@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
use std::{
+ fmt::Display,
future::{ready, Future, Ready},
@@ -21,9 +22,21 @@ use tokio::{
use uuid::Uuid;
-/// Creates a new [Runtime] instance which listens at the given IP address and which uses the given
-/// credentials.
-pub fn new_runtime<C: 'static + Send + Sync + Creds>(
+/// Declares a new [Runtime] which listens for messages at the given IP address and uses the given
+/// [Creds]. Runtimes are intended to be created once in a process's lifetime and continue running
+/// until the process exits.
+macro_rules! declare_runtime {
+ ($name:ident, $ip_addr:expr, $creds:expr) => {
+ ::lazy_static::lazy_static! {
+ static ref $name: Runtime = _new_runtime($ip_addr, $creds).unwrap();
+ }
+ };
+/// This function is not intended to be called directly by downstream crates. Use the macro
+/// [declare_runtime] to create a [Runtime] instead.
+pub fn _new_runtime<C: 'static + Send + Sync + Creds>(
ip_addr: IpAddr,
creds: Arc<C>,
) -> Result<Runtime> {
@@ -41,10 +54,10 @@ pub fn new_runtime<C: 'static + Send + Sync + Creds>(
/// An actor runtime.
-/// Actors can be activated by the runtime and execute autonomously until they halt. Running actors
-/// can be sent messages using the `send` method, which does not wait for a response from the
-/// recipient. If a reply is needed, then `call` can be used, which returns a future that will not
-/// be ready until the reply has been received.
+/// Actors can be activated by the runtime and execute autonomously until they return. Running
+/// actors can be sent messages using the `send` method, which does not wait for a response from the
+/// recipient. If a reply is needed, then `call` can be used, which returns a future that will
+/// be ready when the reply has been received.
pub struct Runtime {
_rx: Receiver,
path: Arc<BlockPath>,
@@ -57,6 +70,12 @@ impl Runtime {
+ /// Returns the number of actors that are currently executing in this [Runtime].
+ pub async fn num_running(&self) -> usize {
+ let guard = self.handles.read().await;
+ guard.len()
+ }
/// Sends a message to the actor identified by the given [ActorName].
pub async fn send<T: 'static + SendMsg>(
@@ -128,11 +147,11 @@ impl Runtime {
/// Activates a new actor using the given activator function and returns a handle to it.
- pub async fn activate<Msg, F, Fut>(&self, activator: F) -> ActorName
+ pub async fn activate<Msg, F, Fut>(&'static self, activator: F) -> ActorName
Msg: 'static + CallMsg,
Fut: 'static + Send + Future<Output = ()>,
- F: FnOnce(mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<Msg>>, Uuid) -> Fut,
+ F: FnOnce(&'static Runtime, mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<Msg>>, Uuid) -> Fut,
let mut guard = self.handles.write().await;
let act_id = {
@@ -179,7 +198,7 @@ impl Runtime {
- let handle = tokio::task::spawn(activator(rx, act_id));
+ let handle = tokio::task::spawn(activator(self, rx, act_id));
let actor_handle = ActorHandle::new(handle, tx, deliverer);
guard.insert(act_id, actor_handle);
ActorName::new(self.path.clone(), act_id)
@@ -200,8 +219,50 @@ impl Runtime {
+ /// Returns the [ActorHandle] for the actor with the given name.
+ ///
+ /// If there is no such actor in this runtime then a [RuntimeError::BadActorName] error is
+ /// returned.
+ ///
+ /// Note that the actor will be aborted when the given handle is dropped (unless it has already
+ /// returned when the handle is dropped), and no further messages will be delivered to it by
+ /// this runtime.
+ pub async fn take(&self, name: &ActorName) -> Result<ActorHandle> {
+ if name.path == self.path {
+ let mut guard = self.handles.write().await;
+ if let Some(handle) = guard.remove(&name.act_id) {
+ Ok(handle)
+ } else {
+ Err(RuntimeError::BadActorName(name.clone()).into())
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(RuntimeError::BadActorName(name.clone()).into())
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for Runtime {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ panic!("A Runtime was dropped. Panicking to avoid undefined behavior.");
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum RuntimeError {
+ BadActorName(ActorName),
+impl Display for RuntimeError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ Self::BadActorName(name) => write!(f, "bad actor name: {name}"),
+ }
+ }
+impl std::error::Error for RuntimeError {}
/// Deserializes replies sent over the wire.
struct ReplyCallback<T> {
_phantom: PhantomData<T>,
@@ -307,6 +368,12 @@ impl ActorName {
+impl Display for ActorName {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}@{}", self.act_id, self.path)
+ }
/// Trait for messages which expect exactly one reply.
pub trait CallMsg: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync {
/// The reply type expected for this message.
@@ -383,8 +450,8 @@ impl<T: CallMsg> Envelope<T> {
type FutureResult = Pin<Box<dyn Send + Future<Output = Result<()>>>>;
-struct ActorHandle {
- _handle: JoinHandle<()>,
+pub struct ActorHandle {
+ handle: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
sender: Box<dyn Send + Sync + Any>,
deliverer: Box<dyn Send + Sync + Fn(WireEnvelope<'_>) -> FutureResult>,
@@ -396,7 +463,7 @@ impl ActorHandle {
F: 'static + Send + Sync + Fn(WireEnvelope<'_>) -> FutureResult,
Self {
- _handle: handle,
+ handle: Some(handle),
sender: Box::new(sender),
deliverer: Box::new(deliverer),
@@ -408,7 +475,7 @@ impl ActorHandle {
.ok_or_else(|| bterr!("unexpected message type"))
- async fn send<T: 'static + SendMsg>(&self, msg: T) -> Result<()> {
+ pub async fn send<T: 'static + SendMsg>(&self, msg: T) -> Result<()> {
let sender = self.sender()?;
@@ -417,7 +484,7 @@ impl ActorHandle {
- async fn call_through<T: 'static + CallMsg>(&self, msg: T) -> Result<T::Reply> {
+ pub async fn call_through<T: 'static + CallMsg>(&self, msg: T) -> Result<T::Reply> {
let sender = self.sender()?;
let (envelope, rx) = Envelope::call(msg);
@@ -427,6 +494,25 @@ impl ActorHandle {
let reply = rx.await?;
+ pub async fn returned(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
+ if let Some(handle) = self.handle.take() {
+ handle.await?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn abort(&mut self) {
+ if let Some(handle) = self.handle.take() {
+ handle.abort();
+ }
+ }
+impl Drop for ActorHandle {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ self.abort();
+ }
@@ -434,21 +520,48 @@ mod tests {
use super::*;
use btlib::{
- crypto::{CredStore, CredsPriv},
+ crypto::{ConcreteCreds, CredStore, CredsPriv},
use btlib_tests::TEST_STORE;
use btmsg::BlockAddr;
use btserde::to_vec;
use ctor::ctor;
- use std::net::IpAddr;
+ use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+ use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
+ use tokio::runtime::Builder;
+ const RUNTIME_ADDR: IpAddr = IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1));
+ lazy_static! {
+ static ref RUNTIME_CREDS: Arc<ConcreteCreds> = TEST_STORE.node_creds().unwrap();
+ }
+ declare_runtime!(RUNTIME, RUNTIME_ADDR, RUNTIME_CREDS.clone());
+ lazy_static! {
+ /// A tokio async runtime.
+ ///
+ /// When the `#[tokio::test]` attribute is used on a test, a new current thread runtime
+ /// is created for each test
+ /// (source: https://docs.rs/tokio/latest/tokio/attr.test.html#current-thread-runtime).
+ /// This creates a problem, because the first test thread to access the `RUNTIME` static
+ /// will initialize its `Receiver` in its runtime, which will stop running at the end of
+ /// the test. Hence subsequent tests will not be able to send remote messages to this
+ /// `Runtime`.
+ ///
+ /// By creating a single async runtime which is used by all of the tests, we can avoid this
+ /// problem.
+ static ref ASYNC_RT: tokio::runtime::Runtime = Builder::new_current_thread()
+ .enable_all()
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ }
/// The log level to use when running tests.
const LOG_LEVEL: &str = "warn";
fn ctor() {
- std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", LOG_LEVEL);
+ std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", format!("{},quinn=WARN", LOG_LEVEL));
@@ -459,7 +572,11 @@ mod tests {
type Reply = EchoMsg;
- async fn echo(mut mailbox: mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<EchoMsg>>, _act_id: Uuid) {
+ async fn echo(
+ _rt: &'static Runtime,
+ mut mailbox: mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<EchoMsg>>,
+ _act_id: Uuid,
+ ) {
while let Some(msg) = mailbox.recv().await {
if let Envelope::Call { msg, reply } = msg {
if let Err(_) = reply.send(msg) {
@@ -469,45 +586,67 @@ mod tests {
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn local_call() {
- const EXPECTED: &str = "hello";
- let ip_addr = IpAddr::from([127, 0, 0, 1]);
- let creds = TEST_STORE.node_creds().unwrap();
- let runtime = new_runtime(ip_addr, creds).unwrap();
- let name = runtime.activate(echo).await;
- let reply = runtime
- .call(&name, Uuid::default(), EchoMsg(EXPECTED.into()))
- .await
- .unwrap();
+ #[test]
+ fn local_call() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED: &str = "hello";
+ let name = RUNTIME.activate(echo).await;
- assert_eq!(EXPECTED, reply.0)
- }
+ let reply = RUNTIME
+ .call(&name, Uuid::default(), EchoMsg(EXPECTED.into()))
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
- #[tokio::test]
- async fn remote_call() {
- const EXPECTED: &str = "hello";
- let ip_addr = IpAddr::from([127, 0, 0, 2]);
- let creds = TEST_STORE.node_creds().unwrap();
- let runtime = new_runtime(ip_addr, creds.clone()).unwrap();
- let actor_name = runtime.activate(echo).await;
- let bind_path = Arc::new(creds.bind_path().unwrap());
- let block_addr = Arc::new(BlockAddr::new(ip_addr, bind_path));
- let transmitter = Transmitter::new(block_addr, creds).await.unwrap();
- let buf = to_vec(&EchoMsg(EXPECTED.to_string())).unwrap();
- let wire_msg = WireMsg {
- to: actor_name.act_id,
- from: Uuid::default(),
- payload: &buf,
- };
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED, reply.0);
- let reply = transmitter
- .call(wire_msg, ReplyCallback::<EchoMsg>::new())
- .await
- .unwrap()
- .unwrap();
+ RUNTIME.take(&name).await.unwrap();
+ })
+ }
- assert_eq!(EXPECTED, reply.0);
+ #[test]
+ fn remote_call() {
+ ASYNC_RT.block_on(async {
+ const EXPECTED: &str = "hello";
+ let actor_name = RUNTIME.activate(echo).await;
+ let bind_path = Arc::new(RUNTIME_CREDS.bind_path().unwrap());
+ let block_addr = Arc::new(BlockAddr::new(RUNTIME_ADDR, bind_path));
+ let transmitter = Transmitter::new(block_addr, RUNTIME_CREDS.clone())
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ let buf = to_vec(&EchoMsg(EXPECTED.to_string())).unwrap();
+ let wire_msg = WireMsg {
+ to: actor_name.act_id,
+ from: Uuid::default(),
+ payload: &buf,
+ };
+ let reply = transmitter
+ .call(wire_msg, ReplyCallback::<EchoMsg>::new())
+ .await
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(EXPECTED, reply.0);
+ RUNTIME.take(&actor_name).await.unwrap();
+ });
+ }
+ /// Tests the `num_running` method.
+ ///
+ /// This test uses its own runtime and so can use the `#[tokio::test]` attribute.
+ #[tokio::test]
+ async fn num_running() {
+ declare_runtime!(
+ // This needs to be different from the address where `RUNTIME` is listening.
+ IpAddr::from([127, 0, 0, 2]),
+ TEST_STORE.node_creds().unwrap()
+ );
+ assert_eq!(0, LOCAL_RT.num_running().await);
+ let name = LOCAL_RT.activate(echo).await;
+ assert_eq!(1, LOCAL_RT.num_running().await);
+ LOCAL_RT.take(&name).await.unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(0, LOCAL_RT.num_running().await);