@@ -23,8 +23,47 @@ pub(crate) struct ProtocolModel {
impl ProtocolModel {
pub(crate) fn new(def: Protocol) -> syn::Result<Self> {
- let actor_lookup = ActorLookup::new(def.actor_defs.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref()));
- let msg_lookup = MsgLookup::new(def.transitions.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref()));
+ let get_transitions = || def.transitions.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref());
+ let actor_lookup =
+ ActorLookup::new(def.actor_defs.iter().map(|x| x.as_ref()), get_transitions())?;
+ let mut is_client = HashMap::<Rc<Ident>, bool>::new();
+ // First mark all actors as not clients.
+ for actor_def in def.actor_defs.iter() {
+ is_client.insert(actor_def.actor.clone(), false);
+ }
+ // For every actor which is not spawned by another actor, mark it as a client if its
+ // initial state receives no messages, then mark all of the actors it spawns as clients.
+ for actor_def in def.actor_defs.iter() {
+ if !actor_lookup.parents(actor_def.actor.as_ref()).is_empty() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let init_state = actor_def.states.as_ref().first().unwrap();
+ let init_state_receives_no_msgs = def
+ .transitions
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|transition| {
+ transition.in_state.state_trait.as_ref() == init_state.as_ref()
+ })
+ .all(|transition| transition.in_msg().is_none());
+ if init_state_receives_no_msgs {
+ mark_all_progeny(&actor_lookup, &mut is_client, actor_def.actor.as_ref());
+ }
+ }
+ fn mark_all_progeny(
+ actor_lookup: &ActorLookup,
+ is_client: &mut HashMap<Rc<Ident>, bool>,
+ actor_name: &Ident,
+ ) {
+ *is_client.get_mut(actor_name).unwrap() = true;
+ let children = actor_lookup.children(actor_name);
+ for child in children {
+ *is_client.get_mut(child).unwrap() = true;
+ mark_all_progeny(actor_lookup, is_client, child.as_ref());
+ }
+ }
+ let msg_lookup = MsgLookup::new(get_transitions());
let mut actors = HashMap::new();
for actor_def in def.actor_defs.iter() {
let actor_name = &actor_def.actor;
@@ -39,7 +78,12 @@ impl ProtocolModel {
(state_name.clone(), transitions)
- let actor = ActorModel::new(actor_def.clone(), &msg_lookup, transitions_by_state)?;
+ let actor = ActorModel::new(
+ actor_def.clone(),
+ &msg_lookup,
+ *is_client.get(&actor_def.actor).unwrap(),
+ transitions_by_state,
+ )?;
actors.insert(actor_name.clone(), actor);
Ok(Self {
@@ -81,12 +125,22 @@ impl ProtocolModel {
pub(crate) struct ActorModel {
def: Rc<ActorDef>,
+ /// Indicates if this actor is a client.
+ ///
+ /// A client is an actor which is not spawned by another actor (i.e. has no parents) and
+ /// whose initial state has no transition which receives a message, or which is spawned by a
+ /// client.
is_client: bool,
states: HashMap<Rc<Ident>, StateModel>,
impl ActorModel {
- fn new<S, T>(def: Rc<ActorDef>, messages: &MsgLookup, state_iter: S) -> syn::Result<Self>
+ fn new<S, T>(
+ def: Rc<ActorDef>,
+ messages: &MsgLookup,
+ is_client: bool,
+ state_iter: S,
+ ) -> syn::Result<Self>
S: IntoIterator<Item = (Rc<Ident>, T)>,
T: IntoIterator<Item = Rc<Transition>>,
@@ -95,10 +149,6 @@ impl ActorModel {
.map(|(name, transitions)| (name, transitions.into_iter().collect()))
- let is_client = transitions
- .values()
- .flatten()
- .any(|transition| transition.is_client());
let mut states = HashMap::new();
for (name, transitions) in transitions.into_iter() {
let state = StateModel::new(name.clone(), messages, transitions, is_client)?;
@@ -209,18 +259,24 @@ impl MethodModel {
- format_ident!("send_{msg_names}")
+ format_ident!("on_send_{msg_names}")
fn new_inputs(def: &Transition, messages: &MsgLookup, part_of_client: bool) -> Vec<InputModel> {
let mut inputs = Vec::new();
+ let arg_kind = if def.is_client() {
+ InputKind::ByMutRef
+ } else {
+ InputKind::ByValue
+ };
if let Some(in_msg) = def.in_msg() {
let msg_info = messages.lookup(in_msg);
+ arg_kind,
if part_of_client {
@@ -229,6 +285,7 @@ impl MethodModel {
+ arg_kind,
@@ -290,16 +347,30 @@ impl GetSpan for MethodModel {
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug))]
+enum InputKind {
+ ByValue,
+ ByMutRef,
+impl Copy for InputKind {}
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Debug))]
pub(crate) struct InputModel {
name: Ident,
arg_type: Rc<TokenStream>,
+ arg_kind: InputKind,
impl InputModel {
- fn new(type_name: Rc<Ident>, arg_type: Rc<TokenStream>) -> Self {
+ fn new(type_name: Rc<Ident>, arg_type: Rc<TokenStream>, arg_kind: InputKind) -> Self {
let name = format_ident!("{}_arg", type_name.to_string().pascal_to_snake());
- Self { name, arg_type }
+ Self {
+ name,
+ arg_type,
+ arg_kind,
+ }
@@ -307,7 +378,11 @@ impl ToTokens for InputModel {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
let name = &self.name;
let arg_type = self.arg_type.as_ref();
- tokens.extend(quote! { #name : #arg_type })
+ let modifier = match self.arg_kind {
+ InputKind::ByValue => quote! {},
+ InputKind::ByMutRef => quote! { &mut },
+ };
+ tokens.extend(quote! { #name : #modifier #arg_type })
@@ -385,30 +460,94 @@ pub(crate) enum OutputKind {
+/// A type used to query information about actors, states, and their relationships.
pub(crate) struct ActorLookup {
+ /// A map from an actor name to the set of states which are part of that actor.
actor_states: HashMap<Rc<Ident>, HashSet<Rc<Ident>>>,
+ #[allow(dead_code)]
+ /// A map from a state name to the actor name which that state is a part of.
+ actors_by_state: HashMap<Rc<Ident>, Rc<Ident>>,
+ /// A map from an actor name to the set of actor names which spawn it.
+ parents: HashMap<Rc<Ident>, HashSet<Rc<Ident>>>,
+ /// A map from an actor name to the set of actors names which it spawns.
+ children: HashMap<Rc<Ident>, HashSet<Rc<Ident>>>,
impl ActorLookup {
- fn new<'a>(actor_defs: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a ActorDef>) -> Self {
+ fn new<'a, A, T>(actor_defs: A, transitions: T) -> syn::Result<Self>
+ where
+ A: IntoIterator<Item = &'a ActorDef>,
+ T: IntoIterator<Item = &'a Transition>,
+ {
let mut actor_states = HashMap::new();
- for actor_def in actor_defs.into_iter() {
+ let mut actors_by_state = HashMap::new();
+ let mut parents = HashMap::new();
+ let mut children = HashMap::new();
+ for actor_def in actor_defs {
let mut states = HashSet::new();
for state in actor_def.states.as_ref().iter() {
+ actors_by_state.insert(state.clone(), actor_def.actor.clone());
+ }
+ let actor_name = &actor_def.actor;
+ actor_states.insert(actor_name.clone(), states);
+ parents.insert(actor_name.clone(), HashSet::new());
+ children.insert(actor_name.clone(), HashSet::new());
+ }
+ for transition in transitions {
+ let in_state = transition.in_state.state_trait.as_ref();
+ let parent = actors_by_state
+ .get(in_state)
+ .ok_or_else(|| syn::Error::new(in_state.span(), error::msgs::UNDECLARED_STATE))?;
+ // The first output state is skipped because the current actor is transitioning to it,
+ // its not creating a new actor.
+ for out_state in transition.out_states.as_ref().iter().skip(1) {
+ let out_state = out_state.state_trait.as_ref();
+ let child = actors_by_state.get(out_state).ok_or_else(|| {
+ syn::Error::new(out_state.span(), error::msgs::UNDECLARED_STATE)
+ })?;
+ parents
+ .entry(child.clone())
+ .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
+ .insert(parent.clone());
+ children
+ .entry(parent.clone())
+ .or_insert_with(HashSet::new)
+ .insert(child.clone());
- actor_states.insert(actor_def.actor.clone(), states);
- Self { actor_states }
+ Ok(Self {
+ actor_states,
+ actors_by_state,
+ parents,
+ children,
+ })
+ const UNKNOWN_ACTOR_ERR: &str =
+ "Unknown actor. This indicates there is a bug in the btproto crate.";
/// Returns the set of states associated with the given actor.
/// This method **panics** if you call it with a non-existent actor name.
pub(crate) fn actor_states(&self, actor_name: &Ident) -> &HashSet<Rc<Ident>> {
- self.actor_states.get(actor_name).unwrap_or_else(|| {
- panic!("Unknown actor. This indicates there is a bug in the btproto crate.")
- })
+ self.actor_states
+ .get(actor_name)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("actor_states: {}", Self::UNKNOWN_ACTOR_ERR))
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn parents(&self, actor_name: &Ident) -> &HashSet<Rc<Ident>> {
+ self.parents
+ .get(actor_name)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("parents: {}", Self::UNKNOWN_ACTOR_ERR))
+ }
+ pub(crate) fn children(&self, actor_name: &Ident) -> &HashSet<Rc<Ident>> {
+ self.children
+ .get(actor_name)
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("children: {}", Self::UNKNOWN_ACTOR_ERR))
@@ -767,4 +906,103 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(1, outputs.iter().filter(|is_reply| **is_reply).count());
assert_eq!(1, outputs.iter().filter(|is_reply| !*is_reply).count());
+ fn simple_client_server_proto() -> Protocol {
+ Protocol::new(
+ NameDef::new("IsClientTest"),
+ [
+ ActorDef::new("server", ["Server"]),
+ ActorDef::new("client", ["Client"]),
+ ],
+ [
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Client", []),
+ None,
+ [State::new("End", [])],
+ [Dest::new(
+ DestinationState::Service(State::new("Server", [])),
+ Message::new("Msg", false, []),
+ )],
+ ),
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Server", []),
+ Some(Message::new("Msg", false, [])),
+ [State::new("End", [])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn is_client_false_for_server() {
+ let input = simple_client_server_proto();
+ let actual = ProtocolModel::new(input).unwrap();
+ let server = actual.actors.get(&format_ident!("server")).unwrap();
+ assert!(!server.is_client());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn is_client_true_for_client() {
+ let input = simple_client_server_proto();
+ let actual = ProtocolModel::new(input).unwrap();
+ let client = actual.actors.get(&format_ident!("client")).unwrap();
+ assert!(client.is_client());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn is_client_false_for_worker() {
+ let input = Protocol::new(
+ NameDef::new("IsClientTest"),
+ [
+ ActorDef::new("server", ["Listening"]),
+ ActorDef::new("worker", ["Working"]),
+ ActorDef::new("client", ["Unregistered", "Registered"]),
+ ],
+ [
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Unregistered", []),
+ None,
+ [State::new("Registered", [])],
+ [Dest::new(
+ DestinationState::Service(State::new("Listening", [])),
+ Message::new("Register", false, ["Registered"]),
+ )],
+ ),
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Listening", []),
+ Some(Message::new("Register", false, ["Registered"])),
+ [
+ State::new("Listening", []),
+ State::new("Working", ["Registered"]),
+ ],
+ [],
+ ),
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Working", ["Registered"]),
+ None,
+ [State::new("End", [])],
+ [Dest::new(
+ DestinationState::Individual(State::new("Registered", [])),
+ Message::new("Completed", false, []),
+ )],
+ ),
+ Transition::new(
+ State::new("Registered", []),
+ Some(Message::new("Completed", false, [])),
+ [State::new("End", [])],
+ [],
+ ),
+ ],
+ );
+ let actual = ProtocolModel::new(input).unwrap();
+ let worker = actual.actors.get(&format_ident!("worker")).unwrap();
+ assert!(!worker.is_client());
+ }