_reply called");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn poll(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _khandle: Self::Handle,
- _flags: u32,
- _events: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<u32> {
- debug!("Blocktree::poll called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn readdirplus(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- _inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _size: u32,
- _offset: u64,
- _add_entry: &mut dyn FnMut(
- fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::DirEntry,
- Entry,
- ) -> io::Result<usize>,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::readdirplus called");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn readlink(&self, _ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode) -> io::Result<Vec<u8>> {
- debug!("Blocktree::readlink called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn removexattr(&self, _ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode, _name: &CStr) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::removexattr called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn setlk(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _owner: u64,
- _lock: fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::FileLock,
- _flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::setlk called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn setlkw(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _handle: Self::Handle,
- _owner: u64,
- _lock: fuse_backend_rs::api::filesystem::FileLock,
- _flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::setlkw called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn setxattr(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- inode: Self::Inode,
- _name: &CStr,
- _value: &[u8],
- _flags: u32,
- ) -> io::Result<()> {
- debug!("Blocktree::setxattr called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn statfs(&self, _ctx: &Context, inode: Self::Inode) -> io::Result<statvfs64> {
- debug!("Blocktree::statfs called for inode {inode}");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- fn symlink(
- &self,
- _ctx: &Context,
- _linkname: &CStr,
- _parent: Self::Inode,
- _name: &CStr,
- ) -> io::Result<Entry> {
- debug!("Blocktree::symlink called");
- Self::not_supported()
- }
- }
-mod tests {
- use super::*;
- use fuse_backend_rs::{
- abi::fuse_abi::CreateIn,
- api::filesystem::{Context, FileSystem, FsOptions},
- };
- use std::{ffi::CString, sync::Arc};
- use tempdir::TempDir;
- use crate::{
- crypto::ConcreteCreds,
- test_helpers::{integer_array, node_creds, BtCursor},
- BlockMeta, Decompose,
- };
- /// Tests for the [ModeAuthorizer] struct.
- mod mode_authorizer_tests {
- use super::{
- super::private::{Authorizer, AuthzContext},
- *,
- };
- struct TestCase {
- ctx_uid: u32,
- ctx_gid: u32,
- meta: BlockMeta,
- }
- impl TestCase {
- const BLOCK_UID: u32 = 1000;
- const BLOCK_GID: u32 = 1000;
- const CTX_PID: libc::pid_t = 100;
- fn new(ctx_uid: u32, ctx_gid: u32, mode: u32) -> TestCase {
- let mut meta =
- BlockMeta::new(node_creds()).expect("failed to create block metadata");
- meta.body
- .access_secrets(|secrets| {
- secrets.uid = Self::BLOCK_UID;
- secrets.gid = Self::BLOCK_GID;
- secrets.mode = mode;
- Ok(())
- })
- .expect("failed to update secrets");
- TestCase {
- ctx_uid,
- ctx_gid,
- meta,
- }
- }
- fn context(&self) -> AuthzContext<'_> {
- AuthzContext {
- uid: self.ctx_uid,
- gid: self.ctx_gid,
- pid: Self::CTX_PID,
- meta: &self.meta,
- }
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn cant_read_when_no_bits_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, 0);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_read(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn cant_write_when_no_bits_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, 0);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn cant_exec_when_no_bits_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, 0);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_exec(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn user_can_read_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IRUSR);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_read(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn user_can_write_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IWUSR);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn user_can_exec_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IXUSR);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_exec(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn group_can_read_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IRGRP);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_read(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn group_can_write_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IWGRP);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn group_can_exec_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IXGRP);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_exec(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn other_can_read_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IROTH);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_read(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn other_can_write_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IWOTH);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn other_can_exec_when_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IXOTH);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_exec(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn other_cant_write_even_if_user_can() {
- let case = TestCase::new(
- TestCase::BLOCK_UID + 1,
- TestCase::BLOCK_GID + 1,
- libc::S_IWUSR,
- );
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn other_cant_write_even_if_group_can() {
- let case = TestCase::new(
- TestCase::BLOCK_UID + 1,
- TestCase::BLOCK_GID + 1,
- libc::S_IWGRP,
- );
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_write(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_err())
- }
- #[test]
- fn user_allowed_read_when_only_other_bit_set() {
- let case = TestCase::new(TestCase::BLOCK_UID, TestCase::BLOCK_GID, libc::S_IROTH);
- let result = ModeAuthorizer {}.can_read(&case.context());
- assert!(result.is_ok())
- }
- #[test]
- fn root_always_allowed() {
- let case = TestCase::new(0, 0, 0);
- let ctx = case.context();
- let authorizer = ModeAuthorizer {};
- assert!(authorizer.can_read(&ctx).is_ok());
- assert!(authorizer.can_write(&ctx).is_ok());
- assert!(authorizer.can_exec(&ctx).is_ok());
- }
- }
- struct BtTestCase {
- dir: TempDir,
- bt: Blocktree<ConcreteCreds, ModeAuthorizer>,
- }
- impl BtTestCase {
- fn new_empty() -> BtTestCase {
- let dir = TempDir::new("fuse").expect("failed to create temp dir");
- let bt =
- Blocktree::new_empty(dir.path().to_owned(), 0, Self::creds(), ModeAuthorizer {})
- .expect("failed to create empty blocktree");
- bt.init(FsOptions::empty()).expect("init failed");
- BtTestCase { dir, bt }
- }
- fn new_existing(dir: TempDir) -> BtTestCase {
- let bt =
- Blocktree::new_existing(dir.path().to_owned(), Self::creds(), ModeAuthorizer {})
- .expect("failed to create blocktree from existing directory");
- bt.init(FsOptions::empty()).expect("init failed");
- BtTestCase { dir, bt }
- }
- fn creds() -> ConcreteCreds {
- node_creds().clone()
- }
- fn context(&self) -> Context {
- let (stat, ..) = self
- .bt
- .getattr(&Default::default(), SpecInodes::RootDir.into(), None)
- .expect("getattr failed");
- Context {
- uid: stat.st_uid,
- gid: stat.st_gid,
- pid: 1,
- }
- }
- }
- /// Tests that a new file can be created, written to and the written data can be read from it.
- #[test]
- fn create_write_lseek_read() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let name = CString::new("README.md").unwrap();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt
- .create(
- &ctx,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- name.as_c_str(),
- CreateIn {
- mode: libc::S_IFREG | 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- },
- )
- .expect("failed to create file");
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- const LEN: usize = 32;
- let mut expected = BtCursor::new([1u8; LEN]);
- let written = bt
- .write(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut expected,
- LEN as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- false,
- flags,
- 0,
- )
- .expect("write failed");
- assert_eq!(LEN, written);
- bt.lseek(&ctx, inode, handle, 0, 0).expect("lseek failed");
- let mut actual = BtCursor::new([0u8; LEN]);
- let read = bt
- .read(&ctx, inode, handle, &mut actual, LEN as u32, 0, None, flags)
- .expect("failed to read");
- assert_eq!(LEN, read);
- assert_eq!(expected, actual)
- }
- #[test]
- fn lookup() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let name = CString::new("README.md").unwrap();
- let (expected, ..) = bt
- .create(
- &ctx,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- name.as_c_str(),
- Default::default(),
- )
- .expect("failed to create file");
- let actual = bt
- .lookup(&Default::default(), SpecInodes::RootDir.into(), &name)
- .expect("lookup failed");
- assert_eq!(expected.generation, actual.generation);
- assert_eq!(expected.inode, actual.inode);
- }
- /// Tests that data written by one instance of [Blocktree] can be read by a subsequent
- /// instance.
- #[test]
- fn new_existing() {
- const EXPECTED: &[u8] = b"cool as cucumbers";
- let name = CString::new("RESIGNATION.docx").unwrap();
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- {
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt
- .create(
- &ctx,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- name.as_c_str(),
- CreateIn {
- mode: libc::S_IFREG | 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- },
- )
- .expect("failed to create file");
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(EXPECTED.len());
- vec.extend_from_slice(EXPECTED);
- let mut cursor = BtCursor::new(vec);
- let written = bt
- .write(
- &Default::default(),
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut cursor,
- EXPECTED.len() as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- false,
- flags,
- 0,
- )
- .expect("write failed");
- assert_eq!(EXPECTED.len(), written);
- bt.flush(&Default::default(), inode, handle, 0)
- .expect("flush failed");
- }
- let case = BtTestCase::new_existing(case.dir);
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let entry = bt
- .lookup(&Default::default(), SpecInodes::RootDir.into(), &name)
- .expect("lookup failed");
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let (handle, ..) = bt
- .open(&Default::default(), entry.inode, 0, 0)
- .expect("open failed");
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- let mut actual = BtCursor::new([0u8; EXPECTED.len()]);
- let _ = bt
- .read(
- &Default::default(),
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut actual,
- EXPECTED.len() as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- flags,
- )
- .expect("read failed");
- assert_eq!(EXPECTED, actual.into_inner().as_slice())
- }
- /// Tests that an error is returned by the `Blocktree::write` method if the file was opened
- /// read-only.
- #[test]
- fn open_read_only_write_is_error() {
- let name = CString::new("books.ods").unwrap();
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt
- .create(
- &ctx,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- name.as_c_str(),
- CreateIn {
- mode: libc::S_IFREG | 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags: 0,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- },
- )
- .expect("failed to create file");
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- bt.release(&ctx, inode, 0, handle, false, false, None)
- .expect("release failed");
- let flags = libc::O_RDONLY as u32;
- let (handle, ..) = bt.open(&ctx, inode, flags, 0).expect("open failed");
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- const LEN: usize = 32;
- let mut reader = BtCursor::new([1u8; LEN]);
- let result = bt.write(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut reader,
- LEN.try_into().unwrap(),
- 0,
- None,
- false,
- flags,
- 0,
- );
- let err = result.err().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, err.kind());
- }
- /// Tests that a call to `read` fails when a file is opened write only.
- #[test]
- fn open_write_only_read_is_error() {
- let name = CString::new("books.ods").unwrap();
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt
- .create(
- &ctx,
- SpecInodes::RootDir.into(),
- name.as_c_str(),
- CreateIn {
- mode: libc::S_IFREG | 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags: 0,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- },
- )
- .expect("failed to create file");
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- bt.release(&ctx, inode, 0, handle, false, false, None)
- .expect("release failed");
- let flags = libc::O_WRONLY as u32;
- let (handle, ..) = bt.open(&ctx, inode, flags, 0).expect("open failed");
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- const LEN: usize = 32;
- let mut reader = BtCursor::new([1u8; LEN]);
- let result = bt.read(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut reader,
- LEN.try_into().unwrap(),
- 0,
- None,
- flags,
- );
- let err = result.err().unwrap();
- assert_eq!(io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied, err.kind());
- }
- /// Tests that multiple handles see consistent metadata associated with a block.
- #[test]
- fn ensure_metadata_consistency() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let ctx = case.context();
- let trash = CString::new(".Trash").unwrap();
- let file = CString::new("file.txt").unwrap();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let (handle, _) = bt.opendir(&ctx, root, 0).unwrap();
- // Because the directory is open, this will cause a new handle for this block to be opened.
- let result = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &trash);
- assert_eq!(libc::ENOENT, result.err().unwrap().raw_os_error().unwrap());
- bt.releasedir(&ctx, root, 0, handle.unwrap()).unwrap();
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &file, CreateIn::default()).unwrap();
- bt.opendir(&ctx, root, 0).unwrap();
- // Since the directory is open, the second handle will be used for this lookup.
- let result = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &trash);
- assert_eq!(libc::ENOENT, result.err().unwrap().raw_os_error().unwrap());
- }
- /// Tests that the `size` parameter actually limits the number of read bytes.
- #[test]
- fn read_with_smaller_size() {
- const DATA: [u8; 8] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
- let mut data = BtCursor::new(DATA);
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let ctx = case.context();
- let file = CString::new("file.txt").unwrap();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let create_in = CreateIn {
- flags,
- mode: 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- };
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, root, &file, create_in).unwrap();
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let written = bt
- .write(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut data,
- DATA.len() as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- false,
- flags,
- 0,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(DATA.len(), written);
- let new_pos = bt
- .lseek(&ctx, inode, handle, 0, libc::SEEK_SET as u32)
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(0, new_pos);
- data.rewind().unwrap();
- const SIZE: usize = DATA.len() / 2;
- let mut actual = BtCursor::new([0u8; DATA.len()]);
- let read = bt
- .read(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut actual,
- SIZE as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- flags,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(SIZE, read);
- let actual = actual.into_inner();
- assert_eq!([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0], actual);
- }
- #[test]
- fn concurrent_reads() {
- // The size of each of the reads.
- const SIZE: usize = 4;
- // The number of concurrent reads.
- const NREADS: usize = 32;
- const DATA_LEN: usize = SIZE * NREADS;
- const DATA: [u8; DATA_LEN] = integer_array::<DATA_LEN>(0);
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let ctx = case.context();
- let file = CString::new("file.txt").unwrap();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let create_in = CreateIn {
- flags,
- mode: 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- };
- let (entry, handle, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, root, &file, create_in).unwrap();
- let handle = handle.unwrap();
- let inode = entry.inode;
- let written = bt
- .write(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut BtCursor::new(DATA),
- DATA.len() as u32,
- 0,
- None,
- false,
- flags,
- 0,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(DATA.len(), written);
- let case = Box::new(case);
- let cb = Arc::new(Box::new(move |offset: usize| {
- // Notice that we have concurrent reads to different offsets using the same handle.
- // Without proper synchronization, this shouldn't work.
- let mut actual = BtCursor::new(Vec::new());
- let nread = case
- .bt
- .read(
- &ctx,
- inode,
- handle,
- &mut actual,
- SIZE as u32,
- offset as u64,
- None,
- flags,
- )
- .unwrap();
- assert_eq!(SIZE, nread);
- let expected = integer_array::<SIZE>(offset as u8);
- assert_eq!(&expected, actual.into_inner().as_slice());
- }));
- let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(NREADS);
- for offset in (0..NREADS).map(|e| e * SIZE) {
- let thread_cb = cb.clone();
- handles.push(std::thread::spawn(move || thread_cb(offset)));
- }
- for handle in handles {
- handle.join().unwrap();
- }
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_in_same_directory() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let src_name = CString::new("src").unwrap();
- let dst_name = CString::new("dst").unwrap();
- let (entry, ..) = bt
- .create(&ctx, root, &src_name, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- let inode = entry.inode;
- bt.rename(&ctx, root, &src_name, root, &dst_name, 0)
- .unwrap();
- let entry = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &dst_name).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(inode, entry.inode);
- let result = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &src_name);
- assert!(result.is_err());
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_to_different_directory() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let dir_name = CString::new("dir").unwrap();
- let file_name = CString::new("file").unwrap();
- let entry = bt.mkdir(&ctx, root, &dir_name, 0o755, 0).unwrap();
- let dir = entry.inode;
- let (entry, ..) = bt
- .create(&ctx, root, &file_name, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- let file = entry.inode;
- bt.rename(&ctx, root, &file_name, dir, &file_name, 0)
- .unwrap();
- let entry = bt.lookup(&ctx, dir, &file_name).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(file, entry.inode);
- let result = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &file_name);
- assert!(result.is_err());
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_no_replace_same_directory() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let oldname = CString::new("old").unwrap();
- let newname = CString::new("new").unwrap();
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &oldname, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &newname, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- let result = bt.rename(&ctx, root, &oldname, root, &newname, libc::RENAME_NOREPLACE);
- let matched = if let Err(err) = result {
- err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists
- } else {
- false
- };
- assert!(matched);
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_no_replace_different_directory() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let dir_name = CString::new("dir").unwrap();
- let file_name = CString::new("file").unwrap();
- let entry = bt.mkdir(&ctx, root, &dir_name, 0o755, 0).unwrap();
- let dir = entry.inode;
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &file_name, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- bt.create(&ctx, dir, &file_name, CreateIn::default())
- .unwrap();
- let result = bt.rename(
- &ctx,
- root,
- &file_name,
- dir,
- &file_name,
- );
- let matched = if let Err(err) = result {
- err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists
- } else {
- false
- };
- assert!(matched);
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_exchange_same_directory() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let name_one = CString::new("one").unwrap();
- let name_two = CString::new("two").unwrap();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let create_in = CreateIn {
- mode: 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- };
- let (entry_one, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, root, &name_one, create_in.clone()).unwrap();
- let (entry_two, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, root, &name_two, create_in).unwrap();
- bt.rename(
- &ctx,
- root,
- &name_one,
- root,
- &name_two,
- )
- .unwrap();
- let actual_one = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &name_one).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(entry_two.inode, actual_one.inode);
- let actual_two = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &name_two).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(entry_one.inode, actual_two.inode);
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_exchange_different_directories() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let dir_name = CString::new("dir").unwrap();
- let name_one = CString::new("one").unwrap();
- let name_two = CString::new("two").unwrap();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let create_in = CreateIn {
- mode: 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- };
- let (entry_one, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, root, &name_one, create_in.clone()).unwrap();
- let dir_entry = bt.mkdir(&ctx, root, &dir_name, 0o755, 0).unwrap();
- let dir = dir_entry.inode;
- let (entry_two, ..) = bt.create(&ctx, dir, &name_two, create_in).unwrap();
- bt.rename(&ctx, root, &name_one, dir, &name_two, libc::RENAME_EXCHANGE)
- .unwrap();
- let actual_one = bt.lookup(&ctx, root, &name_one).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(entry_two.inode, actual_one.inode);
- let actual_two = bt.lookup(&ctx, dir, &name_two).unwrap();
- assert_eq!(entry_one.inode, actual_two.inode);
- }
- #[test]
- fn rename_exchange_and_no_replace_is_err() {
- let case = BtTestCase::new_empty();
- let bt = &case.bt;
- let ctx = case.context();
- let root = SpecInodes::RootDir.into();
- let name_one = CString::new("one").unwrap();
- let name_two = CString::new("two").unwrap();
- let flags = libc::O_RDWR as u32;
- let create_in = CreateIn {
- mode: 0o644,
- umask: 0,
- flags,
- fuse_flags: 0,
- };
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &name_one, create_in.clone()).unwrap();
- bt.create(&ctx, root, &name_two, create_in).unwrap();
- let result = bt.rename(
- &ctx,
- root,
- &name_one,
- root,
- &name_two,
- );
- let matched = if let Err(err) = result {
- err.kind() == io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput
- } else {
- false
- };
- assert!(matched);
- }