@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use btlib::{
blocktree::{Blocktree, ModeAuthorizer},
- crypto::{tpm::TpmCredStore, CredStore},
+ crypto::{
+ tpm::{TpmCredStore, TpmCreds},
+ CredStore,
+ },
use fuse_backend_rs::{
@@ -15,6 +18,7 @@ use std::{
os::{raw::c_int, unix::ffi::OsStrExt},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ sync::mpsc::Sender,
use tss_esapi::{
tcti_ldr::{TabrmdConfig, TctiNameConf},
@@ -50,8 +54,8 @@ extern "C" {
/// Calls into libfuse3 to mount this file system at the given path. The file descriptor to use
/// to communicate with the kernel is returned.
-fn mount_at<P: AsRef<Path>>(mountpoint: P) -> File {
- let mountpoint = CString::new(mountpoint.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes()).unwrap();
+fn mount_at<P: AsRef<Path>>(mnt_point: P) -> File {
+ let mountpoint = CString::new(mnt_point.as_ref().as_os_str().as_bytes()).unwrap();
let options = CString::new(MOUNT_OPTIONS).unwrap();
let raw_fd = unsafe { fuse_open_channel(mountpoint.as_ptr(), options.as_ptr()) };
unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(raw_fd) }
@@ -63,7 +67,8 @@ struct FuseDaemon<'a> {
path: &'a Path,
/// The configuration string to use to connect to a Tabrmd instance.
tabrmd_config: &'a str,
- tpm_state_path: PathBuf,
+ /// An optional [Sender] which is called when this daemon has finished starting up.
+ started_signal: Option<Sender<()>>,
impl<'a> FuseDaemon<'a> {
@@ -71,18 +76,19 @@ impl<'a> FuseDaemon<'a> {
FuseDaemon {
- tpm_state_path: path.join("tpm_state"),
+ started_signal: None,
- fn start(&self) {
- self.path
- .try_create_dir()
- .expect("failed to create main directory");
- let mnt_path = self.path.join("mnt");
- mnt_path
- .try_create_dir()
- .expect("failed to create mount directory");
+ fn tpm_state_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> PathBuf {
+ path.as_ref().join("tpm_state")
+ }
+ fn mnt_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> PathBuf {
+ path.as_ref().join("mnt")
+ }
+ fn server<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, mnt_path: P) -> Server<Blocktree<TpmCreds, ModeAuthorizer>> {
let empty = fs::read_dir(&mnt_path)
.expect("failed to read mountdir")
@@ -91,7 +97,7 @@ impl<'a> FuseDaemon<'a> {
TabrmdConfig::from_str(self.tabrmd_config).expect("failed to parse Tabrmd config"),
.expect("failed to connect to Tabrmd");
- let cred_store = TpmCredStore::new(context, self.tpm_state_path.to_owned())
+ let cred_store = TpmCredStore::new(context, Self::tpm_state_path(self.path))
.expect("failed to create TpmCredStore");
let node_creds = cred_store
@@ -106,13 +112,35 @@ impl<'a> FuseDaemon<'a> {
Blocktree::new_existing(bt_path, node_creds, ModeAuthorizer {})
.expect("failed to create blocktree");
- let server = Server::new(fs);
- let mut session = FuseSession::new(&mnt_path, FSNAME, FSTYPE, false)
+ Server::new(fs)
+ }
+ fn fuse_session<P: AsRef<Path>>(&self, mnt_path: P) -> FuseSession {
+ self.path
+ .try_create_dir()
+ .expect("failed to create main directory");
+ let mut session = FuseSession::new(mnt_path.as_ref(), FSNAME, FSTYPE, false)
.expect("failed to create FUSE session");
- session.set_fuse_file(mount_at(&mnt_path));
+ session.set_fuse_file(mount_at(mnt_path));
+ session
+ }
+ fn start(&self) {
+ let mnt_path = Self::mnt_path(self.path);
+ mnt_path
+ .try_create_dir()
+ .expect("failed to create mount directory");
+ let server = self.server(&mnt_path);
+ let session = self.fuse_session(&mnt_path);
+ drop(mnt_path);
let mut channel = session
.expect("failed to create FUSE channel");
+ if let Some(tx) = self.started_signal.as_ref() {
+ tx.send(()).expect("failed to send started signal");
+ }
loop {
match channel.get_request() {
@@ -149,7 +177,13 @@ fn main() {
mod test {
- use std::time::Duration;
+ use std::{
+ ffi::{OsStr, OsString},
+ fs::{read, read_dir, remove_file, write, ReadDir},
+ sync::mpsc::{channel, Receiver},
+ thread::JoinHandle,
+ time::Duration,
+ };
use btlib::{crypto::Creds, log::BuilderExt, Epoch, Principaled};
use swtpm_harness::SwtpmHarness;
@@ -157,32 +191,165 @@ mod test {
use super::*;
- /// Creates a new file system and mounts it at `/tmp/btfuse.<random>/mnt`.
+ /// Unmounts the file system at the given path.
+ fn unmount<P: AsRef<Path>>(mnt_path: P) {
+ const PROG: &str = "fusermount";
+ let mnt_path = mnt_path
+ .as_ref()
+ .as_os_str()
+ .to_str()
+ .expect("failed to convert mnt_path to `str`");
+ let code = std::process::Command::new(PROG)
+ .args(["-u", mnt_path])
+ .status()
+ .expect("waiting for exit status failed")
+ .code()
+ .expect("code returned None");
+ if code != 0 {
+ panic!("{PROG} exited with a non-zero status: {code}");
+ }
+ }
+ fn file_names(read_dir: ReadDir) -> impl Iterator<Item = OsString> {
+ read_dir.map(|entry| entry.unwrap().file_name())
+ }
+ struct TestCase {
+ temp_path_rx: Receiver<PathBuf>,
+ mnt_path: Option<PathBuf>,
+ handle: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
+ }
+ impl TestCase {
+ const ROOT_PASSWD: &str = "Gnurlingwheel";
+ fn new() -> TestCase {
+ let (tx, rx) = channel();
+ let (started_tx, started_rx) = channel();
+ let handle = std::thread::spawn(move || {
+ let dir = TempDir::new("btfuse").expect("failed to create TempDir");
+ tx.send(dir.path().to_owned()).expect("send failed");
+ let swtpm = SwtpmHarness::new().expect("failed to start swtpm");
+ {
+ let context = swtpm.context().expect("failed to create TPM context");
+ let cred_store =
+ TpmCredStore::new(context, FuseDaemon::tpm_state_path(dir.path()))
+ .expect("failed to create TpmCredStore");
+ let root_creds = cred_store
+ .gen_root_creds(Self::ROOT_PASSWD)
+ .expect("failed to gen root creds");
+ let mut node_creds = cred_store.node_creds().expect("failed to get node creds");
+ let expires = Epoch::now() + Duration::from_secs(3600);
+ let writecap = root_creds
+ .issue_writecap(node_creds.principal(), vec![], expires)
+ .expect("failed to issue writecap to node creds");
+ cred_store
+ .assign_node_writecap(&mut node_creds, writecap)
+ .expect("failed to assign writecap");
+ }
+ let mut daemon = FuseDaemon::new(dir.path(), swtpm.tabrmd_config());
+ daemon.started_signal = Some(started_tx);
+ daemon.start()
+ });
+ started_rx
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1))
+ .expect("failed to received started signal from `FuseDaemon`");
+ println!("sent started signal");
+ TestCase {
+ temp_path_rx: rx,
+ mnt_path: None,
+ handle: Some(handle),
+ }
+ }
+ fn mnt_path(&mut self) -> &PathBuf {
+ self.mnt_path.get_or_insert_with(|| {
+ let temp_path = self
+ .temp_path_rx
+ .recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1))
+ .expect("receive failed");
+ FuseDaemon::mnt_path(temp_path)
+ })
+ }
+ fn wait(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(handle) = self.handle.take() {
+ handle.join().expect("join failed");
+ }
+ }
+ fn unmount_and_wait(&mut self) {
+ let mnt_path = self.mnt_path();
+ unmount(mnt_path);
+ self.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ impl Drop for TestCase {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.unmount_and_wait();
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates a new file system and mounts it at `/tmp/btfuse.<random>/mnt` so it can be
+ /// tested manually.
- fn server_start() {
- const ROOT_PASSWD: &str = "Gnurlingwheel";
+ fn manual_test() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "debug");
- let temp_dir = TempDir::new("btfuse").expect("failed to create TempDir");
- let swtpm = SwtpmHarness::new().expect("failed to start swtpm");
- let daemon = FuseDaemon::new(temp_dir.path(), swtpm.tabrmd_config());
- {
- let context = swtpm.context().expect("failed to create TPM context");
- let cred_store = TpmCredStore::new(context, daemon.tpm_state_path.to_owned())
- .expect("failed to create TpmCredStore");
- let root_creds = cred_store
- .gen_root_creds(ROOT_PASSWD)
- .expect("failed to gen root creds");
- let mut node_creds = cred_store.node_creds().expect("failed to get node creds");
- let expires = Epoch::now() + Duration::from_secs(3600);
- let writecap = root_creds
- .issue_writecap(node_creds.principal(), vec![], expires)
- .expect("failed to issue writecap to node creds");
- cred_store
- .assign_node_writecap(&mut node_creds, writecap)
- .expect("failed to assign writecap");
- }
- daemon.start();
+ let mut case = TestCase::new();
+ case.wait();
+ }
+ /// Tests if the file system can be mount then unmounted successfully.
+ #[test]
+ fn mount_then_unmount() {
+ let _ = TestCase::new();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn write_read() {
+ const EXPECTED: &[u8] =
+ b"The paths to failure are uncountable, yet to success there is but one.";
+ let mut case = TestCase::new();
+ let file_path = case.mnt_path().join("file");
+ write(&file_path, EXPECTED).expect("write failed");
+ let actual = read(&file_path).expect("read failed");
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED, actual);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_file_then_readdir() {
+ const DATA: &[u8] = b"Au revoir Shoshanna!";
+ let file_name = OsStr::new("landa_dialog.txt");
+ let expected = [file_name];
+ let mut case = TestCase::new();
+ let mnt_path = case.mnt_path();
+ let file_path = mnt_path.join(file_name);
+ write(&file_path, DATA).expect("write failed");
+ let first = file_names(read_dir(&mnt_path).expect("read_dir failed"));
+ assert!(first.eq(expected));
+ let second = file_names(read_dir(&mnt_path).expect("read_dir failed"));
+ assert!(second.eq(expected));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn create_then_delete_file() {
+ const DATA: &[u8] = b"The universe is hostile, so impersonal. Devour to survive";
+ let file_name = OsStr::new("tool_lyrics.txt");
+ let mut case = TestCase::new();
+ let mnt_path = case.mnt_path();
+ let file_path = mnt_path.join(file_name);
+ write(&file_path, DATA).expect("write failed");
+ remove_file(&file_path).expect("remove_file failed");
+ let expected: [&OsStr; 0] = [];
+ assert!(file_names(read_dir(&mnt_path).expect("read_dir failed")).eq(expected))