@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ pub struct Node {
impl Node {
pub fn new() -> Result<Node, std::io::Error> {
- let mut child = Command::new("blocktree-node")
+ let mut child = Command::new("btnode")
@@ -82,27 +82,32 @@ impl Drop for Node {
mod test {
use super::*;
use ctor::ctor;
- use env_logger;
+ use log::info;
- fn setup_logging() {
- env_logger::init();
- }
- #[test]
- fn node_new() {
- Node::new().unwrap();
+ fn test_init() {
+ use env_logger::{self, Env};
+ env_logger::init_from_env(Env::default().default_filter_or("debug"));
+ info!("Using cargo to install btnode...");
+ let success = Command::new("cargo")
+ .args(["install", "--path", "../btnode"])
+ .status()
+ .expect("failed to invoke cargo")
+ .success();
+ assert!(success, "failed to build btnode");
fn message_echo() {
let mut node = Node::new().unwrap();
- let payload = "Howdy".to_string();
- node.send(&Message::Echo(payload.clone())).unwrap();
- let reply = node.receive(Duration::from_millis(100)).unwrap();
- let reply_payload = match reply {
- Message::Echo(payload) => Some(payload),
- };
- assert_eq!(Some(payload), reply_payload);
+ for k in 0..7 {
+ let expected = format!("Rep number {}", k);
+ node.send(&Message::Echo(expected.clone())).unwrap();
+ let reply = node.receive(Duration::from_millis(100)).unwrap();
+ let reply_payload = match reply {
+ Message::Echo(actual) => actual,
+ };
+ assert_eq!(expected, reply_payload.as_str());
+ }