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Replaced the HTTP protocol contract example with a pub-sub protocol.

Matthew Carr 1 năm trước cách đây
mục cha

+ 61 - 33

@@ -531,55 +531,83 @@ unexpected type is received,
 eliminating the need for ad-hoc error handling code to be written by application developers.
 % Example of a protocol contract.
-% TODO: I don't find this example very compelling. It would be more impressive to show a pub-sub
-% protocol, that would look cool.
-Let us explore the use of this system through a simple example using the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
-It is a state-less client-server protocol,
-essentially just an RPC from client to server.
-We can model this in for the contract checker by defining a trait representing the protocol:
+Let's explore how this system can be used to build a simple pub-sub communications protocol.
+In this protocol,
+there will be a server which handles \texttt{Sub} messages by remembering the names of the actors
+who sent them.
+It will handle \texttt{Pub} messages by forwarding them to all of the subscribed actors.
+The state-transition graph for the system is shown in figure \ref{fig:pubsub}.
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{PubSubStateGraph.pdf}
+  \end{center}
+  \caption{The state-transition graph for a simple pub-sub protocol.}
+  \label{fig:pubsub}
+The solid edges in the graph indicate state transitions and are labeled with the message type
+which triggered the transition.
+The dashed edges indicate message delivery and are labeled with the type of the message delivered.
+Although \texttt{Runtime} is not the state of any actor in the system,
+it is included in the graph as the sender of the \texttt{Activate} and \texttt{Pub} messages.
+\texttt{Activate} is delivered by the runtime to pass a reference to the runtime and provide the
+actor's \texttt{Uuid}.
+\texttt{Pub} messages are dispatched by actors outside the graph and are routed to actors in the
+\texttt{Listening} state by the runtime.
+Note that the runtime itself doesn't have any notion of the state of any actor,
+it just delivers messaging using the rules described previously.
+Only an actor can tell whether a message is expected or not given its current state.
+Each of the actor states are modeled by Rust traits.
-  pub trait Http {
-    type Server: ServerInit;
+  pub struct ClientInit {
+    type AfterActivate: Subed;
+    type Fut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
+    fn handle_activate(self, msg: Activate) -> Self::Fut;
-The purpose of this top-level trait is to specify the initial state of every party to the
-communications protocol.
-In this case we're only modeling the state of the server,
-as the client will just \texttt{call} a method on the server.
-The initial state for the server is defined as follows:
-  pub trait ServerInit {
+  pub struct Subed {
+    type AfterPub: Subed;
+    type Fut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterPub>>;
+    fn handle_pub(self, msg: Envelope<Pub>) -> Self::Fut;
+  }
+  pub struct ServerInit {
     type AfterActivate: Listening;
     type Fut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
     fn handle_activate(self, msg: Activate) -> Self::Fut;
+  pub struct Listening {
+    type AfterSub: Listening;
+    type SubFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterSub>>;
+    fn handle_sub(self, msg: Envelope<Sub>) -> Self::SubFut;
+    type AfterPub: Listening;
+    type PubFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterPub>>;
+    fn handle_pub(self, msg: Envelope<Pub>) -> Self::PubFut;
+  }
-\texttt{Activate} is a message sent by the generated code to allow the actor access to the
-runtime and the actor's ID.
-It is defined as follows:
+The definition of \texttt{Activate} is as follows:
   pub struct Activate {
     rt: &'static Runtime,
     act_id: Uuid,
-We represent the statelessness of HTTP by having the requests to the \texttt{Listening} state
-return another \texttt{Listening} state.
+The \texttt{Envelope} type is a wrapper around a message which contains information about who sent
+it and a method that can be used to send a reply.
+In general a new actor state, represented by a new type, can be returned by a messaging handling
+The protocol itself is also represented by a trait:
-  pub trait Listening {
-    type AfterRequest: Listening;
-    type Fut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterRequest>>;
-    fn handle_request(self, msg: Envelope<Request>) -> Self::Fut;
+  pub trait PubSubProtocol {
+    type Server: ServerInit;
+    type Client: ClientInit;
-The \texttt{Envelope} type is a wrapper around a message which contains information about who sent
-it and a method which can be used to send a reply.
-In general a new type could be returned after each message received,
-with the returned type being dependent on the type of the message.
-The state graph of this protocol can be visualized as follows:
-  \includegraphics[height=1.5in]{HttpStateGraph.pdf}
+By modeling this protocol independently of any implementation of it,
+we allow for many different interoperable implementations to be created.
+We can also isolate bugs in these implementations because unexpected or malformed messages are
+checked for by the generated code.
 % Implementing actors in languages other than Rust.
 Today the actor runtime only supports executing actors implemented in Rust.

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// This can be regenerated with the following command:
-// dot -Tpdf -o HttpStateGraph.pdf HttpStateGraph.gv
-digraph {
-  server_init[label = "ServerInit"];
-  listening[label = "Listening"];
-  server_init -> listening [label = "  Activate"];
-  listening -> listening [label = "  Request"];

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// This can be regenerated with the following command:
+// dot -Tpdf -o PubSubStateGraph.pdf PubSubStateGraph.gv
+digraph {
+    Runtime
+    ClientInit
+    ServerInit
+    Subed
+    Listening
+    Runtime -> ClientInit [label = "Activate", style = "dashed"]
+    Runtime -> ServerInit [label = "Activate", style = "dashed"]
+    ClientInit -> Subed [label = "Activate"]
+    Subed -> Subed [label = " Pub"]
+    ClientInit -> Listening [label = "Sub", style = "dashed"]
+    ServerInit -> Listening [label = "Activate"]
+    Listening -> Listening [label = " Pub|Sub"]
+    Runtime -> Listening [label = "Pub", style = "dashed"]
+    Listening -> Subed [label = "Pub", style = "dashed"]