@@ -1042,11 +1042,14 @@ impl HasResponseCode for TSS2_RC {
mod test {
use super::*;
+ use nix::{
+ unistd::Pid,
+ sys::signal::{self, Signal}
+ };
use tempdir::TempDir;
use std::{
- Child,
@@ -1062,7 +1065,7 @@ mod test {
- }
+ }, tcti_ldr::NetworkTPMConfig
use ctor::ctor;
@@ -1081,13 +1084,14 @@ mod test {
struct SwtpmHarness {
dir: TempDir,
- swtpm: Child,
- abrmd: Child,
- bus_name: String,
+ port: u16,
state_path: PathBuf,
+ pid_path: PathBuf,
impl SwtpmHarness {
+ const HOST: &'static str = "";
fn new() -> Result<SwtpmHarness> {
static PORT: AtomicU16 = AtomicU16::new(21901);
let port = PORT.fetch_add(2, Ordering::SeqCst);
@@ -1095,10 +1099,10 @@ mod test {
let dir = TempDir::new(format!("btnode.{port}").as_str())?;
let dir_path = dir.path();
let dir_path_display = dir_path.display();
- let bus_name = format!("btnode.port{port}");
let conf_path = dir_path.join("swtpm_setup.conf");
let state_path = dir_path.join("state.bt");
- let addr = "";
+ let pid_path = dir_path.join("swtpm.pid");
+ let addr = Self::HOST;
r#"# Program invoked for creating certificates
create_certs_tool= /usr/bin/swtpm_localca
@@ -1114,35 +1118,27 @@ active_pcr_banks = sha256
- let swtpm = Command::new("swtpm")
+ Command::new("swtpm")
+ "--daemon",
"--server", format!("type=tcp,port={port},bindaddr={addr}").as_str(),
"--ctrl", format!("type=tcp,port={ctrl_port},bindaddr={addr}").as_str(),
"--log", format!("file={dir_path_display}/log.txt,level=5").as_str(),
"--flags", "not-need-init,startup-clear",
"--tpmstate", format!("dir={dir_path_display}").as_str(),
+ "--pid", format!("file={}", pid_path.display()).as_str(),
- .spawn()?;
- let abrmd = Command::new("tpm2-abrmd")
- .args([
- "--session",
- format!("--dbus-name={bus_name}").as_str(),
- format!("--tcti=swtpm:host={addr},port={port}").as_str(),
- ])
- .spawn()?;
- // TODO: This wait is flakey and system-specific. I need to find a DBus library I can
- // use to check when tpm2-abrmd has finished starting up and is accepting bus
- // connections.
- std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50));
- Ok(SwtpmHarness { dir, swtpm, abrmd, bus_name, state_path })
+ .status()?
+ .success_or_err()?;
+ Ok(SwtpmHarness { dir, port, state_path, pid_path, })
fn context(&self) -> Result<Context> {
- let config_string = format!("bus_type=session,bus_name={}", self.bus_name);
- let config = TabrmdConfig::from_str(config_string.as_str())?;
- Ok(Context::new(TctiNameConf::Tabrmd(config))?)
+ let config_string = format!("host={},port={}", Self::HOST, self.port);
+ let config = NetworkTPMConfig::from_str(config_string.as_str())?;
+ Ok(Context::new(TctiNameConf::Swtpm(config))?)
fn state_path(&self) -> &Path {
@@ -1152,15 +1148,10 @@ active_pcr_banks = sha256
impl Drop for SwtpmHarness {
fn drop(&mut self) {
- if let Err(error) = self.abrmd.kill() {
- error!("failed to kill tpm2-abrmd process with PID {}: {}", self.abrmd.id(), error);
- }
- if let Err(error) = self.abrmd.wait() {
- error!("failed to wait for abrmd with PID {} to halt: {}", self.abrmd.id(), error);
- }
- if let Err(error) = self.swtpm.kill() {
- error!("failed to kill swtpm process with PID {}: {}", self.swtpm.id(), error);
- }
+ let pid_str = std::fs::read_to_string(&self.pid_path).unwrap();
+ let pid_int = pid_str.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
+ let pid = Pid::from_raw(pid_int);
+ signal::kill(pid, Signal::SIGKILL).unwrap();