@@ -1,76 +1,56 @@
//! This module contains the code necessary to run and supervise actors.
-use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin};
+use std::time::Duration;
use log::{debug, error, warn};
-use tokio::{
- select,
- sync::{mpsc, oneshot},
- task::{AbortHandle, JoinSet},
+use tokio::time::timeout;
-use crate::{ActorExit, ActorFault, ActorId, ControlMsg, Runtime};
+use crate::{ActorExit, ActorFault, ActorId, ControlMsg, Runtime, RuntimeError};
+/// The type that spawned actors complete with.
+/// It's primary responsibility is conveying the [ActorId] to the [kernel] regardless of whether
+/// an actor exited normally, with an error, or panicked.
pub(super) type FaultResult = std::result::Result<ActorId, ActorFault>;
-pub(super) type BoxedFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = FaultResult>>>;
-pub struct SpawnReq {
- task: BoxedFuture,
- sender: oneshot::Sender<AbortHandle>,
-impl SpawnReq {
- pub(super) fn new<Fut>(task: Fut) -> (Self, oneshot::Receiver<AbortHandle>)
- where
- Fut: 'static + Send + Future<Output = FaultResult>,
- {
- let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
- let req = Self {
- task: Box::pin(task),
- sender,
- };
- (req, receiver)
- }
/// The kernel is responsible for spawning and supervising actors.
-pub(super) async fn kernel(runtime: &Runtime, mut tasks: mpsc::Receiver<SpawnReq>) {
- let mut running = JoinSet::<FaultResult>::new();
+pub(super) async fn kernel(runtime: &Runtime) {
+ const EXIT_WAIT: Duration = Duration::from_millis(10);
loop {
- select! {
- option = tasks.recv() => {
- match option {
- Some(SpawnReq { task, sender }) => {
- let handle = running.spawn(task);
- if sender.send(handle).is_err() {
- error!("SpawnReq sender dropped the channel. Aborting actor.");
- }
- }
- None => panic!("The Runtime was dropped!")
- };
+ let option = {
+ let mut tasks = runtime.tasks.lock().await;
+ if let Ok(option) = timeout(EXIT_WAIT, tasks.join_next()).await {
+ option
+ } else {
+ // Timed out waiting for a task to exit, releasing lock to prevent starvation of
+ // other tasks.
+ continue;
- Some(result) = running.join_next() => {
- match result {
- Ok(actor_result) => {
- handle_actor_exit(actor_result, runtime).await;
- }
- Err(join_error) => {
- match join_error.try_into_panic() {
- Ok(panic_obj) => {
- if let Some(message) = panic_obj.downcast_ref::<String>() {
- error!("An actor panic was uncaught: {message}");
- } else {
- error!("An actor panic was uncaught.");
- }
- }
- Err(join_error) => {
- debug!("Actor was aborted: {join_error}");
+ };
+ if let Some(join_result) = option {
+ match join_result {
+ Ok(actor_result) => {
+ handle_actor_exit(actor_result, runtime).await;
+ }
+ Err(join_error) => {
+ match join_error.try_into_panic() {
+ Ok(panic_obj) => {
+ if let Some(message) = panic_obj.downcast_ref::<String>() {
+ error!("An actor panic was uncaught: {message}");
+ } else {
+ error!("An actor panic was uncaught.");
- };
- }
+ }
+ Err(join_error) => {
+ debug!("Actor was aborted: {join_error}");
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ // The join set is currently empty. We just loop again.
+ continue;
@@ -81,7 +61,7 @@ async fn handle_actor_exit(actor_result: FaultResult, runtime: &Runtime) {
let (actor_id, actor_exit) = match actor_result {
Ok(actor_id) => {
debug!("Actor {actor_id} exited normally.");
- (actor_id, ActorExit::Ok)
+ (actor_id, ActorExit::Ok(actor_id))
Err(err) => {
@@ -89,6 +69,7 @@ async fn handle_actor_exit(actor_result: FaultResult, runtime: &Runtime) {
+ // Take ownership of the exited actor's handle.
let mut handle = {
let mut handles = runtime.handles.write().await;
if let Some(handle) = handles.remove(&actor_id) {
@@ -99,6 +80,7 @@ async fn handle_actor_exit(actor_result: FaultResult, runtime: &Runtime) {
+ // Send notification to its owner.
if let Some(owner) = handle.take_owner() {
let handle_name = handle.name();
let msg = ControlMsg::OwnedExited {
@@ -107,12 +89,19 @@ async fn handle_actor_exit(actor_result: FaultResult, runtime: &Runtime) {
let result = runtime.send_control(owner.clone(), msg).await;
if let Err(err) = result {
- error!("Failed to notify owner {owner} that {handle_name} exited: {err}");
+ if let Some(RuntimeError::BadActorName(_)) = err.downcast_ref::<RuntimeError>() {
+ // There's nothing to do in this case because the owner has already exited. We just
+ // happened to handle the exit of one of its owned actors first.
+ } else {
+ error!("Failed to notify owner {owner} that {handle_name} exited: {err}");
+ }
+ // Notify all of its owned actors.
let handle_name = handle.name().clone();
for owned in handle.owns_mut().drain(0..) {
+ debug!("sending owner exit notification to {owned}");
let msg = ControlMsg::OwnerExited(actor_exit.clone());
let result = runtime.send_control(owned.clone(), msg).await;
if let Err(err) = result {
@@ -120,3 +109,277 @@ async fn handle_actor_exit(actor_result: FaultResult, runtime: &Runtime) {
+mod tests {
+ use std::{future::Future, sync::Arc};
+ use btlib::bterr;
+ use tokio::sync::oneshot;
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::{
+ tests::{EchoMsg, ASYNC_RT, RUNTIME},
+ ActorError, ActorErrorCommon, ActorName, ActorResult, Envelope, Mailbox, Named, TransKind,
+ };
+ #[derive(Debug)]
+ struct ExitTestResult {
+ expected_name: ActorName,
+ actual_name: ActorName,
+ actual_exit: ActorExit,
+ }
+ /// Actor used to test the receipt of a notification when one of its owned actors exits.
+ async fn spawn_owning_exit_server<F, Fut>(
+ runtime: &'static Runtime,
+ client: F,
+ sender: oneshot::Sender<ExitTestResult>,
+ ) -> ActorName
+ where
+ Fut: 'static + Send + Future<Output = ActorResult>,
+ F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(Mailbox<EchoMsg>, ActorId, &'static Runtime) -> Fut,
+ {
+ let server = move |mut mailbox: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, actor_id, runtime: &'static Runtime| async move {
+ let owner = runtime.actor_name(actor_id);
+ let mut expected_name = Some(runtime.spawn(Some(owner), client).await.unwrap());
+ let mut sender = Some(sender);
+ while let Some(envelope) = mailbox.recv().await {
+ match envelope {
+ Envelope::Control(msg) => match msg {
+ ControlMsg::OwnedExited {
+ name: actual_name,
+ exit,
+ } => {
+ let test_result = ExitTestResult {
+ actual_name,
+ expected_name: expected_name.take().unwrap(),
+ actual_exit: exit,
+ };
+ sender.take().unwrap().send(test_result).unwrap();
+ }
+ msg => panic!("Unexpected control message: {}", msg.name()),
+ },
+ envelope => panic!("Unexpected envelope type: {}", envelope.name()),
+ }
+ }
+ ActorResult::Ok(actor_id)
+ };
+ runtime.spawn(None, server).await.unwrap()
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owner_notification_when_owned_exit_ok() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ let client = |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, actor_id, _| async move {
+ ActorResult::Ok(actor_id)
+ };
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ spawn_owning_exit_server(&RUNTIME, client, sender).await;
+ let test_result = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver).await.unwrap().unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(test_result.expected_name, test_result.actual_name);
+ let expected_id = test_result.expected_name.act_id();
+ assert!(matches!(test_result.actual_exit, ActorExit::Ok(actor_id) if actor_id == expected_id));
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owner_notification_when_owned_exit_err() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED_ERR: &str = "Expected error text.";
+ let expected_actor_impl = Arc::new(String::from("notification_client"));
+ let expected_state = Arc::new(String::from("Init"));
+ let expected_message = Arc::new(String::from("None"));
+ const EXPECTED_KIND: TransKind = TransKind::Receive;
+ let client = {
+ let expected_actor_impl = expected_actor_impl.clone();
+ let expected_state = expected_state.clone();
+ let expected_message = expected_message.clone();
+ move |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, actor_id, _| async move {
+ ActorResult::Err(ActorError::new(
+ bterr!(EXPECTED_ERR),
+ ActorErrorCommon {
+ actor_id,
+ actor_impl: expected_actor_impl,
+ state: expected_state,
+ message: expected_message,
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ spawn_owning_exit_server(&RUNTIME, client, sender).await;
+ let test_result = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(test_result.expected_name, test_result.actual_name);
+ let expected_id = test_result.expected_name.act_id();
+ if let ActorExit::Error(actual_error) = test_result.actual_exit {
+ assert_eq!(expected_id, actual_error.actor_id());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_ERR, actual_error.err().as_ref());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_actor_impl, actual_error.actor_impl());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_state, actual_error.state());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_message, actual_error.message());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_KIND, actual_error.kind());
+ } else {
+ panic!("Actor exit wasn't the right variant.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owner_notification_when_owned_exit_panic() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED_ERR: &str = "Expected panic text.";
+ let client = |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, _, _| async move {
+ panic!("{EXPECTED_ERR}");
+ };
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ spawn_owning_exit_server(&RUNTIME, client, sender).await;
+ let test_result = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(test_result.expected_name, test_result.actual_name);
+ let expected_id = test_result.expected_name.act_id();
+ if let ActorExit::Panic(actual_panic) = test_result.actual_exit {
+ assert_eq!(expected_id, actual_panic.actor_id());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_ERR, actual_panic.err().unwrap());
+ } else {
+ panic!("Actor exit wasn't the right variant.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /// Actor used to test the receipt of a notification when its owner exits.
+ async fn spawn_owned_exit_server(
+ runtime: &'static Runtime,
+ owner: ActorName,
+ sender: oneshot::Sender<ActorExit>,
+ ) {
+ let owned = |mut mailbox: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, owned_id, _| async move {
+ let mut sender = Some(sender);
+ while let Some(envelope) = mailbox.recv().await {
+ match envelope {
+ Envelope::Control(msg) => match msg {
+ ControlMsg::OwnerExited(actor_exit) => {
+ sender.take().unwrap().send(actor_exit).unwrap();
+ break;
+ }
+ msg => panic!("Unexpected control message: {}", msg.name()),
+ },
+ envelope => panic!("Unexpected envelope kind: {}", envelope.name()),
+ }
+ }
+ ActorResult::Ok(owned_id)
+ };
+ runtime.spawn(Some(owner), owned).await.unwrap();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owned_notification_when_owner_exit_ok() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ let owner = |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, owner_id, runtime: &'static Runtime| async move {
+ let owner_name = runtime.actor_name(owner_id);
+ spawn_owned_exit_server(runtime, owner_name, sender).await;
+ ActorResult::Ok(owner_id)
+ };
+ let expected_name = RUNTIME.spawn(None, owner).await.unwrap();
+ let actual = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ let expected_id = expected_name.act_id();
+ assert!(matches!(actual, ActorExit::Ok(actual_id) if actual_id == expected_id));
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owned_notification_when_owner_exit_error() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED_ERR: &str = "Expected error text.";
+ let expected_actor_impl = Arc::new(String::from("notification_client"));
+ let expected_state = Arc::new(String::from("Init"));
+ let expected_message = Arc::new(String::from("None"));
+ const EXPECTED_KIND: TransKind = TransKind::Receive;
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ let owner = {
+ let expected_actor_impl = expected_actor_impl.clone();
+ let expected_state = expected_state.clone();
+ let expected_message = expected_message.clone();
+ move |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, owner_id, runtime: &'static Runtime| async move {
+ let owner_name = runtime.actor_name(owner_id);
+ spawn_owned_exit_server(runtime, owner_name, sender).await;
+ ActorResult::Err(ActorError::new(
+ bterr!(EXPECTED_ERR),
+ ActorErrorCommon {
+ actor_id: owner_id,
+ actor_impl: expected_actor_impl,
+ state: expected_state,
+ message: expected_message,
+ },
+ ))
+ }
+ };
+ let expected_name = RUNTIME.spawn(None, owner).await.unwrap();
+ let actual = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ if let ActorExit::Error(actual_error) = actual {
+ assert_eq!(expected_name.act_id(), actual_error.actor_id());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_ERR, actual_error.err().as_ref());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_actor_impl, actual_error.actor_impl());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_state, actual_error.state());
+ assert_eq!(&expected_message, actual_error.message());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_KIND, actual_error.kind());
+ } else {
+ panic!("Actor exit wasn't the right variant.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn owned_notification_when_owner_exit_panic() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED_ERR: &str = "Expected panic text.";
+ let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel();
+ let owner = |_: Mailbox<EchoMsg>, owner_id, runtime: &'static Runtime| async move {
+ let owner_name = runtime.actor_name(owner_id);
+ spawn_owned_exit_server(runtime, owner_name, sender).await;
+ panic!("{EXPECTED_ERR}");
+ };
+ let expected_name = RUNTIME.spawn(None, owner).await.unwrap();
+ let actual = timeout(Duration::from_millis(500), receiver)
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ if let ActorExit::Panic(panic) = actual {
+ assert_eq!(expected_name.act_id(), panic.actor_id());
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED_ERR, panic.err().unwrap());
+ } else {
+ panic!("Actor exit wasn't the right variant.");
+ }
+ });
+ }