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Modified the PoC protocol contract and actor implementation.

Matthew Carr 1 an în urmă

+ 7 - 7

@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ impl BitOr<libc::mode_t> for FileType {
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
 /// The generators for the group of [Flags].
 /// These are mostly values from libc, save for several custom values. Note that the presence of a
 /// flag in this enum does not guarantee it's supported.
 /// The standard libc `O_*` value which corresponds to each variant is given in the variant's
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ impl Flags {
     /// Asserts that these flags allow a file to be read.
-    /// 
+    ///
     /// If the assertion fails then an [io::Error] with the errno [libc::EACCES] is returned.
     pub fn assert_readable(self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
         if !self.readable() {
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ impl Flags {
     /// Asserts that these flags allow a file to be written.
-    /// 
+    ///
     /// If the assertion fails then an [io::Error] with the errno [libc::EACCES] is returned.
     pub fn assert_writeable(self) -> Result<(), io::Error> {
         if !self.writeable() {
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ pub struct Attrs {
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)]
 /// A type for indicating which fields in [Attrs] have been set and which should be ignored.
 /// This method was chosen over using [Option] for greater efficiency on the wire.
 pub struct AttrsSet(u16);
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ impl BitOrAssign<Self> for AttrsSet {
 /// A filesystem entry.
 /// This struct includes attributes of a file as well as cache control
 /// information for how long it may be cached.
 #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@ pub struct LinkReply {
 /// A request to remove a name referring to an inode.
 /// If the inode becomes orphaned, it is removed from durable storage.
 #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
 pub struct Unlink<'a> {
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ pub struct Close {
 /// A request to forget about an inode which was previously referenced.
 /// This message must be sent
 /// so the server knows when it can free resources associated with the inode.
 /// If `N` [Entry] structs are sent in a reply to [Lookup] messages, then the caller must send one

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
 //! Code for creating filesystem servers.
 //! The [FsProvider] trait defines the interface that a filesystem server
 //! must implement.
 //! A new server can be created using the [new_fs_server] function.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ mod tests {
         AuthzAttrs, BlockMetaSecrets, Epoch, IssuedProcRec, Principaled, ProcRec,
     use btlib_tests::{CredStoreTestingExt, TpmCredStoreHarness};
-    use bttp::BlockAddr;
     use btserde::from_slice;
+    use bttp::BlockAddr;
     use std::net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr};
     use std::{future::ready, net::Ipv6Addr, time::Duration};
     use swtpm_harness::SwtpmHarness;

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
 //! This module contains types providing the cryptographic primitives necessary to implement
 //! Blocktree.
 //! The [openssl] create is used for all of these primitives,
 //! none of them are directly implemented in this module.
 //! Rather, the types here wrap the functionality provided by OpenSSL in a more convenient
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ use strum_macros::{Display, EnumDiscriminants, FromRepr};
 use zeroize::{ZeroizeOnDrop, Zeroizing};
 /// The encryption of some type `T`.
 /// This type is just e wrapper around a [Vec] of [u8] which remembers the type it was serialized
 /// and encrypted from.
 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ impl<T> Ciphertext<T> {
 /// A signature over the serialization of a type `T`.
 /// This struct allows the signature over a serialization of `T` to be stored together with a
 /// signature over  it.
 pub struct Signed<T> {

+ 127 - 124

@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ use std::{
 use btlib::{bterr, crypto::Creds, error::StringError, BlockPath, Result};
-use bttp::{DeserCallback, MsgCallback, Receiver, Replier, Transmitter};
 use btserde::{field_helpers::smart_ptr, from_slice, to_vec, write_to};
+use bttp::{DeserCallback, MsgCallback, Receiver, Replier, Transmitter};
 use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
 use tokio::{
     sync::{mpsc, oneshot, Mutex, RwLock},
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ impl Runtime {
         let act_name = self.actor_name(act_id);
         let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel::<Envelope<Msg>>(MAILBOX_LIMIT);
         // The deliverer closure is responsible for deserializing messages received over the wire
-        // and delivering them to the actor's mailbox and sending replies to call messages.
+        // and delivering them to the actor's mailbox, and sending replies to call messages.
         let deliverer = {
             let buffer = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::<u8>::new()));
             let tx = tx.clone();
@@ -286,6 +286,19 @@ impl Display for RuntimeError {
 impl std::error::Error for RuntimeError {}
+/// Represents the terminal state of an actor, where it stops processing messages and halts.
+struct End;
+/// Delivered to an actor implementation when it starts up.
+pub struct Activate {
+    /// A reference to the `Runtime` which is running this actor.
+    rt: &'static Runtime,
+    /// The ID assigned to this actor.
+    act_id: Uuid,
 /// Deserializes replies sent over the wire.
 struct ReplyCallback<T> {
     _phantom: PhantomData<T>,
@@ -466,6 +479,10 @@ pub trait CallMsg: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync {
 /// Trait for messages which expect exactly zero replies.
 pub trait SendMsg: CallMsg {}
+/// A type used to express when a reply is not expected for a message type.
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
+enum NoReply {}
 /// The maximum number of messages which can be kept in an actor's mailbox.
 const MAILBOX_LIMIT: usize = 32;
@@ -504,10 +521,8 @@ impl<'de> WireEnvelope<'de> {
-/// Wraps a message to indicate if it was sent with `call` or `send`.
-/// If the message was sent with call, then this enum will contain a channel that can be used to
-/// reply to it.
+/// Wrapper around a message type `T` which indicates who the message is from and, if the message
+/// was dispatched with `call`, provides a channel to reply to it.
 pub struct Envelope<T: CallMsg> {
     from: ActorName,
     reply: Option<oneshot::Sender<T::Reply>>,
@@ -656,8 +671,8 @@ mod tests {
     use btlib_tests::TEST_STORE;
-    use bttp::BlockAddr;
     use btserde::to_vec;
+    use bttp::BlockAddr;
     use ctor::ctor;
     use lazy_static::lazy_static;
     use std::{
@@ -788,37 +803,46 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(0, LOCAL_RT.num_running().await);
-    struct Activate {
-        rt: &'static Runtime,
-        act_id: Uuid,
-    }
+    // The following code is a proof-of-concept for what types should be generated for a
+    // simple ping-pong protocol:
+    //
+    // protocol! {
+    //     ClientInit?Activate -> SentPing, Listening!Ping
+    //     ServerInit?Activate -> Listening
+    //     Listening?Ping -> End, SentPing!Ping::Reply
+    //     SentPing?Ping::Reply -> End
+    // }
+    //
+    // In words, the protocol is described as follows.
+    // 1. The ClientInit state receives the Activate message. It returns the SentPing state and a
+    //    Ping message to be sent to the Listening state.
+    // 2. The ServerInit state receives the Activate message. It returns the Listening state.
+    // 3. When the Listening state receives the Ping message it returns the End state and a
+    //    Ping::Reply message to be sent to the SentPing state.
+    // 4. When the SentPing state receives the Ping::Reply message it returns the End state.
+    //
+    // The End state represents an end to the session described by the protocol. When an actor
+    // transitions to the End state its function returns.
+    // The generated actor implementation is the sender of the Activate message.
+    // When a state is expecting a Reply message, an error occurs if the message is not received
+    // in a timely manner.
     #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
     struct Ping;
     impl CallMsg for Ping {
-        type Reply = ();
+        type Reply = PingReply;
-    impl SendMsg for Ping {}
+    // I was tempted to name this "Pong", but the proc macro wouldn't think to do that.
     #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
-    struct Pong;
-    impl CallMsg for Pong {
-        type Reply = ();
-    }
-    impl SendMsg for Pong {}
+    struct PingReply;
     trait ClientInit {
         type AfterActivate: SentPing;
-        type HandleActivateFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
+        type HandleActivateFut: Future<Output = Result<(Self::AfterActivate, Ping)>>;
         fn handle_activate(self, msg: Activate) -> Self::HandleActivateFut;
-    trait SentPing {
-        type AfterPong: Returned;
-        type HandlePongFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterPong>>;
-        fn handle_pong(self, msg: Envelope<Pong>) -> Self::HandlePongFut;
-    }
     trait ServerInit {
         type AfterActivate: Listening;
         type HandleActivateFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
@@ -826,109 +850,77 @@ mod tests {
     trait Listening {
-        type AfterPing: Returned;
-        type HandlePingFut: Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterPing>>;
-        fn handle_ping(self, msg: Envelope<Ping>) -> Self::HandlePingFut;
+        type HandlePingFut: Future<Output = Result<(End, PingReply)>>;
+        fn handle_ping(self, msg: Ping) -> Self::HandlePingFut;
-    trait Returned {}
-    struct ReturnedState;
-    impl Returned for ReturnedState {}
-    trait PingProtocol {
-        type Client: ClientInit;
-        type Server: ServerInit;
+    trait SentPing {
+        type HandleReplyFut: Future<Output = Result<End>>;
+        fn handle_reply(self, msg: PingReply) -> Self::HandleReplyFut;
     #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
     enum PingProtocolMsg {
-        Pong(Pong),
+        PingReply(PingReply),
     impl CallMsg for PingProtocolMsg {
-        type Reply = ();
+        type Reply = PingProtocolMsg;
     impl SendMsg for PingProtocolMsg {}
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    enum PingClientState {
-        Init(ClientInitState),
-        SentPing(ClientState),
-        Returned(ReturnedState),
-    }
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    enum PingServerState {
-        ServerInit(ServerInitState),
-        Listening(ServerState),
-        Returned(ReturnedState),
-    }
-    struct ClientInitState {
-        server_name: ActorName,
-    }
-    struct ClientState;
+    struct ClientInitState;
     impl ClientInit for ClientInitState {
         type AfterActivate = ClientState;
-        type HandleActivateFut = impl Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
-        fn handle_activate(self, msg: Activate) -> Self::HandleActivateFut {
-            async move {
-                let from = msg.rt.actor_name(msg.act_id);
-                // TODO: This implementation should not know about PingProtocolMsg. It should be
-                // able to send Ping directly.
-                msg.rt
-                    .send(self.server_name, from, PingProtocolMsg::Ping(Ping))
-                    .await?;
-                Ok(ClientState)
-            }
+        type HandleActivateFut = impl Future<Output = Result<(Self::AfterActivate, Ping)>>;
+        fn handle_activate(self, _msg: Activate) -> Self::HandleActivateFut {
+            ready(Ok((ClientState, Ping)))
+    struct ClientState;
     impl SentPing for ClientState {
-        type AfterPong = ReturnedState;
-        type HandlePongFut = Ready<Result<Self::AfterPong>>;
-        fn handle_pong(self, _msg: Envelope<Pong>) -> Self::HandlePongFut {
-            ready(Ok(ReturnedState))
+        type HandleReplyFut = Ready<Result<End>>;
+        fn handle_reply(self, _msg: PingReply) -> Self::HandleReplyFut {
+            ready(Ok(End))
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    enum PingClientState {
+        Init(ClientInitState),
+        SentPing(ClientState),
+        End(End),
+    }
     struct ServerInitState;
-    struct ServerState {
-        rt: &'static Runtime,
-        act_id: Uuid,
-    }
+    struct ServerState;
     impl ServerInit for ServerInitState {
         type AfterActivate = ServerState;
         type HandleActivateFut = Ready<Result<Self::AfterActivate>>;
-        fn handle_activate(self, msg: Activate) -> Self::HandleActivateFut {
-            ready(Ok(ServerState {
-                rt: msg.rt,
-                act_id: msg.act_id,
-            }))
+        fn handle_activate(self, _msg: Activate) -> Self::HandleActivateFut {
+            ready(Ok(ServerState))
     impl Listening for ServerState {
-        type AfterPing = ReturnedState;
-        type HandlePingFut = impl Future<Output = Result<Self::AfterPing>>;
-        fn handle_ping(self, msg: Envelope<Ping>) -> Self::HandlePingFut {
-            async move {
-                let to = msg.from;
-                let from = self.rt.actor_name(self.act_id);
-                // TODO: This implementation should not know about PingProtocolMsg. It should be
-                // able to send Pong directly.
-                self.rt.send(to, from, PingProtocolMsg::Pong(Pong)).await?;
-                Ok(ReturnedState)
-            }
+        type HandlePingFut = impl Future<Output = Result<(End, PingReply)>>;
+        fn handle_ping(self, _msg: Ping) -> Self::HandlePingFut {
+            ready(Ok((End, PingReply)))
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    enum PingServerState {
+        ServerInit(ServerInitState),
+        Listening(ServerState),
+        End(End),
+    }
     async fn ping_server(
         counter: Arc<AtomicU8>,
         rt: &'static Runtime,
@@ -941,20 +933,22 @@ mod tests {
         while let Some(envelope) = mailbox.recv().await {
-            let (msg, replier, from) = envelope.split();
+            let (msg, replier, _from) = envelope.split();
             match (state, msg) {
                 (PingServerState::Listening(listening_state), PingProtocolMsg::Ping(msg)) => {
-                    let envelope = Envelope::new(msg, replier, from);
-                    state = PingServerState::Returned(
-                        listening_state.handle_ping(envelope).await.unwrap(),
-                    );
+                    let (new_state, reply) = listening_state.handle_ping(msg).await.unwrap();
+                    state = PingServerState::End(new_state);
+                    if let Err(_) = replier.unwrap().send(PingProtocolMsg::PingReply(reply)) {
+                        panic!("Failed to send Ping reply.");
+                    }
-                _ => {
-                    log::error!("Ping protocol violation.");
-                    break;
+                (_prev_state, _) => {
+                    panic!("Ping protocol violation.");
+                    // A real implementation should assign the previous state and log the error.
+                    // state = prev_state;
-            if let PingServerState::Returned(_) = state {
+            if let PingServerState::End(_) = state {
@@ -965,30 +959,20 @@ mod tests {
         counter: Arc<AtomicU8>,
         server_name: ActorName,
         rt: &'static Runtime,
-        mut mailbox: mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<PingProtocolMsg>>,
+        _mailbox: mpsc::Receiver<Envelope<PingProtocolMsg>>,
         act_id: Uuid,
     ) {
-        let mut state = {
-            let init = ClientInitState { server_name };
-            let state = init.handle_activate(Activate { rt, act_id }).await.unwrap();
-            PingClientState::SentPing(state)
-        };
-        while let Some(envelope) = mailbox.recv().await {
-            let (msg, replier, from) = envelope.split();
-            match (state, msg) {
-                (PingClientState::SentPing(curr_state), PingProtocolMsg::Pong(msg)) => {
-                    let envelope = Envelope::new(msg, replier, from);
-                    state =
-                        PingClientState::Returned(curr_state.handle_pong(envelope).await.unwrap());
-                }
-                _ => {
-                    log::error!("Ping protocol violation.");
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if let PingClientState::Returned(_) = state {
-                break;
-            }
+        let init = ClientInitState;
+        let (state, msg) = init.handle_activate(Activate { rt, act_id }).await.unwrap();
+        let from = rt.actor_name(act_id);
+        let reply = rt
+            .call(server_name, from, PingProtocolMsg::Ping(msg))
+            .await
+            .unwrap();
+        if let PingProtocolMsg::PingReply(msg) = reply {
+            state.handle_reply(msg).await.unwrap();
+        } else {
+            panic!("Incorrect message type sent in reply to Ping.");
         counter.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
@@ -1017,10 +1001,29 @@ mod tests {
             while counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0 && Instant::now() < deadline {
+            // Check that both tasks finished successfully and we didn't just timeout.
+            assert_eq!(0, counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
             // TODO: Should actor which return be removed from the runtime automatically?
+    // Here's another protocol example. This is the Customer and Travel Agency protocol used as an
+    // example in the survey paper "Behavioral Types in Programming Languages."
+    //
+    // protocol! {
+    //     CustomerInit?Activate -> Choosing
+    //     AgencyInit?Activate -> Listening
+    //     Choosing?Choice -> Choosing, Listening!Query|Accept|Reject
+    //     Listening?Query -> Listening, Choosing!Query::Reply
+    //     Choosing?Query::Reply -> Choosing
+    //     Listening?Accept -> End, Choosing!Accept::Reply
+    //     Choosing?Accept::Reply -> End
+    //     Listening?Reject -> End, Choosing!Reject:Reply
+    //     Choosing?Reject::Reply -> End
+    // }
+    //
+    // The Choice message is from the runtime itself. It represents receiving input from a user.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
 //! This crate contains the implementation of the secure message transport `bttp`.
 //! A `bttp` server is implemented by [Receiver] and a client by [Transmitter].