@@ -0,0 +1,841 @@
+pub use private::{
+ MerkleNode, MerkleStream, MerkleTree, MerkleTreeKind, Sha2_256Node, VariantMerkleTree,
+ VecMerkleTree,
+mod private {
+ use crate::{
+ crypto::{Encrypter, Error, HashKind, Result, SymKey},
+ trailered::Trailered,
+ BlockPath, BoxInIoErr, Decompose, MetaAccess, Principal, Sectored, TryCompose, WriteInteg,
+ };
+ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+ use std::io::{self, Read, Seek, Write};
+ use strum::EnumDiscriminants;
+ /// Returns the base 2 logarithm of the given number. This function will return -1 when given 0, and
+ /// this is the only input for which a negative value is returned.
+ pub(super) fn log2(mut n: usize) -> isize {
+ // Is there a better implementation of this in std? I wasn't able to find an integer log2
+ // function in std, so I wrote this naive implementation.
+ if 0 == n {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ let num_bits = usize::BITS.try_into().unwrap();
+ for k in 0..num_bits {
+ n >>= 1;
+ if 0 == n {
+ return k;
+ }
+ }
+ num_bits
+ }
+ /// Returns 2^x. Note that 0 is returned for any negative input.
+ pub(super) fn exp2(x: isize) -> usize {
+ if x < 0 {
+ 0
+ } else {
+ 1 << x
+ }
+ }
+ /// Trait for types which can be used as nodes in a `MerkleTree`.
+ pub trait MerkleNode: Default + Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de> {
+ /// The kind of hash algorithm that this `HashData` uses.
+ const KIND: HashKind;
+ /// Creates a new `HashData` instance by hashing the data produced by the given iterator and
+ /// storing it in self.
+ fn new<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(parts: I) -> Result<Self>;
+ /// Combines the hash data from the given children and prefix and stores it in self. It is
+ /// an error for no children to be provided (though one or the other may be `None`).
+ fn combine<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(
+ &mut self,
+ prefix: I,
+ left: Option<&'a Self>,
+ right: Option<&'a Self>,
+ ) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Returns `Ok(())` if self contains the given hash data, and `Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)`
+ /// otherwise.
+ fn assert_contains(&self, hash_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Returns `Ok(())` if self contains the hash of the given data. Otherwise,
+ /// `Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)` is returned.
+ fn assert_contains_hash_of<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(&self, parts: I)
+ -> Result<()>;
+ /// Returns `Ok(())` if the result of combining left and right is contained in self.
+ fn assert_parent_of<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(
+ &self,
+ prefix: I,
+ left: Option<&'a Self>,
+ right: Option<&'a Self>,
+ ) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Attempts to borrow the data in this node as a slice.
+ fn try_as_slice(&self) -> Result<&[u8]>;
+ /// Computes the hash of the data produced by the given iterator and writes it to the
+ /// given slice.
+ fn digest<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(dest: &mut [u8], parts: I) -> Result<()> {
+ Self::KIND.digest(dest, parts)
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Once full const generic support lands we can use a HashKind as a const param. Then we won't
+ // need to have different structs to support different kinds of hashes.
+ /// A struct for storing SHA2 256 hashes in a `MerkleTree`.
+ #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+ pub struct Sha2_256Node(Option<[u8; HashKind::Sha2_256.len()]>);
+ impl Sha2_256Node {
+ fn as_slice(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
+ self.0.as_ref().map(|e| e.as_slice())
+ }
+ /// Returns a mutable reference to the array contained in self, if the array already exists.
+ /// Otherwise, creates a new array filled with zeros owned by self and returns a
+ /// reference.
+ fn mut_or_init(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+ if self.0.is_none() {
+ self.0 = Some([0; HashKind::Sha2_256.len()])
+ }
+ self.0.as_mut().unwrap()
+ }
+ // I think this is the most complicated function signature I've ever written in any language.
+ /// Combines the given slices, together with the given prefix, and stores the resulting hash
+ /// in `dest`. If neither `left` nor `right` is `Some`, then `when_neither` is called and
+ /// whatever it returns is returned by this method.
+ fn combine_hash_data<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>, F: FnOnce() -> Result<()>>(
+ dest: &mut [u8],
+ prefix: I,
+ left: Option<&'a [u8]>,
+ right: Option<&'a [u8]>,
+ when_neither: F,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ match (left, right) {
+ (Some(left), Some(right)) => {
+ Self::digest(dest, prefix.chain([left, right].into_iter()))
+ }
+ (Some(left), None) => Self::digest(dest, prefix.chain([left, b"None"].into_iter())),
+ (None, Some(right)) => {
+ Self::digest(dest, prefix.chain([b"None", right].into_iter()))
+ }
+ (None, None) => when_neither(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl MerkleNode for Sha2_256Node {
+ const KIND: HashKind = HashKind::Sha2_256;
+ fn new<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(parts: I) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut array = [0u8; Self::KIND.len()];
+ Self::digest(&mut array, parts)?;
+ Ok(Sha2_256Node(Some(array)))
+ }
+ fn combine<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(
+ &mut self,
+ prefix: I,
+ left: Option<&'a Self>,
+ right: Option<&'a Self>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let left = left.and_then(|e| e.as_slice());
+ let right = right.and_then(|e| e.as_slice());
+ Self::combine_hash_data(self.mut_or_init(), prefix, left, right, || {
+ Err(Error::custom(
+ "at least one argument to combine needs to supply data",
+ ))
+ })
+ }
+ fn assert_contains(&self, hash_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
+ if self.as_slice() == hash_data {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)
+ }
+ }
+ fn assert_contains_hash_of<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(
+ &self,
+ parts: I,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let mut buf = [0u8; Self::KIND.len()];
+ Self::digest(&mut buf, parts)?;
+ self.assert_contains(Some(&buf))
+ }
+ fn assert_parent_of<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]>>(
+ &self,
+ prefix: I,
+ left: Option<&'a Self>,
+ right: Option<&'a Self>,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let slice = match self.as_slice() {
+ Some(slice) => slice,
+ None => return Err(Error::HashCmpFailure),
+ };
+ let buf = {
+ let mut buf = [0u8; Self::KIND.len()];
+ let left = left.and_then(|e| e.as_slice());
+ let right = right.and_then(|e| e.as_slice());
+ Self::combine_hash_data(&mut buf, prefix, left, right, || {
+ Err(Error::custom("logic error encountered"))
+ })?;
+ buf
+ };
+ if slice == buf {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)
+ }
+ }
+ fn try_as_slice(&self) -> Result<&[u8]> {
+ self.0
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|arr| arr.as_slice())
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::custom("this merkle node is empty"))
+ }
+ }
+ /// An index into a binary tree. This type provides convenience methods for navigating a tree.
+ #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+ struct BinTreeIndex(usize);
+ impl BinTreeIndex {
+ /// Returns the index of the left child of this node.
+ fn left(self) -> Self {
+ Self(2 * self.0 + 1)
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the right child of this node.
+ fn right(self) -> Self {
+ Self(2 * (self.0 + 1))
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the parent of this node.
+ fn parent(self) -> Option<Self> {
+ if self.0 > 0 {
+ Some(Self((self.0 - 1) / 2))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator over the indices of all of this node's ancestors.
+ fn ancestors(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = BinTreeIndex> {
+ struct ParentIter(Option<BinTreeIndex>);
+ impl Iterator for ParentIter {
+ type Item = BinTreeIndex;
+ fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+ let parent = match self.0 {
+ Some(curr) => curr.parent(),
+ None => None,
+ };
+ self.0 = parent;
+ parent
+ }
+ }
+ ParentIter(Some(self))
+ }
+ }
+ pub trait MerkleTree: Sectored {
+ /// Checks that the root node contains the given hash data. If it does then `Ok(())` is
+ /// returned. If it doesn't, then `Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)` is returned.
+ fn assert_root_contains(&mut self, hash_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Hashes the given data, adds a new node to the tree with its hash and updates the hashes
+ /// of all parent nodes.
+ fn write(&mut self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Verifies that the given data stored from the given offset into the protected data, has not
+ /// been modified.
+ fn verify(&self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()>;
+ /// Returns the hash data stored in the root node of the tree. An error is returned if and only
+ /// if the tree is empty.
+ fn root_hash(&self) -> Result<&[u8]>;
+ }
+ /// An implementation of a Merkle tree, a tree for storing hashes. This implementation is a binary
+ /// tree which stores its nodes in a vector to ensure data locality.
+ ///
+ /// This type is used to provide integrity protection to a sequence of fixed sized units of data
+ /// called sectors. The size of the sectors are determined when the tree is created and cannot
+ /// be changed later. The hashes contained in the leaf nodes of this tree are hashes of sectors.
+ /// Each sector corresponds to an offset into the protected data, and in order to verify that a
+ /// sector has not been modified, you must supply the offset of the sector.
+ #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+ pub struct VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ nodes: Vec<T>,
+ /// The size of the sectors of data that this tree will protect.
+ sector_sz: usize,
+ #[serde(skip)]
+ root_verified: bool,
+ }
+ impl<T> VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ /// A slice to prefix to data being hashed for leaf nodes. It's important that this is different
+ /// from `INTERIOR_PREFIX`.
+ const LEAF_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"Leaf";
+ /// A slice to prefix to data being hashed for interior nodes. It's important that this is
+ /// different from 'LEAF_PREFIX`.
+ const INTERIOR_PREFIX: &'static [u8] = b"Interior";
+ /// Creates a new tree with no nodes in it and the given sector size.
+ pub fn empty(sector_sz: usize) -> VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ VecMerkleTree {
+ nodes: Vec::new(),
+ sector_sz,
+ root_verified: true,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of generations in self. This method returns -1 when the tree is empty,
+ /// and this is the only case where a negative value is returned.
+ fn generations(&self) -> isize {
+ log2(self.nodes.len())
+ }
+ /// Returns the number of nodes in a complete binary tree with the given number of
+ /// generations. Note that `generations` is 0-based, so a tree with 1 node has 0 generations,
+ /// and a tree with 3 has 1.
+ fn len(generations: isize) -> usize {
+ if generations >= 0 {
+ exp2(generations + 1) - 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns a reference to the hash stored in the given node, or `Error::IndexOutOfBounds` if
+ /// the given index doesn't exist.
+ fn hash_at(&self, index: BinTreeIndex) -> Result<&T> {
+ self.nodes.get(index.0).ok_or(Error::IndexOutOfBounds {
+ index: index.0,
+ limit: self.nodes.len(),
+ })
+ }
+ /// Returns the index which corresponds to the given offset into the protected data.
+ fn offset_to_index(&self, offset: usize) -> Result<BinTreeIndex> {
+ let gens = self.generations();
+ let sector_index = offset / self.sector_sz;
+ let index_limit = exp2(gens);
+ if sector_index >= index_limit {
+ return Err(Error::InvalidOffset {
+ actual: offset,
+ limit: index_limit * self.sector_sz,
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(BinTreeIndex(exp2(gens) - 1 + sector_index))
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator of slices which need to be hashed along with the data to create a leaf
+ /// node.
+ fn leaf_parts(data: &[u8]) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]> {
+ [Self::LEAF_PREFIX, data].into_iter()
+ }
+ /// Returns an iterator of slices which need to be hashed along with the data to create an
+ /// interior node.
+ fn interior_prefix<'a>() -> impl Iterator<Item = &'a [u8]> {
+ [Self::INTERIOR_PREFIX].into_iter()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: MerkleNode> VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ /// Percolates up the hash change to the given node to the root.
+ fn perc_up(&mut self, start: BinTreeIndex) -> Result<()> {
+ for index in start.ancestors() {
+ self.combine_children(index)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ /// Combines the hashes of the given node's children and stores it in the given node.
+ fn combine_children(&mut self, index: BinTreeIndex) -> Result<()> {
+ let left = index.left();
+ let right = index.right();
+ // Note that index < left && index < right.
+ let split = index.0 + 1;
+ let (front, back) = self.nodes.split_at_mut(split);
+ let dest = &mut front[front.len() - 1];
+ let left = back.get(left.0 - split);
+ let right = back.get(right.0 - split);
+ dest.combine(Self::interior_prefix(), left, right)
+ .map_err(|_| Error::IndexOutOfBounds {
+ index: index.0,
+ limit: Self::len(self.generations() - 1),
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: MerkleNode> MerkleTree for VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ fn assert_root_contains(&mut self, hash_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
+ match self.hash_at(BinTreeIndex(0)) {
+ Ok(root) => {
+ root.assert_contains(hash_data)?;
+ self.root_verified = true;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ Err(Error::IndexOutOfBounds { .. }) => {
+ if hash_data.is_none() {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::HashCmpFailure)
+ }
+ }
+ Err(err) => Err(err),
+ }
+ }
+ fn write(&mut self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ self.assert_sector_sz(data.len())?;
+ let sector_index = offset / self.sector_sz;
+ let generations = self.generations();
+ let sector_index_sup = exp2(generations);
+ if sector_index >= sector_index_sup {
+ // Need to resize the tree.
+ let generations_new = log2(sector_index) + 1;
+ let new_cap = Self::len(generations_new) - self.nodes.len();
+ self.nodes.reserve_exact(new_cap);
+ // Extend the vector so there is enough room to fit the current leaves in the last
+ // generation.
+ let leaf_ct = self.nodes.len() - Self::len(generations - 1);
+ let new_len = Self::len(generations_new - 1) + sector_index + 1;
+ self.nodes.resize_with(new_len, T::default);
+ // Shift all previously allocated nodes down the tree.
+ let generation_gap = generations_new - generations;
+ for gen in (0..(generations + 1)).rev() {
+ let shift = exp2(gen + generation_gap) - exp2(gen);
+ let start = exp2(gen) - 1;
+ let end = start
+ + if gen == generations {
+ leaf_ct
+ } else {
+ exp2(gen)
+ };
+ for index in start..end {
+ let new_index = index + shift;
+ self.nodes.swap(index, new_index);
+ }
+ }
+ // Percolate up the old root to ensure that all nodes on the path from the old
+ // root to the new root are initialized. This is not needed in the case where the
+ // generation gap is only 1, as only the root is uninitialized in this case and it will
+ // be initialized after inserting the new node below.
+ if generation_gap > 1 && generations >= 0 {
+ self.perc_up(BinTreeIndex(exp2(generation_gap) - 1))?;
+ }
+ }
+ let index = self.offset_to_index(offset)?;
+ if index.0 >= self.nodes.len() {
+ self.nodes.resize_with(index.0 + 1, T::default);
+ }
+ self.nodes[index.0] = T::new(Self::leaf_parts(data))?;
+ self.perc_up(index)
+ }
+ /// Verifies that the given data stored from the given offset into the protected data, has not
+ /// been modified.
+ fn verify(&self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ if !self.root_verified {
+ return Err(Error::RootHashNotVerified);
+ }
+ self.assert_sector_sz(data.len())?;
+ let start = self.offset_to_index(offset)?;
+ self.hash_at(start)?
+ .assert_contains_hash_of(Self::leaf_parts(data))?;
+ for index in start.ancestors() {
+ let parent = self.hash_at(index)?;
+ let left = self.hash_at(index.left()).ok();
+ let right = self.hash_at(index.right()).ok();
+ parent.assert_parent_of(Self::interior_prefix(), left, right)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn root_hash(&self) -> Result<&[u8]> {
+ self.nodes
+ .first()
+ .map(|node| node.try_as_slice())
+ .ok_or_else(|| Error::custom("the tree is empty"))?
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Sectored for VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ fn sector_sz(&self) -> usize {
+ self.sector_sz
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Default for VecMerkleTree<T> {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::empty(SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT)
+ }
+ }
+ #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, EnumDiscriminants)]
+ #[strum_discriminants(name(MerkleTreeKind))]
+ pub enum VariantMerkleTree {
+ Sha2_256(VecMerkleTree<Sha2_256Node>),
+ }
+ impl VariantMerkleTree {
+ pub fn empty(kind: MerkleTreeKind, sector_sz: usize) -> VariantMerkleTree {
+ match kind {
+ MerkleTreeKind::Sha2_256 => {
+ Self::Sha2_256(VecMerkleTree::<Sha2_256Node>::empty(sector_sz))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl Sectored for VariantMerkleTree {
+ fn sector_sz(&self) -> usize {
+ match self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(tree) => tree.sector_sz(),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl MerkleTree for VariantMerkleTree {
+ fn assert_root_contains(&mut self, hash_data: Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
+ match self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(tree) => tree.assert_root_contains(hash_data),
+ }
+ }
+ fn root_hash(&self) -> Result<&[u8]> {
+ match self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(tree) => tree.root_hash(),
+ }
+ }
+ fn verify(&self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ match self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(tree) => tree.verify(offset, data),
+ }
+ }
+ fn write(&mut self, offset: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {
+ match self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(tree) => tree.write(offset, data),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl Default for VariantMerkleTree {
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ Self::Sha2_256(VecMerkleTree::<Sha2_256Node>::default())
+ }
+ }
+ pub struct MerkleStream<T> {
+ trailered: Trailered<T, VariantMerkleTree>,
+ tree: VariantMerkleTree,
+ pos: usize,
+ }
+ impl<T: MetaAccess> MerkleStream<T> {
+ /// Asserts that the root merkle node contains the integrity value given by the inner stream.
+ pub fn assert_root_integrity(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ let hash_data = self.trailered.integrity();
+ self.tree.assert_root_contains(hash_data)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: Read + Seek> MerkleStream<T> {
+ /// Reads a `MerkleTree` from the end of the given stream and returns a stream which uses it.
+ pub fn new(inner: T) -> Result<MerkleStream<T>> {
+ let (trailered, tree) = Trailered::new(inner)?;
+ Ok(MerkleStream {
+ trailered,
+ tree: tree.unwrap_or_default(),
+ pos: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn with_tree(inner: T, tree: VariantMerkleTree) -> Result<MerkleStream<T>> {
+ let (trailered, trailer) = Trailered::new(inner)?;
+ if trailer.is_some() {
+ return Err(Error::custom(
+ "stream already contained a serialized merkle tree",
+ ));
+ }
+ Ok(MerkleStream {
+ trailered,
+ tree,
+ pos: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Sectored for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn sector_sz(&self) -> usize {
+ self.tree.sector_sz()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: Read + Seek> TryCompose<T, MerkleStream<T>> for MerkleStream<()> {
+ type Error = crate::Error;
+ fn try_compose(self, inner: T) -> std::result::Result<MerkleStream<T>, Self::Error> {
+ let (trailered, tree) = Trailered::new(inner)?;
+ Ok(MerkleStream {
+ trailered,
+ tree: tree.unwrap_or_default(),
+ pos: 0,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T> Decompose<T> for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn into_inner(self) -> T {
+ self.trailered.into_inner()
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: WriteInteg + Seek> Write for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ self.assert_sector_sz(buf.len())?;
+ self.tree.write(self.pos, buf)?;
+ let written = self.trailered.write(buf)?;
+ self.pos += self.sector_sz();
+ Ok(written)
+ }
+ fn flush(&mut self) -> io::Result<()> {
+ let root = self.tree.root_hash()?;
+ self.trailered.flush_integ(&self.tree, root)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: Read + Seek> Read for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
+ self.assert_sector_sz(buf.len())?;
+ self.trailered.read_exact(buf)?;
+ self.tree.verify(self.pos, buf)?;
+ self.pos += self.sector_sz();
+ Ok(self.sector_sz())
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: Seek> Seek for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn seek(&mut self, pos: io::SeekFrom) -> io::Result<u64> {
+ let from_start = self.trailered.seek(pos)?;
+ self.pos = from_start.try_into().box_err()?;
+ Ok(from_start)
+ }
+ }
+ impl<T: MetaAccess> MetaAccess for MerkleStream<T> {
+ fn block_key(&self) -> crate::Result<SymKey> {
+ self.trailered.block_key()
+ }
+ fn add_readcap_for(&mut self, owner: Principal, key: &dyn Encrypter) -> crate::Result<()> {
+ self.trailered.add_readcap_for(owner, key)
+ }
+ fn integrity(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
+ self.trailered.integrity()
+ }
+ fn set_path(&mut self, path: BlockPath) {
+ self.trailered.set_path(path)
+ }
+ }
+pub(crate) mod tests {
+ use std::io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
+ use super::private::{exp2, log2};
+ use super::*;
+ use crate::test_helpers::{BtCursor, Randomizer};
+ use crate::SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT;
+ use btserde::{from_vec, to_vec};
+ #[test]
+ fn log2_test() {
+ assert_eq!(-1, log2(0));
+ assert_eq!(0, log2(1));
+ assert_eq!(1, log2(2));
+ assert_eq!(2, log2(4));
+ assert_eq!(2, log2(5));
+ assert_eq!(3, log2(8));
+ assert_eq!(9, log2(1023));
+ assert_eq!(10, log2(1025));
+ assert_eq!(63, log2(usize::MAX));
+ }
+ fn make_tree_with<const SZ: usize>(
+ num_sects: usize,
+ ) -> (VecMerkleTree<Sha2_256Node>, Vec<[u8; SZ]>) {
+ let mut tree = VecMerkleTree::<Sha2_256Node>::empty(SZ);
+ let mut sectors = Vec::with_capacity(num_sects);
+ for k in 1..(num_sects + 1) {
+ let offset = SZ * (k - 1);
+ let sector = [k as u8; SZ];
+ sectors.push(sector);
+ tree.write(offset, §or).expect("append sector failed");
+ }
+ (tree, sectors)
+ }
+ fn merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case<const SZ: usize>(num_sects: usize) {
+ let (tree, sectors) = make_tree_with::<SZ>(num_sects);
+ for (k, sector) in sectors.into_iter().enumerate() {
+ tree.verify(k * SZ, §or).expect("verify failed");
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn merkle_tree_append_verify() {
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(0));
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(1));
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(2));
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(3));
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(4));
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(0) + 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(1) + 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(2) + 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(3) + 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(4) + 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(0) - 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(1) - 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(2) - 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(3) - 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(exp2(4) - 1);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT>(1337);
+ merkle_tree_build_verify_test_case::<512>(37);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn merkle_tree_data_changed_verify_fails() {
+ const SZ: usize = SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT;
+ let mut tree = VecMerkleTree::<Sha2_256Node>::empty(SZ);
+ let one = [1u8; SZ];
+ let mut two = [2u8; SZ];
+ let three = [3u8; SZ];
+ tree.write(0, &one).expect("append one failed");
+ tree.write(SZ, &two).expect("append two failed");
+ tree.write(2 * SZ, &three).expect("append three failed");
+ two[0] = 7u8;
+ tree.verify(0, &one).expect("failed to verify one");
+ tree.verify(SZ, &two)
+ .expect_err("verify two was expected to fail");
+ tree.verify(2 * SZ, &three).expect("failed to verify three");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn merkle_tree_root_not_verified_verify_fails() {
+ const SZ: usize = SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT;
+ let mut tree = VecMerkleTree::<Sha2_256Node>::empty(SZ);
+ let one = [1u8; SZ];
+ let two = [2u8; SZ];
+ let three = [3u8; SZ];
+ tree.write(0, &one).expect("append one failed");
+ tree.write(SZ, &two).expect("append two failed");
+ tree.write(2 * SZ, &three).expect("append three failed");
+ let vec = to_vec(&tree).expect("to_vec failed");
+ let tree: VecMerkleTree<Sha2_256Node> = from_vec(&vec).expect("from_vec failed");
+ tree.verify(SZ, &two)
+ .expect_err("verify succeeded, though it should have failed");
+ }
+ fn merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(sect_sz: usize, sect_ct: usize) {
+ let tree = VariantMerkleTree::empty(MerkleTreeKind::Sha2_256, sect_sz);
+ let mut stream =
+ MerkleStream::with_tree(BtCursor::new(Vec::new()), tree).expect("read from end failed");
+ for k in 1..(sect_ct + 1) {
+ let sector = vec![k as u8; sect_sz];
+ stream.write(§or).expect("write failed");
+ }
+ stream.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).expect("seek failed");
+ for k in 1..(sect_ct + 1) {
+ let expected = vec![k as u8; sect_sz];
+ let mut actual = vec![0u8; sect_sz];
+ stream.read(&mut actual).expect("read failed");
+ assert_eq!(expected, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn merkle_stream_sequential() {
+ merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 20);
+ merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 200);
+ merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 800);
+ merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(512, 25);
+ merkle_stream_sequential_test_case(8192, 20);
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn make_merkle_stream_filled_with_zeros(
+ sect_sz: usize,
+ sect_ct: usize,
+ ) -> MerkleStream<BtCursor<Vec<u8>>> {
+ let tree = VariantMerkleTree::empty(MerkleTreeKind::Sha2_256, sect_sz);
+ let mut stream =
+ MerkleStream::with_tree(BtCursor::new(Vec::new()), tree).expect("read from end failed");
+ let zeros = vec![0u8; sect_sz];
+ for _ in 0..sect_ct {
+ stream.write(&zeros).expect("write zeros failed");
+ }
+ stream.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).expect("seek failed");
+ stream
+ }
+ fn merkle_stream_random_test_case(rando: Randomizer, sect_sz: usize, sect_ct: usize) {
+ let mut stream = make_merkle_stream_filled_with_zeros(sect_sz, sect_ct);
+ let indices: Vec<usize> = rando.take(sect_ct).map(|e| e % sect_ct).collect();
+ for index in indices.iter().map(|e| *e) {
+ let offset = sect_sz * index;
+ stream
+ .seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64))
+ .expect("seek to write failed");
+ let sector = vec![index as u8; sect_sz];
+ stream.write(§or).expect("write failed");
+ }
+ for index in indices.iter().map(|e| *e) {
+ let offset = sect_sz * index;
+ stream
+ .seek(SeekFrom::Start(offset as u64))
+ .expect("seek to read failed");
+ let expected = vec![index as u8; sect_sz];
+ let mut actual = vec![0u8; sect_sz];
+ stream.read(&mut actual).expect("read failed");
+ assert_eq!(expected, actual);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn merkle_stream_random() {
+ const SEED: [u8; Randomizer::HASH.len()] = [3u8; Randomizer::HASH.len()];
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 2);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 4);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 8);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 20);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 200);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), SECTOR_SZ_DEFAULT, 800);
+ merkle_stream_random_test_case(Randomizer::new(SEED), 8192, 63);
+ }